Student Success Center

Advising Syllabus

Advisor Name:

Advisor Contact Information:

  • Office Location: Student Center, room 202
  • Office Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m.
  • Office Phone: 501-882-8906
  • E-mail Address:

University Mission: “Transforming lives through quality learning experiences.”

University Core Values:

  • Integrity
  • Diversity & Global Awareness
  • Excellence
  • Access
  • Student Centered

Student Success Center Mission:Supporting, shaping and connecting students through an array of learning-centered services that leads to academic, career, and personal achievement."

Expected Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will understand the requirements for theAssociate of Arts degree and the importance of using the degree checklist in order to update academic plans.
  • Students will be able to navigate Campus Connect to register for classes, print schedules, check the status of accounts, review grades, perform degree audits, and other tasks.
  • Students will know what resources are available on campus and how to best utilize them.
  • Students will demonstrate effective decision-making concerning their degree and career goals based on their personal career/academic strengths, interests and abilities.

Student Responsibilities:

  • Schedule regular advising sessions throughout the semester.
  • Arrive on time and be prepared for the advising session, which includes being knowledgeable about the chosen degree/certificate programs and gathering all relevant decision-making information.
  • Be an active participant in the advising experience.
  • Develop realistic and attainable educational and career goals.
  • Become knowledgeable about the available resources, programs, policies and procedures.
  • Follow through with referrals made by the advisor.

Advisor Responsibilities:

  • Be accessible via phone, email, and by appointment and will respond to students in a timely manner.
  • Be knowledgeable about programs and graduation requirements, policies, and procedures.
  • Monitor students’ progress and recommend appropriate actions as needed.
  • Refer students to appropriate campus resources. Follow through on actions promised to students.
  • Guide students in developing realistic academic, personal and professional goals.
  • Maintain comprehensive advising records and abide by confidentiality policies.

Resources within the ASU-Beebe System:

Office / Beebe Campus / Heber Campus / Searcy Campus
Bookstore / 501-882-8849 / 501-362-1111 / 501-207-6204
Business Office (cashiers) / 501-882-8850 / 501-362-1112 / 501-207-6202
Career Pathways / 501-207-6245 / 501-362-1115 / 501-207-6244
Career Services / 501-882-4434 / 501-362-1272 / 501-207-6225
Disability Services / 501-882-8863 / Same as Beebe / Same as Beebe
Distance Learning / 501-882-8894 / Same as Beebe / Same as Beebe
Financial Aid / 501-882-8845 / 501-362-1211 / 501-207-6253
Learning Center / 501-882-8867 / 501-362-1121 / 501-207-6252
Library / 501-882-8807 / Same as Beebe / 501-207-6231
Registrar / 501-882-4415 / 501-362-1202 / 501-207-6219
Student Life / 501-882-8951 / Same as Beebe / Same as Beebe
Student Success Center / 501-882-8906 / Same as Beebe / Same as Beebe
Trio Program / 501-882-8964 / 501-362-1231 / Same as Beebe
University Operator / 501-882-3600 / 501-362-1100 / 501-207-6200
Veterans Services / 501-882-8845 / Same as Beebe / Same as Beebe

Accommodation Statement: It is the policy of ASU-Beebe to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant tofederal law and state law. Any student with a disability, who would like to request accommodations, should contactTishaMarzewski, Counselor/Coordinator of Disability Services at (501) 882-8863 at the ASU-Beebe campus. Documentation review and accommodations for all ASU-Beebe system students with disabilities are authorizedbytheCounselor/Coordinator of Disability Services.

Twelve Steps to Success Checklist

Prior to the Start of my First Semester…

□1. I have completed the New Student Orientation.

□2. I have registered for classes via Campus Connect and printed my class schedule.

□3. I am aware of the tuition due dates and have made arrangements so that I am not dropped from my classes.

□4.I have reviewed the ASU-Beebe Student Handbook.

Each Semester…

□5. I review my contact, degree and advisor information in Campus Connect to ensure it is correct.

□6. I check my financial aid status in Campus Connect to make sure I have completed all requirements.

□7. I meet with my advisor two months before the start of the next semester.

□8.I develop/update my academic planning worksheetwith my advisor.

□9.I register for classes and print my schedule.


□ 10. I check my ASUB Gmail account at least once a week.

Prior to my Final Semester…

□ 11. I have completed a degree evaluation/audit in Campus Connect, registered for my final semester, and submitted an Application for Graduation.

□ 12. If transferring, I have contactedmy intended college/university and reviewed transfer information. I have also made contact with the Career/Transfer Coordinator in the Student Success Center on the Beebe campus.

Updated: Summer 2012