Verbal Autopsy Questionnaire
Sr. No ______Date: ______
A. Demographic Information of Deceased:
Kindly confirm the name and age of patient to verify the hospital records
Name: ______Age at the time of death ______
- Can you remember the date of expiry? Yes/ No, (if yes kindly note this)
- Can you please tell me the gender of deceased
- Male1
- Female 2
- What was his/her marital status
- Married 1
- Unmarried2
- What was his/her Qualification
- Illiterate1
- Primary 2
- Secondary 3
- Above secondary 4
- Can you please specify his/her Job/Occupation
- Laborer1
- Service2
- Business3
- Unemployed 4
- Student5
B. Please tell me if deceased suffered from anyof the following illnesses before dengue infection
- DiabetesYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- High Blood pressureYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- AsthmaYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- EpilepsyYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- MalnutritionYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- CancerYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- TuberculosisYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Cardiac disease Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- HIV/AIDS? Hepatitis B/CYes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did she suffer from any other medically diagnosed illness?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Can you specify the illness?
- Any other physical co-morbidities.
C. Can you please describe the sign and symptoms of patients during hospital stay? I will ask questions one by one.
- Did he have a fever
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Was the fever continuous or on and off?
Continuous1On and Off2 Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have chills/rigor?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have a cough?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she have a cough?
Days1 Month 2 Don’t Know8
- Was the cough severe?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Was the cough productive with sputum?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have cough out blood?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have night sweets?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Didhe/she have breathlessness?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have chest pain?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did she have chest pain?
Days1Month 2 Don’t Know 8
- Did chest pain start suddenly or gradually?
Suddenly 1Gradually 2 Don’t Know8
- When he/she had severe chest pain, how long did it last?
Less than half and hour1Half an hour to 24 hours2
Longer than 24 hours3Don’t Know8
- Was the chest pain continuous or on and off?
Continuous 1On and Off 2Don’t Know8
- Did the chest pain get worse while coughing?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have palpitations?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did she have diarrhoea?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did she have diarrhoea?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Was the diarrhoea continuous or on and off?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- How many times did she pass stools in a day? Number9 Don’t Know 8
- Did he/she vomit?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she vomit?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Did the vomit look like a coffee-colored fluid or bright red/blood red or some other?
- Coffee-Coloured Fluid1
- Bright Red/Blood Red2
- Other 6
- Don’t Know8
- How many times did she vomit in a day?
Number 9 Don’t Know8
- Did she have abdominal pain?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she have abdominal pain?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have abdominal distension?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Did the distension develop rapidly within days or gradually over months?
- Rapidly within days1
- Gradually over months2
- Don’t know8
- Was there a period of a day or longer during which she did not pass any stool?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have difficulty or pain while swallowing food?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she have headache?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she the have headache?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Was the headache severe?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did she have stiff or painful neck?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Did she have mental confusion?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she have mental confusion?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Did he/she become unconscious?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long was he/she unconscious?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Was there any change in color of urine?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did she have the change in color of urine?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- During the final illness did he/she ever pass blood in the urine?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she pass blood in the urine?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she have the skin rash?
Days1Don’t Know8
- Did he/she had rash on body?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
If yes then
- Was the rash on:
- The face?Face128
- The trunk?Trunk128
- The arms and legs?Arms and legs128
- Any other place?Other place128
- Specify ______
- Did he/ She has bleeding from mouth, nose, anis?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- 64. Did he/she have any swelling?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- For how long did he/she have the swelling?
Days1Months 2Don’t Know8
- Was the swelling on:
- The face?128
- The joints?128
- The Ankles?128
- The whole body?128
- Any other place?128
- Specify ______
- Did she receive any treatment for the illness that led to death?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Can you please list the drugs she was given for the illness that led to death?
- What type of treatment did she receive?
- Ors/drip treatment128
- Blood Transfusion128
- N/G feeding(Through the nose)128
- Other______
D. Death Certificate:
- Do you have a death certificate for the deceased?
Yes1No.2Don’t Know8
- Can I see the death certificate?
- Copy day, month and year of issue of death certificate?
Day______Month ______Year______
- Record the cause of death from the first (top) line of the death certificate?
- Record the cause of death from the second line of the death certificate (if any)?
- Burial place:
Interviewer’s Observations
To be filled in after completing interview
Comments on specific questions:
Any other comments:
Supervisors observations
______Name of the supervisor:______Dated:______