Eaton Bank School


Dear Parents,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all parents of new students at Eaton Bank School. In this handbook we aim to provide parents with essential information. We hope it will be useful to you.

Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. This booklet is only one stage in establishing that contact. We hope you will extend your knowledge through visits to the school and discussions with the staff. It is important that we should be confident in our shared responsibility because children are most successful when parents and school staff co-operate closely.

If at anytime you require clarification on any aspect of school procedure or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs A Webb


Parent Handbook 2010 - 2011


Eaton Bank School Parent Handbook 2010/11



Eaton Bank School Parent Handbook 2010/11


Eaton Bank School Parent Handbook 2010/11

Our Aims

Location & Development

·  Specialist School Status

Our Curriculum

·  The Curriculum in the Lower School (Years 7 to 9)

·  Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

·  The Curriculum in the Upper School (Years 10 and 11)

·  The Sixth Form Centre Curriculum

·  Learning Support

·  R.E. and Assemblies

·  Health and Sex Education

·  Work Related Learning and Enterprise Education

·  The Learning Resource Centre

Student Welfare

·  Student Services

·  Our Tutorial System

·  Student Records

·  Confidential Information

·  Illness or Accidents in School

·  Medication

·  Education Welfare

Student Involvement

·  Extra-curricular Opportunities

·  Student Council

·  Rewards

·  Behaviour

·  Homework and Student Planners

·  Reporting Student Progress

·  Eaton Bank News Publication: ‘Online’

Parent Involvement

·  Home / School Agreement

·  School Improvement Surveys

Electronic Home / School Communication

§  Email

§  Website/VLE

Aspects Of School Routine

·  Timing of the School Day

·  Attendance and Punctuality

·  Equipment

·  Personal Possessions / Mobile Phones

·  Lunchtime Arrangements

·  School Holiday Dates

Our Uniform

·  School Uniform for Years 7 to 11

·  Physical Education

Money Matters

·  Insurance

·  Charging

·  School Lunches and Free Meals

·  Making Payments to School

·  Contributing to the School Charity

·  Damage to School Property

Admission Arrangements

·  Transfer from Primary School

·  Application Procedure for the Sixth Form Centre

Policy & Procedure

·  Data Protection

·  Anti-Bullying Policy

·  Equality Scheme

·  Child Protection/Safeguarding

·  Photographs

Eaton Bank School Staff

School Governors

Our Aims

At Eaton Bank School we are working to ensure that each child is able to maximise their potential within a supportive and caring environment.

We have three distinct aims which focus on the school’s core values and principles and these form the ‘framework’ of our School Improvement Plan.

We work with parents to meet the following objectives:-

1.  To facilitate outstanding teaching and learning so that each student is provided with a curriculum that fully prepares them for the world in the 21st century. Our curriculum aims to produce successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.

2.  To maximise the potential of all students by having the highest of expectations of their achievement. We also aim to support students in developing their personal learning and thinking skills so that they can lead safe and healthy lives and make a positive contribution to their community.

3.  To continue to promote and improve further the positive ethos at Eaton Bank School and ensure that the Every Child Matters agenda is central to all that we do.

Location & Development

Eaton Bank School is situated to the east of Congleton in south-east Cheshire, close to the border with Staffordshire. It stands on a self-contained site. The school benefits from superb teaching facilities including a teaching block containing a Learning Resource Centre, I.C.T. area, Science laboratories and classrooms. We have a Sports Hall, independent Music block with recording suite, Drama / Dance areas and Art, Technology and Information & Communication Technology teaching areas. Our Community Learning Centre provides additional teaching facilities, conference facilities and an I.C.T. suite.

Specialist School Status

Eaton Bank School has Specialist School status in Mathematics and Computing.

We have also achieved the prestigious Arts Mark Gold, and Sport Awards.

We are very proud of these awards which show the wealth of expertise and opportunity across the full range of the curriculum.

Our Curriculum

The curriculum contains all the learning experiences of students in the school. Traditionally, we identify the subject areas as the core of the curriculum, but the tutorial programme, extra curricular activities and careers experiences all enrich the opportunities that our students receive. Citizenship is taught both through the pastoral curriculum and across subjects.

We maintain the basic philosophy of comprehensive education: to encourage all students to experience and succeed in all aspects of the curriculum. The curriculum of our school:

·  is open to all students

·  offers opportunity for the highest academic achievement

·  is broadly based and offers personal development in communication, skill, knowledge, expression and feeling

·  develops students’ flexibility and an independent learning style.

·  makes use of new technology as a tool to enhance the quality of learning

The Curriculum in the Lower School: Years 7, 8 and 9

The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for your child. Not only is the curriculum more extensive but also subjects are studied in depth. The subjects lay the strongest foundation for developing specialised study in the upper school.

Year 7 students will study French and in Year 8 and 9 will have the opportunity to study Spanish and German.

Opening Minds is a course which encourages students to develop personal and academic skills and competences which will make them successful in adult life. It does not focus on subject specific content but on the following skills:


Learning to Learn

Managing information

Managing people

Managing situations

The curriculum, at Key Stage 3, is shown here [numbers indicate periods taught per fortnight]:

Subject / Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9
English / 6 / 7 / 7
Maths / 7 / 7 / 7
Science / 7 / 7 / 7
ICT / 2 / 2 / 3
PE / 5 / 5 / 5
MFL / 6 / 7 / 7
DT / 6 / 6 / 6
History / 3 / 3 / 4
Geography / 3 / 4 / 3
RE / 2 / 2 / 3
Art / 2 / 3 / 3
Music / 3 / 2 / 2
Drama / 2 / 2 / 2
Dance / 1 / 1 / 1
Opening Minds / 5 / 2 / 0
Total / 60 / 60 / 60

Students in Maths, English and Science will begin their Key Stage 4 courses during Year 9.

