NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract

Short Contract

A contract between / The Forestry Commissioners, acting in exercise of the powers contained in the Forestry Act 1967 and having a place of business at 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7AT ("the Commission")
and /
for / Slattadale Viewing Platform CECS 1430
Contract Forms
Contract Data / 2
The Contractor’s Offer / 4
The Employer’s Acceptance / 4
Price List / 5
Works Information / 6
Site Information / 11
Conditions of Contract / CC1 with amendments September 2011
Additional Conditions / Appendix 1

Contract Data

The Employer is


/ Forestry Commission
Address / Inverness, Ross and Skye Forest District
Address: Tower Road,
Telephone / 01463 791575 Fax 01463 793872
E-mail address /

The works are

/ Construction of a Viewing Platform and associated pathworks at Victoria Falls, near Loch Maree.
The site is / Insert location of Works or refer to map
The starting date is / Tuesday 5th May 2015
The completion date is / Tuesday 9th June 2015
The period for reply is / 1 / weeks.
The defects date is / 26 / weeks after Completion.
The defect correction period is / 4 / weeks.

The delay damages are

/ Not Used / per day.
The assessment day is the / 1st Monday / of each month.
The retention is / 5 / %.
Does the United Kingdom Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act (1996) apply? / Yes
The Adjudicator is as appointed by;


/ As nominated by the Institution for Civil Engineers
Address / One Great George Street, Westminster, London
Telephone / 020 7222 7722
E-mail address /
Contract Data
The interest rate on late payment is 0% per complete week of delay.
Insert a rate only if a rate less than 0.5% per week of delay has been agreed.
The Contractor is not liable to the Employer for loss of or damage to the Employer’s
property in excess of / £5 million (as per the third insurance cover required) for any one event.
The Employer provides this
insurance / N/A
The minimum amount of cover for the third insurance stated in the Insurance Table is / £5 million
The minimum amount of cover for the fourth insurance stated in the Insurance Table is / In accordance with any legal requirements for the time being in force.
The Adjudicator nominating body is / Institution for Civil Engineers
The tribunal is / Arbitration
If the tribunal is arbitration, the arbitration procedure is / ICE Arbitration Procedure updated 25th May 2012
The conditions of contract are the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (June 2005) with amendments September 2011 and the following additional conditions
Only enter details here if additional conditions are required.
The additional conditions instructed in “Appendix 1 - Additional Conditions” will apply.
Contract Data
The Contractor’s Offer
The Contractor is
Telephone / ………………………………. Fax ……………………………………
E-mail address
The percentage for overheads and profit added to the Defined Cost for people is %.
The percentage for overheads and profit added to other Defined Cost is %.
The Contractor offers to Provide the Works in accordance with the conditions of contract for an amount to be determined in accordance with the conditions of contract.
The offered total of the pricesis
Enter the total of the Prices from the Price List.
Signed on behalf of the Contractor
Signature / Date

The Employer’s Acceptance

The Employer accepts the Contractor’s Offer to Provide the Works
Signed on behalf of the Employer
Signature / Date

Contract Data

Price List
Entries in the first four columns in this Price List are made either by the Employer or the tenderer.
If the Contractor is to be paid an amount for the item which is not adjusted if the quantity of work in the item changes, the tenderer enters the amount in the Price column only; the Unit, Quantity and Rate columns being left blank.
If the Contractor is to be paid an amount for the item of work which is the rate for the work multiplied by the quantity completed, the tenderer enters the rate which is then multiplied by the expected quantity to produce the Price, which is also entered.
Item number / Description / Unit / QTY / Rate / Price
A1 / Preliminaries
Provision, maintenance and removal of site facilities (inc. pollution kit, welfare, accommodation & toilet, all signs and barriers). This must be on site prior to works commencing and compliant with CDM regulations. / Item / Sum
B1 / Excavation
Excavate for new mass concrete foundations to the satisfaction of the engineer. Suitable material to be retained as backfill, remainder may be spread at approved locations on site. / m3 / 1.2
C1 / Foundations
All shuttering, fixings spacers and associated items. / Item / Sum
C2 / Supply and fix all mesh as per drawing FCE/1430/11, schedule, and note 6 / Item / Sum
C3 / Supply and place concrete. / m3 / 1.2
D1 / Steel Base
Fabricate, galvanise and deliver to site all steelwork and fixings – contractor to allow sufficient fixings to assemble. / Item / Sum
D2 / Assemble steelwork and secure to foundations. / Item / Sum
E1 / Decking & Handrails
Supply all timber. / Item / Sum
E2 / Construct deck and handrails on steel base.
(Schedule is indicative – Contractor to allow sufficient to construct) / Item / Sum
F1 / Ramp
Supply all timber & fixings. / Item / Sum
F2 / Construct ramp.
(Schedule is indicative – Contractor to allow sufficient to construct) / Item / Sum
F3 / Profile ground levels to tie in to ramp. / Item / Sum
G1 / Path Retention
Construct retaining wall as detailed on sketch 1430/SK01 / m / 6
The total of the Prices

