Programme for the CoJEF II policy debate
Brussels, 21 April 2015
Venue: “science14 atrium”
Rue de la science, 14b - 1040 Brussels
09:00 / Registration09:30 / Welcome and introduction
Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC
09:45 / Enforcement in Europe: from a national to a pan-European model?
Prof Hans-W. Micklitz, European University Institute Florence, Italy
Q& A with audience
10.15 / Consumer law enforcement as a priority of the current European Commission
Marie-Paul Benassi, Head of unit, DG Justice, European Commission
Q & A with audience
10:45 / Coffee break
Session 1: Consumer rights enforcement in the digital market - national enforcement, its differences and limits
11:15 / A critical analysis of Facebook’s Revised Policies and Terms
Presentation by Brendan Van Alsenoy & Ellen Wauters (ICRI, KU Leuven) of a research report
11:45 / A topical case: Facebook and the enforcement reality - experience of consumer associations
· Amal Taleb, UFC Que Choisir, France
· Isabelle Buscke, Vzbv, Germany
· Finn Myrstad, NCC, Norway
Q& A with audience
13:00 Lunch
Session 2: Pan European Enforcement in related areas
14:00 / Competition policy and consumer policy: two policies, one objective
Niklas Fagerlund, DG Competition, European Commission
14:25 / Enforcement in the field of personal data protection
Christian D'Cunha, EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor)
Q & A with the audience
Session 3 : Enforcement of consumer rights in liberalised markets:
14:50 / Enforcement in the EU Energy Market
Lucila de Almeida, European University Institute, Florence
15: 10 / Enforcement in the Telecoms Market
Marta Cantero, European University Institute, Florence
Q & A with the audience
Session 4 : Towards a “Better Enforcement” Agenda
15:30 / Co-operation with consumer organisations - presentation of the recommendations by CEER, Council of European Energy Regulators
Dirk Van Evercooren (CEER)
Q & A with audience
16:00 / Panel discussion - Beyond the horizon: What ingredients for a “Better Enforcement” Agenda to address consumer law infringements? Considerations about the role of the European Commission, public authorities and consumer association
Wim Van Poucke, Director General of the Monitoring Department, National enforcement authority, Belgium
Olga Sehnalova, MEP
Pedro Oliveira, BusinessEurope
Evelyne Terryn, KU Leuven
Luisa Crisigiovanni, Altroconsumo, Italy
Ulrike Docekal, VKI (Verein für Konsumenteninformation), Austria
Moderator: Prof Hans Micklitz, European University Institute, Florence
16:50 / Conclusions of the Day
Ursula Pachl, BEUC/COJEF
17:00 / End of the meeting