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

The new secondary curriculum has a greater emphasis on encouraging students to develop their personal learning and thinking skills in order that they are fully prepared for our ever changing world. We will be providing those opportunities throughout your child’s time at Eaton Bank School. As well as being provided opportunities for skill development within different subject areas students in Year 7 will also have the opportunity to study collaborative projects across curriculum areas. Alongside this we are introducing more ‘deep learning days’ where students will be able to develop a greater insight and a richer learning experience. At the same time we shall be continuing with our Opening Minds Curriculum in Years 7 and 8.

The Curriculum in the Upper School: Years 10 and 11

The exact combination of subjects studied in Years 10 and 11 will depend on the options choices that each student makes in Year 9. In addition to the compulsory subjects, students will be able to select courses from within a broad range. These include:

Art & Design
Art Textiles
Business Communications
Business Studies
CiDA -Certificate in Digital Applications
D & T - Catering
D & T – Graphic Products
D & T – Product Design
D & T - Resistant Materials
Diploma - Engineering*
Diploma - Land-based Studies**
Diploma - Society, Health and Development*
Information Technology
Media Studies
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Salon Services – Hair & Beauty*
*Taught in collaboration with the Macclesfield Consortium
**Taught in collaboration with Reaseheath

Students are guided in their choice of subjects to ensure that there is the flexibility to pursue particular subjects where they have a specific interest. In short, as well as breadth, we encourage our students to pursue a balanced range of subjects. In some cases students are able to access qualifications such as BTECs as well as GCSEs. This allows programmes to be personalised to better meet students’ learning needs. During the spring term, Year 9 students are provided with details of course options that will be available in Years 10 and 11. Both parents and students will be invited to an ‘Options Evening’ during the spring term where Heads of Departments are available for consultation.

The Sixth Form Centre

Our Sixth Form Centre caters for a large number of students. Demand for places is very high and students join us from outside the immediate area. Our market research shows that students chose our Sixth Form Centre for the unique combinations of post 16 courses that are available, coupled with high regard for the quality of teaching staff and support given to students. We see education at Eaton Bank School as a seven year programme and a large majority of students stay on into the 6th Form. The following courses are normally available:

Art & Design
Art Textiles
Business Studies
Drama & Theatre Studies
English Language
English Literature
Further Mathematics
General Studies
Government & Politics
Health and Social Care
Information Technology
Media Studies
Music Technology
National Certificate in Sport Philosophy & Ethics of Religion
Product Design
Travel and Tourism

Information about the Sixth Form Centre: course details, enrolment arrangements, etc. are available from either Mrs S Bennett or Mr K Tideswell (Co-Directors of Sixth Form). All students will be provided with a Sixth Form Centre Student Guide before they begin their courses. Each year a prospectus is produced containing full details of the courses available.

Learning Support

The progress of all our students is monitored regularly. Mrs M Harrison, our SENCO and her team of teaching assistants provide support for students with learning difficulties and offer an extension programme to very able students. Where possible, in the Lower School, Learning Support is provided during lessons for students experiencing difficulty. Very able students are offered a programme of curriculum extension as well as on-going activities that take place each half term, after school and at weekends. This is coordinated by Mrs C Evans.

Statemented students are given additional support in lessons by our own experienced and specialist staff.

Religious Education and Assemblies

In accordance with the Education Act, regular assemblies and Religious Education are provided for all students. This is non-denominational and non-evangelical, seeking to provide a factual background for Christian understanding and an appreciation of other faiths. We encourage discussion as well as respect for others’ views. We often use Art, Music, Literature, Science, Humanities, Dance and Drama as vehicles to express moral and spiritual values.

The Education Act allows for the possibility of withdrawing children from religious education and worship. Any parents with worries on this matter should contact the Headteacher.

Health and Sex Education

At Eaton Bank School we believe in the importance of young people understanding the measure of control they have over health related behaviour and sexual relations. This is a crucial part of preparing them for their lives now and in the future. Sex education is taught within Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education and Lower School Science. We emphasise the importance of a sense of responsibility towards the individual and others in sexual relationships.

Work Related Learning and Enterprise Education

We believe in the need to provide students with the skills, knowledge and information to enable them to make considered educational and career decisions which are consistent with their abilities and needs. Careers education features within the Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education programme. Mr. Turner with responsibility for Work Related Learning, Careers and Enterprise Education, works closely with staff from the ‘Connexions’ service. All students in Year 10 take part in a work placement programme as part of their careers experience.

Learning Resource Centre

The Learning Resource Centre is open for students throughout the day including lunch times and after school. The Learning Resource Centre combines a range of learning resources including: computers with internet access and a wide range of multi-media software, T.V and video units with head phones, tapes, books and periodicals.

Student Welfare

Student Services

To enable us to maintain our child centred approach we have a team of staff based in Student Services whose job it is to cater for the day to day needs of our students.

This includes a Key Stage Intervention Manager for each of the key stages. They will be working with the relevant Heads of House in helping your child reach their full potential in school.

Our Tutorial System

We moved to a House system in September 2008, creating family groups of Years 7 to 13. Your child will be placed in one of the four Houses providing the opportunity to meet together for a number of different activities that will foster positive relationships across year groups and the capacity for healthy competition.

The Houses are:

Osprey – Red

Falcon – Green

Hawk – Blue

Eagle – Yellow

Students identify with their Houses by wearing a pin badge on their blazers of the appropriate colour.

The system moved naturally to include vertical tutor groups with students from Years 7 to 11 allowing further development of the positive aspects that the House system brings. There are 8 forms within each House and your child will join one of these family groups when they come to Eaton Bank.