Contract Data

Works Information

The Works Information should be a complete and precise statement of the Employer’s requirements. If it is incomplete or imprecise there is a risk that the Contractor will interpret it differently from the Employer’s intention. Information provided by the Contractor should be listed in the Works Information only if the Employer is satisfied that it is required, is part of a complete statement of the Employer’s requirements and is consistent with the other parts of the Works Information.
1 Description of the works
Give a detailed description of what the Contractor is required to do and of any work the Contractor is to design.
We require a new viewing platform to be built at NG 894 711, overlooking Victoria Falls adjacent to Loch Maree in Slattadale Forest. The viewing platform is located along an existing forest path approximately 300m from the main road A832.
Also required is a retaining structure to retain a section of path on the route from the viewing platform up to the waterfall.
All excavated material is to be set aside at an agreed location in the vicinity of the site, and dressed off afterwards. All materials & fixings will be supplied by the contractor based on the drawings supplied by the Forestry Commission. The contractor is responsible for satisfying themselves that all materials and fixings to construct the viewing platform have been detailed in the drawings.
On completion, the contractor is to give sufficient notice to allow the engineer to inspect and approve the works before leaving site.
2 Drawings
List the drawings that apply to this contract.
Drawing number / Revision / Title
CECS/1430/10 / General Layout & Details
CECS/1430/11 / Foundation & Ramp Details
CECS/1430/20 to 46 / Steelwork Component Details
CECS/1430/SK01 / Retaining Wall Detail
1430 Map 1 / Location Plan
1430 Map 2 / Site Plan

Contract Data

Works Information

3 Specifications
List the specifications which apply to this contract.
Title / Date or revision / Tick if publicly available
Appendix 2 – Pricing Instructions / ……………………….. / ………………………………
Appendix 5 Pre-construction information / ……………………….. / ………………………………
Forest and Water Guidelines / ……………………….. / From FC
Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011 / 2011 / SEPA
…………………………………………… / ……………………….. / ………………………………
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…………………………………………… / ……………………….. / ………………………………
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…………………………………………… / ……………………….. / ………………………………
…………………………………………… / ……………………….. / ………………………………
4 Constraints on how the Contractor Provides the Works
State any constraints on the sequence and timing of work and on the methods and conduct of work including the requirements for any work by the Employer.
§  The identified route is the sole access to the site.
§  There may be ongoing forestry and civil engineering operations and timber haulage on the approach roads to the site.
§  Contractors should be aware of SEPA Controlled Activities Regulations and the specific conditions under the General Binding Rules.
§  Machinery is not permitted to sit in the watercourse where works may be carried out from the banks.
§  Protection of the watercourse has priority over progress of the works.
§  A Method Statement will be required.
§  The project is not notifiable under the CDM regulations.
§  Any felling required to facilitate the works will be undertaken by Forestry Commission Scotland.
§  The Contractor will keep a pollution control kit on site, as specified in appendix 5. In the event of a major incident, the Employer and SEPA must be informed immediately.
§  Site offices and welfare facilities shall be erected in a position agreed with the Employer. This shall be combined with the siting of the storage area for materials. Toxic chemicals and oils shall be held in minimum volumes and will be kept in secure/locked double skinned containers or bunded storage so they cannot spill into a watercourse. All stores and lagoons for washing out are to be a minimum distance of 25 metres from any watercourse.
§  Before work commences on site the Contractor must provide the Employer with a Health & Safety Plan (For CDM notifiable projects this is to be the Construction Phase Plan) to include the following (as necessary):
§  Risk Assessments for all tasks
§  Lone working policy
§  Method Statements
§  Details of statutory stakeholder consultations
§  A Waste Management Plan
§  Site Plan showing suggested position of stores, welfare units, parking and signs
§  Employee Competence Certificates
Contract Data
Works Information
5 Requirements for the programme
State whether a programme is required and, if it is, state what form it is to be in, what information is to be shown on it, when it is to be submitted and when it is to be updated.
State what the use of the works is intended to be at their Completion as defined in Clause 11.2(1).
§  A resourced program shall be submitted with the tender and revised as necessary after award. This shall be in the form of a Gant chart or similar and should take account of the following constraints
§  7 days notice of excavation shall be given to the engineer to allow approval of the formation
§  Copies of Concrete delivery lines must be submitted promptly to FC
§  The engineer must be given 7 days notice of the delivery of steelwork and timber
§  Certification for timber and structural steelwork must be submitted for the approval of the engineer before these materials are used in construction.
§  The complete viewing platform will form part of a visitor attraction for recreational users.
6 Services and other things provided by the Employer
Describe what the Employer will provide, such as services (including water and electricity) and “free issue” Plant and Materials and equipment.
Item / Date by which it
will be provided
Any felling required to facilitate the works will be undertaken by Forestry Commission Scotland. / Before works commence.

Contract Data

Site Information

Give information about the site such as the ground conditions and any other information which is likely to affect the Contractor's work such as limitations on access and the position of adjacent structures.
·  Access to the site is by unmetalled forest path not suitable for all construction and use vehicles.
·  There are no known utilities or services in the vicinity of the viewing platform site. There is an overhead powerline in the car park and on the opposite bank of the river.
·  The identified route is the sole access to the site.
·  The site is on an identified walking route but it is proposed to close this part of the route, however, contractors should be aware that the public may try to gain access.
·  Barriers or fencing shall be erected across the forest paths on the approach to the site.
·  Hazards – See maps
·  No ground investigation has taken place so the drawn formation level is not definitive and final approval of the formation will be made by the FC Engineer on site when works commence.
·  The Contractor shall ascertain by inspection the existence of any overhead High Voltage Cables that are not included on the site plan and which could constitute a hazard to working. If any are found, the Employer and the Electricity Company shall be notified and the Contractor shall take action as recommended by them before commencement of the works.
·  The Contractor is responsible for detecting the existence of any underground services or hazards. The Contractor shall then take all measures required by the Local Authority or Utility to protect the pipe, cable or equipment. The Contractor shall take action as recommended by them before commencement of the works.

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