CHDV 120 Extra Credit Assignment Options
Pick one assignment choice from the list to complete for extra credit by the due date. Follow the directions carefully to earn the maximum of 10 points. Assignments should be in APA format. Most require a minimum of 1 ½ - 2 pages of writing (It is ok if your paper is a little longer). Include a title and reference page in APA format in addition to those pages.When using additional resources, be sure to cite your sources! All assignments should be written by YOU, in your own words. Copying material from other sources will result in zero points for that assignment.
Further Research
Is there a topic in course material that you want to learn more about? Find an academic journal article presenting a research study on this topic (using the Palomar Library Database). Send the article to the professor before you write about it. Once approved, write 2 pages summarizing the topic of the study, how the study was performed, the results of the study, and your thoughts about the study and the results. Make sure your paper is entirely in your own words (like if you were telling your friend about something you read)
CPR Certification
Get certified in infant/children’s CPR during the course of the semester. Bring your certification card to the notebook grading to receive your extra credit points. You must attend a class and be certified during the semester to receive the extra credit. If you are already certified, I’m sorry it cannot count as extra credit. Consider learning more by attending another class/workshop.
Workshops/ Seminars/Trainings
Attend a training that covers a topic related to health, safety or nutrition during the semester for extra credit. You must get your training approved in advance.
Often classes are offered through YMCA CRS, C3, and the American Red Cross, but others may count as well.
Write one full page summarizing what you learned and your thoughts/reactions to the training. Include the name of the training, date/time, location and presenter(s) names.
Book for Children
Write a children’s book to teach them about a topic within Health, Safety or Nutrition using course information. Specify which age group it is for. Use graphics to make it appealing to children. Give detailed and correct information. Cite all sources.
Breastfeeding Support
Attend a Breastfeeding Support Group meeting (offered at most hospitals). What information was shared by the instructor? What questions or concerns did the parents have? What was your overall impression of the meeting? Be sure to include the name, location, date, time and instructor’s name for the group you observed.
Medical Professional Interview
Interview a Nurse, School Nurse, or Pediatrician. Ask him/her questions about their work and the most common illnesses and symptoms children visit her with. Ask any other questions you have about children’s health and their job. Formulate his/her answers into a paper written in paragraph form (do not list the questions you ask and their answers- summarize all the information you receive). Relate the information they share to course information. Add a conclusion paragraph, with your final thoughts, reactions, and experiences.
Child Interview
Interview a child 6-8 years old about safety. What accidents/injuries do they remember having? What accidents/injuries have they seen their friends or siblings experience? (encourage the child to think hard – if the child remembers less than 4 incidents, find a different child to interview). Ask the child to explain exactly what happened in each incident and how adults responded. Also ask if they think the accidents could have been prevented. Get as much information from the child as possible. Write your paper in paragraph form, incorporating all of their answers (summarizing what they said) and relate their experiences to material from class. Compare their experiences to course material on safety. Include your thoughts/reactions/experiences in your conclusion paragraph.
Safety Products
Search for items on the web aimed at parents or caregivers that are designed to ensure children's safety. In your paper describe 2 products you found that you believe to be particularly useful, and 2 that you believe are unnecessary. Give a detailed explanation why using course information. Keep in mind the developmental appropriateness of the items you choose. A good place to start looking if you are having troubleis Amazon or Babies R Us /Toys R Usonline. Another good site is One Step Ahead. On your reference page, list the links to the different products
Movie: SuperSize Me
Watch the movie SuperSize Me and focus on the statistics given and the parts about children. In your paper, share statistics, and information from the movie that relate to marketing to children and food choices provided in schools. Include your thoughts and opinions in the conclusion. Who do you think is to blame for children being overweight? Do you think any regulations should be put in place?
Analyze Commercials
Watch ½ hour of children programming (like cartoons) on any channel other than PBS. Watch the commercials before the show begins and the commercials after the show- before the next program begins as well. Pay special attention to the ads on TV for foods.
In your paper, first state the show, channel as well as the time and date of the show you watched. List all of the commercials you viewed. Also, note any in-show product placement (example: a company will pay to have one of the characters drinking a can of Pepsi). Compare the ads that air during a half hour of prime time TV to the ads that air during a half hour of children’s programming- what types of ads do you notice? Do you think commercials and product placement influence children? How?
Grocery Store Observation
Walk through different isles of the grocery store. Find 7 different food products that are marketed to children (for example, find ones with cartoon characters on the boxes – like Disney Princesses). Where are these items place on the shelves? Explain the food item and the appearance of the packaging. Analyze the nutrition labels on these foods. Would you consider each a health food choice for children? Are any too high in fat, sugar or sodium or contain other unhealthy ingredients (like hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, or a lot of food dye)? What nutrients do they supply? In your paper, describe your experience and findings. Do you think that the way a product looks influences children and parents? Include a conclusion paragraph containing your reactions/thoughts and own experiences.
MyPlate Super Tracker
Go to to fill out the tracker for a child you know well (you must know all the food items they ate for an entire day) or, you can do this on yourself. Enter in the information requested and then click on Proceed to Food Intake. Enter in all the foods eaten in one day, entering each food one by one. (this is a bit time consuming but worth it!).. When finished, it will analyze your total calories, and food group targets.
Write a paper summarizing what the child or you ate and how it scored. What did you learn about the child’s nutrition or your nutrition for the day? Using recommendations from the website what changes could be made?
Service Learning
If you would like to volunteer with a non profit organization serving children/families, you can do so for extra credit! See the separate directions on Blackboard for how to use Service Learning for extra credit.
If you have an original idea for an assignment, pleasecontact me. If I approve it, you can do it! I am always looking to add more options to this list
If you know other students in the class and would like to do a group project for an assignment contact me to get approval.