5-7 MAY, ACC, Liverpool

Bursaries are available to support up to 20 postgraduate students to attend the Annual Conference. Each bursary consists of up to £149 to contribute towards the costs of the recipient to attend the full conference (excluding accommodation).

Bursaries must be applied for by postgraduate students on the appropriate form. They will be awarded providing the following conditions are met:

1 The postgraduate student must be a member of the British Psychological Society.

2 The postgraduate student has had a paper or poster (either sole or multiple author) accepted as part of the programme for the BPS Annual Conference.

3 That the postgraduate student is meeting the travel/accommodation costs of attending the Conference themselves.

4 The postgraduate student has booked for and intends to attend all or most of the Conference, not just the presentation in which he or she is personally involved.

5 That the bona fides of the applicant are endorsed by a supervisor or Head of Department of the United Kingdom university at which the student is registered for a research degree.

6 That the applicant is willing to write a review on an aspect of the conference, as specified by the Standing Conference Committee




I, (name in full ...... (membership number)………………….. (email)...... wish to apply for a Bursary to attend the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 5-7 May 2015 in Liverpool.

and I confirm the following, that:

1 I am a postgraduate student who has had the following paper/poster accepted for presentation at the above Conference:


2 I am paying to attend the Conference mainly (or entirely) from my own pocket, apart from the following small subsidy of:

£...... ……….….. from.....…………………………………...…......

3 I intend to attend all or most of the Conference and not only the presentation with which I am personally involved.

Signature: Date:

Please ask your Supervisor or Head of Department to endorse this application by countersigning this form which should then be returned to the Conference and Events Manager at the Society head office.

I confirm that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information disclosed by the above applicant for a Postgraduate Conference Bursary is true and correct

Signature of Supervisor or Head of Department:

Date: University:

Bursaries are available only to students registered for research degrees at universities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland

St Andrews House, 48, Princess Road East, Leicester LE1 7DR

Tel: 0116 252 9555 Fax: 0116 290 1886 e-mail: