Richland Lutheran Church
Congregation Council Meeting Minutes
April 8, 2014
Members Present: Ben Barr, Pastor Steve Ernst, Norm Gillette, Sarah Hagensen, Dave Larkin, Don Schmid,Sandy Steele,Rich Olsen and Joel Sorensen
Members Absent: Mike Strasburg
Guests: Pastor Corey Smith and Debbie Stankovich
The Regular Meeting of the Congregation Council began at 7:00 p.m. on April 8, 2014with President Dave Larkin, Chair, and Joel Sorensen, Secretary.
Rich Olsen led the opening devotion and prayer.
Lead Pastor’s Report- Pastor Steve Ernst
- One baptism, Liliana Frislie, no memorials or weddings.
- 2014 average attendance figures (2013 in parentheses): March – 339 (354); year-to-date - 354 (348).
- He is working with Mike Strasburg to revampthe benevolence policy section on emergency assistance.
- The Journey with Christ weekends were very successful and that Richland Lutheran Church is planning to have them back in the near future.
- Heshared a First Quarter 2014 Church Staff Annual Plan Update.
- Joseph Farrar will assume his duties as Director of Music and Worship on May1, 2014.
Associate Pastor’s Report -Pastor Corey Smith
- The first Daniel Plan program session has closed with over 50 participants. A new group will begin in September.
- The Annual Beach Trip fund raiser dinner was held.
- A Confirmation lock-in for middle school youth was held.
Director of Administration’sReport -Debbie Stankovich
- She has been working with Joseph Farrar on his relocation and transition issues. Worship management accounts have been established for him at his request and his email account has been established (to be published when he arrives).
- The contract has been completed for Everstar to manage the property at 1515 Kimball. The property at 1517 Kimball is currently vacant and is being prepared for rental.
Financial Officer’s Report:-Rich Olsen
- The budgeted 2014year-to-date income of $194,880 and actual income of $169,382($25,498 under budget).
- Total budgeted year-to-date expenses of $206,408 with actual year-to-date expenses of $198,766 ($8,642 under budget).
- As of March 31, 2014, the Cornerstone Capital Fund balance was $28,022.20.
Council Presidents Review of First Quarter Activities: Dave Larkin summarized first quarter Council progress.
- Joseph Farrar hired to fill the Director of Music and Worship position.
- Council and Staff Covenant was completed and signed by Council members. Staff members will also sign the Covenant.
- Audio/visual, Jefferson tutoring and visitation ministries reviewed.
- 12 outdated policies were deleted and one was revise
- Developed a Compensation/Benefits Committee Charter.
- Appointed a new member to the Audit Committee.
Consent Agenda
- Approved the minutes of the Special Council Meeting of March 25, 2014.
- Approved the revised charter for the Facilities Building Committee.
- Approved the appointment of Jon Erlandson to a three-year term on the Financial Audit Committee.
Meeting Minutes -Approved the minutes of the regular Council Meeting of March 11, 2014, amended as follows: representing the salary offer to Joseph Farrar as Music and Worship Director in the minutes with asterisks in place of a dollars.
Mark Black Scholarship Award: Approved the recommendation by staff (Pastor Corey Smith) to award he Mark Black scholarship to Courtney Olsen.
Accompanist for Saturday Evening Services: Council approved the continued hiring of Teresa Zorichas an accompanist for the Saturday evening services at an estimated annualized cost of approximately $5,000.
Credit Card Application: Council approved the request by staff for an Officer of the Congregation to make application for a credit card (e.g., VISA or Mastercard) to make purchases on behalf of Richland Lutheran Church.
- The Council discussed a proposal to invite Jews for Jesus to make a presentation at Richland Lutheran Church. It was determined that such action would not be under the direct purview of the Council, but instead belongs would belong to the Worship Committee. /
- Jennie Page, Childrens’ Education Assistant, discussed various programs for children including, but not limited to,Childrens’ Church, Super Kids, Vacation Bible School, and Sunday School activities. She noted that there is always a need for more volunteer help.
The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer and was adjourned by President Dave Larkin at 8:45 p.m.
Joel Sorensen,
Approved May 13, 2014