Anne Masters
As a Christian I am called to recognize not only Christ in the people around me, but also myself in every person, in our shared humanity. The tree pictured here represents the presence of God that fuels my work and my life (which does NOT mean I live it perfectly by any means!). It is a strong, old tree with deep roots that bulge above the surface. Some branches are broken or cut off, life can be hard, painful…but still, there is love and new growth…. The heart is the life force of the tree. God does not test us nor send us trials to strengthen us. God is with us in our pain and in our joy. God is with us most powerfully in the presence of each other.
As Director for Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities in the Newark Archdiocese, I work to build structures of support for the full participation of individuals with disabilities in the life of the Church, to the extent that he or she is able and desires to. I also walk with the parents in their spiritual journey, as they are often angry with God, world, Church, school system…
Among my greatest frustrations are not enough time to do all that needs to be done and when a parish, which should be a place of welcome, comfort and affirmation, is instead a source of pain and isolation. As individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities typically cannot speak up for themselves, it is often their parents who contact me for assistance. Sometimes we can identify and implement a support plan within a short period of time. But usually it takes longer, months or even years.
Even before action is required, however, I know that part of my ministry is to just listen. I feel their pain as they share their stories. It is my fervent desire that their pain is lessened through this, at least during the time we are together, whether it be by phone, email or in person.
~ Anne Masters
Pastoral Ministry with Persons with Disabilities
Newark Archdiocese