Pre-Meeting Business: None

Public Participation: Mr. Mark Fraser stated that he had a number of questions. The Chairman stressed that any reports made by the Elmham News and Dereham and Fakenham Times representative, Mr. Wyatt, could not be discussed. Mr. Fraser initially asked why Mr. Wyatt sat at the table as it gives the perception that he is a Councillor and that his reports are the Parish Council minutes. The Chairman replied that this was not the case and Mrs. Helen Fraser asked if this could be made clear in the Elmham News. Mr. Fraser said that he had sent in a letter some three months ago in which he declared that he was broadly in favour of play equipment for children in the age range of 2 -12 years. The Chairman informed the meeting that it was the firm intention to enter a consultation stage after the Parish Council had had the opportunity to consider Mr. Braybrook’s detailed proposals.

Mrs. Caroline Payne (a former Parish Council Chairman) said that only a minority were objecting to play equipment/car park and feeling misled. In July 2010 when in negotiation with NCC to buy the green, it was necessary to outline what we wanted to use it for - it was publicised that a car park would be included - subsequent meetings were held where the installation of play equipment was discussed. From the village appraisal it was clear that the majority of respondents wanted it moved to the village green.

The current play area was not adequate and there was certainly no space for car park as the playing field was already accommodating a wide range of sport/clubs – it has to be locked during cricket matches - suggestions of re-locating to Prince William Wood or Millennium Wood are ridiculous as accessibility is a major issue.

As to spoiling views- green is enjoyment for all - when lease was renewed the PC negotiated for the incorporation of unauthorised accesses onto the green - PC negotiated and these were allowed to stay. NCC wanted them all removed - this is relevant to some of the complainants and the PC agreed that they should be allowed to enjoy the green

Mrs. Payne said she was involved in getting contributions towards the purchase of the green. It was very important to purchase it and safeguard for the future. If it had not been purchased then there was a strong possibility that some/or all would have been developed at some stage. She felt that play equipment and seating did not constitute development.

Funding for scheme - grants often require match funding and she would have no objection to some of the precept being used for this project. There is a need to provide for all age groups in the village and children need a good play area and they are our future.

Mrs. Debbie Warner was firmly in favour of the siting of play equipment on the Village Green and felt that there was a great deal of local support for this to happen. The current equipment is outdated and North Elmham compares badly against a number of neighbouring villages. She was of the opinion that the Village Green provided an ideal location and was an area that should be enjoyed by all residents.


In principle, she was also in favour of a car park but not at the expense of play equipment. Support would also be given to any social gatherings and events held on the Village Green. Mrs. Warner asked why no contribution had been made to pay for play equipment with the current items not having been updated for years. Mr. Braybrook stated that previous Councils had adopted a policy to keep the precept as low as possible. Mrs. Payne said that the equipment had always been well maintained with annual RoSPA reports and the Chairman explained that firstly funds had to be accumulated to pay for the Village Green. The purchase price (including fees) had been just over £90K (with £30K of this to be paid).

Nathalie Braybrook said that the reason so many are here today is because we all care about the question of the play equipment on the village green.

Bawdeswell, Swanton Morley and Bintree – to name just a few – have all gone ahead with such developments. But why?

The Health Benefits

  • A survey recently conducted by the National Trust found out that a quarter of children do not play outside at all and that on average children spend 4.5 hours a day in front of a screen. In addition childhood obesity has been widely publicised in the media. Children need to be able to play and exercise in a safe and engaging environment.

The Community Benefits

  • Playgrounds are there for all: children, parents, grandparents, visiting relatives, visitors – to all have fun together. Having fun together is what fosters a sense of community for all.

However, clearly playgrounds also raise concerns for some people. Litter, noise and the playground’s visual impact are all factors which need to be addressed in the interest of all stakeholders. Careful and considerate location of the site, choice of play equipment, as well as adequate provision of bins and the possibility of tree-planting to reduce the visual impact are all steps to enable the provision of a wonderful resource for our community, which has everyone’s best interests at heart in the heart of our village.

