Wadebridge Camels Mini/Junior SafeGuarding measures.
At Wadebridge Camels we believe that taking part in our sport should be a positive and enjoyable part of children’s and young people’s lives. We want to make sure that they are protected and kept safe from neglect, physical, sexual and emotional harm while they are with the Club’s Coaches, helpers and volunteers.
To do this we have the following aims:
. Coaches, Helpers and Committee members will be recruited/appointed in accordance
with the procedures agreed by the Club
. Coaches, Helpers and Committee members will have job descriptions agreed by the Club
. Coaches will attend a RFU Coaching Course before they begin working with children and young people
. Coaches will be qualified to the RFU Level 1 before they are allowed to be the Lead
Coach of an age group where possible
. Wadebridge Camels will actively encourage and help Coaches to stay up-to-date with rugby coaching and child safeguarding issues. Each Coach/Manager will attend the RFUSafeguarding Children and Young People in Rugby Workshop as soon as possible after starting in his/her role
. Coaches and Helpers will be given a copy of the Club’s Code of Conduct for Coaches
and Child Safeguarding Policy and be expected to keep to them at all times
. Lead Coaches will keep written records of young people’s attendance, injuries and
. The Club will provide guidance on emergency procedures to Coaches, Helpers and
Committee members
. The Club will provide Coaches, Helpers and parents with a copy of the Club’s Child
Safeguarding Policy and Coaches and Helpers with Procedures and Principles for
dealing with accusations or suspicions of child abuse
. As a Club, we will promote ‘fair play’ and always play within the spirit of the Laws of the Game and the letter of the Continuum
. The Club will appoint Child Safeguarding Officer(s) qualified and whose role it is to deal with any concerns about physical, sexual or emotional abuse within the Club
in accordance with the Child Safeguarding Policy of Wadebridge Camels RFC, the
following procedures need to be understood and adhered to by all Coaches and Helpers.
Accusation or Suspicion of Child Abuse
If any of the following occurs, the individual becoming aware of an incident of allegation must contact either the Club Child Safeguarding Officer or the Club Chairperson:
. A child reports or is heard telling somebody else of an abusive incident
. A Coach or Helper suspects that a child has been abused whilst not in the care of Wadebridge Camels RFC
. A Coach or Helper suspects that a child has been abused by another Coach or Helper
from either Wadebridge Camels or the opposition club
. A Coach or Helper suspects that a child has been abused by another child from either
Wadebridge Camels or the opposition club
The Coach or Helper must not conduct his/her own enquiry or line of questioning into any incident as this could jeopardise any further professional investigation that may need to take place. The Coach or Helper’s duty is to report the incident either to the Child Safeguarding Officer or to the Club Chairperson immediately.
The Child Safeguarding Officer and the Club Chairperson will consider the allegations together and document all information obtained. If it is thought that the allegation has substance, then the relevant authorities will be contacted for advice and/or to investigate. The Child Safeguarding Officer and Club Chairperson will provide feedback to those concerned wherever possible. The CB (Cornwall RFU) Child Safeguarding Manager will be kept informed from the first report of the
allegation as s/he is responsible for the CRFU’s Child Safeguarding Policy.
Recording Attendance, Injuries and Accidents
A log book will be provided for each age group which should be completed at each training session and matches. It should contain a record of the following:
. Attendance records
. Details of any incident injuries, accidents, fights, arguments or anything which the
Coaching team or Helper(s) feel(s) worthy of note.
In the case of injury or accident, the following procedures are a guide of what to do in an emergency:
. Send for emergency services immediately, if required
. Do not move the player
. Do not do anything you are not qualified to do for the player
. Do not let any other person attend the player who you do not feel is qualified to do so. If you feel that another person may be able to help ask for their qualification and get them confirmed by others. You are in charge – it is your responsibility.
. Stay with the player and reassure them that help is at hand.
. Get the player to a qualified person if appropriate and is required.
. Notify the parent or guardian. It is imperative that a parent or guardian is notified of any
incident involving their child. This should be done, depending on the circumstances (i) immediately by telephone
(ii) after the training session/match at the ground or,
(iii) after the training session/match by telephone.
. Put a note of injuries or accidents in the Log Book. If the parent/guardian was
contacted, add by whom and when.
. If the incident was serious and the match was refereed by a Society Referee ask for the person to send you a copy of the Serious Incident Report.
. Notify the Club Chairperson if the incident was serious
Recruiting & Appointing Volunteers
Coaches, Helpers, Committee Members
All applicants for the above posts will be required to complete a Volunteer Expression of Interest Form as well as an Application/Consent Form for the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). Any applicant who is not prepared to complete these forms in their entirety will not be considered as a Coach, Helper or Committee Member. The Chairperson and the Child Safeguarding Officer will vet all applications. All applicants will be asked to provide names and contact details of two referees. Written references will be sought from these individuals and checked by the Club Chairperson and Child Safeguarding Officer. Notes of these checks will be added to the back of the form (minimum information required include; date, person checked, contacting person, information gained and signature).
If there is any doubt about an applicant, it should be recommended that the application be refused. No feedback will be given to applicant apart from the fact that they have not been appointed as a Coach, Helper or Committee Member.
If there is any suspicion of previous crimes against children, the application should be referred to the Child Safeguarding Officer.
Availability of Player Information
Lead Coaches should have with them at all times (during training sessions and matches) the relevant information about each player to include (but not limited to):
. Surname
. Forename
. Date of birth
. Parent/guardian telephone numbers
. Any medical conditions
Equity Policy Statement
. The club is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its
development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England
definition of sports equity:
. Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.
. The club respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, ability, gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, sexuality or social/economic status.
. The club is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
. All club members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity.
. The club will deal with any incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to club disciplinary procedures.
Photographic Policy
Photographic images including those taken by mobile phones
RFU/W Best Practice Guidelines
The Rugby Football Union (RFU) recognises
that publicity and pictures of young people enjoying rugby are essential to promote the sport and a healthy lifestyle. To facilitate this it is therefore essential that the following principles and rules should be observed.
These Best Practice Guidelines have been developed to provide clubs, schools and Constituent Bodies with advice and guidance on the use of images of young people. It is recommended that this is adopted by clubs and Constituent Bodies and the eight golden rules outlined in these guidelines below are made available to as many people as possible. The whole policy is available at
Any change to these guidelines will be notified via the RFU/W website and in any relevant publications. Please remember that the safety and enjoyment of young people is paramount in all your activities and the Best Practice Guidelines have been designed to help in this.
The RFU/W is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable environment for young people.
Implicit in this is the commitment to ensure that all publications, resources and media represent participants appropriately and with due respect. By adopting the points outlined in these guidelines you will be putting in place the best possible practice to protect young people wherever photographs or recorded images are taken and stored.
The eight golden rules that will ensure compliance with the policy on photographic images are as follows:
1. Ensure parents/guardians/young people have granted their consent for the taking and publication of photographic images and have signed and returned the Parent/Guardian and Young Person Permission form. It is strongly recommended that the relevant information is incorporated into the annual club registration form and will therefore only need to be completed once a year.
2 .All young people must be appropriately dressed for the activity taking place.
3.Photography or recording should focus on the activity rather than a particular young person and personal details which might make a young person vulnerable, such as their exact address, must never be revealed.
4 .Where an individual has achieved success in the game (eg when selected for representativeSide or showing triumph over adversity) permission must be granted from parent/guardian and young person to use photographs/recordings and relevant details.
5.Where possible, to reflect the RFU/W Equity policy, photographs/recordings should representthe diverse range of young people participating in rugby.
6.Anyone taking photographs or recording at any rugby event must have a valid reason for doing so and seek the permission of the organisers/persons in charge
7.Anyone taking photographs or recording should make themselves known to the event organisers/persons in charge and be able to identify themselves if requested during the course
of the event.
8 .All concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported in confidence to the RFU Child Safeguarding Officer via the Rugby Club, or Constituent Body Safeguarding Manager.