If anyone has not had the opportunity to visit the playgrounds in our neighbouring villages, please do have a look to see how playground can and do work for everyone. Clearly the parishioners of Bintree, Bawdeswell and Swanton Morley decided that the benefits outweighed the disadvantages and with careful planning have developed playgrounds for everyone in their community to enjoy.

Mrs. Janet Woodhouse (Elmham News editor) stressed that all information concerning the Village Green had been published in the Elmham News.

Mrs. Payne said that she had complained to Breckland Council regarding the barns in Eastgate Street which she felt were an eyesore. Breckland Council had informed her that no action can be taken as there is progress although it is very slow. The same response was also given in respect of the wall which had been demolished and should have been rebuilt.

Mr. John Hodgson stated that there was a similar problem with the development at the end of Larch Grove which had been started and was then stopped.

Mr. David Clark asked when there would be definite proposals for the Village Green. The Chairman replied that Mr. Braybrook is to produce detailed plans for the equipment and car park for the next meeting of the Parish Council with full public consultation within three months.


Debbie Coull enquired about the safe route to school and was advised that Norfolk County Council had attempted to put in the back section without the landowner’s permission. An option had arisen which involved widening the path on Holt Road and creating a build out. The opportunity to extend the route as previously envisaged was, therefore, no longer available.

North Elmham Parish Council



Minutes of the


held at 7.30 p.m. at the Sports Pavilion on

Wednesday 4th September 2013


149 Those Councillors Present Were:

Dr. P. Wade-Martins (Chairman), Mr. M. Phillips, Mr. P. Braybrook, Mrs. S. Brockhurst, Mr. J. Brown, Mr. N. Clarke, Mr. R. Fletcher, Mr. J. Heffernan, Mrs. A. Keeble and Mr. J. Labouchere

Also in Attendance: Mr. K. Webb (Clerk), Mr. M. Wyatt (Elmham News + Dereham and Fakenham Times) and 33 parishioners (15 left after “Public Participation”)

150To Consider Apologies for Absence:

Mrs. S. Brockhurst

151 To Receive Declarations of Interest:

The Chairman reminded the meeting that, should the occasion arise, interests should be declared by Councillors as soon as this was realised, and the interest should be minuted.

152 Minutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 7th August 2013:

Resolved to approve the minutes as a true and accurate record with the following addition as clarification (item 119) – the Bus Stop area “in Eastgate Street, opposite Orchard Close”. All agreed.


153Broom Green (item 114)

Nothing to report


154 Community Speed Watch (item 115)

Nothing to report

155 Safe Route to School (item 116):

Nothing to report

156Land Management Matters (item 117)

(a) Village Green Nothing to report

(b) Cathedral Ruins Mrs. Keeble said that confirmation from Adrian Baker of English Heritage

that a sum of £12K had been secured to enable further work to be done between mid-August and mid-September had not yet been received. This is to be discussed with Mr. Baker at the site visit on 16th September (Andrea Hill will also be present to provide guidance on some Health and Safety issues). The damaged tree will also be examined.

(c) Cathedral Meadows Mr. Hird is to deliver payment to Mr. Phillips by the end of the week.

(d) Broom Green Nothing to report

(e)Millennium Wood There is very little sign of ashback disease

(f)Bridleway on disused railway line The direction sign has been put in place and the footpath officers will examine it to ensure that it is correctly positioned.

(g) Prince William Wood A quotation had been received in respect of the clearance of


157Street Lights (item 118)

A number of lights (numbers 1 to 4) are still covered by vegetation from Mrs. Borrett’s

property. A further letter is to be sent asking for this to be rectified. It will be stressed that, if action is not taken within one month, the necessary work will be carried out with the bill sent to Mrs. Borrett for payment. Mr. Phillips said that light 36 is currently not working. The application to the Public Works Loan Board had been made some eight weeks ago but they claim that it was never received. The application would now be given top priority by the PWLB.

158Highway Matters (item 119)

Mr. Heffernan thanked Mrs. Woodhouse for reporting the leak in Eastgate Street. Anglian Water had responded quickly but no action had yet been taken regarding the leak in Oak Avenue. The Chairman said that a number of pavements have weeds. The Highway Rangers will be asked again to add this to their schedule.

159Sign to Village Facilities (item 120)

Nothing to report


160 PCSO (item 121)

Nothing to report


161Eastgate Centre (item 122)

Nothing to report

162Pavilion and Playing Field – Play Area (item 123)

Nothing to report

163Parish Plan (Community Planning Action Group) (item 124)

Nothing to report

164Station Yard Development(item 125)

The first gate is to be made wider by Mr. Sowinski. Two weeks’ notice will be given to the Railway Company by the Clerk.

165Sale of Parish Pits(item 126)

Mr. Phillips said that it will be necessary for a member of the Parish Council to make a

statutory declaration with a solicitor regarding ownership. Then it will be possible to obtain

documents of title from the Land Registry and the land can then be valued and offered for


166Loss of possible legal bridleway on railway line (item 127)

No action is to be taken at the present time

167Dog Fouling(item 128)

Breckland Council have advised that additional signs have been put up in Holt Road and

Station Road. These are not immediately apparent so the Clerk will ask for details of the precise locations.

168 Sub-Committee to manage proposed new Community Hall project (item 129)

Nothing to report

169Traffic Survey(item 130)

Nothing to report

170North Elmham Archive Group(item 131)

Nothing to report

171Youth Council(item 132)

Mr. Heffernan said that the Youth Café is to initially hold two meetings per month.

172Village Green(item 133)

A resident living in Cedar Close had reported that one of the oak trees on the Green was

shading her garden. This is part of the Conservation Area and Mr. Labouchere agreed to

investigate as to what action could be taken. The lengthy application form to register the

Village Green had been obtained and will be completed by Mr. Phillips and the Clerk.


173 Parish Pump (item 134)

Nothing to report

174Allotments(item 136)

Mr. Phillips said that the tidying up programme was continuing. Rents are due on 11th

October and can be paid at the Pavilion between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. The Chairman said that

the Community Farm land needs to be included in the annual inspection.

175Higher Level Stewardship on Cathedral Meadows (item 138)

Higher Level Stewardship has been agreed with documents awaited.

176 Constituting the Committee Hall Sub-committee (item 140)

The Chairman felt that some of the areas were unclear. In particular, he wondered whether

quarterly meetings would be sufficient, who would be minuting meetings and if there would

be any powers to make decisions. It was generally felt that decisions would be made by the

Parish Council but further discussions will be held with Mrs. Borgnis.

177Play Equipment Area (item 141)

The formulated proposals are to be distributed to members in advance of the next meeting to

facilitate discussion. It is then the aim to reach decisions that can be taken forward to a public


178Community defibrillator (item 142)

There currently is a defibrillator at the Institute which was supplied by the Young Farmers.

The Chairman suggested that a small team, suitably trained, was needed. An appeal would be

made in the Elmham News for volunteers and Mrs. Keeble agreed to contact the British

Heart Foundation for assistance.

179 Community Car Scheme

Information had been received from Breckland Council regarding the running of such

schemes. Mr. Labouchere agreed to make enquiries as it was felt that there may already be

something in place.

180Budget timetable

Members are to submit details to Mr. Phillips by mid-October. It is planned to produce a

draft budget in November with the final version being available in December. The Chairman said that the grant to the PCC for grass cutting in the churchyard should be subject to the

receipt of three quotations so that it could be confirmed that value for money was being obtained.


181Accounts for Payment and Schedule of Income

a)Resolved to approve the following Accounts for payment:-

12/8/13E-on (July electricity)£395.16

28/8/13 Veolia – refuse (July) £86.99

4/9/13Norfolk China Hire (5 trestle tables)£210.00

4/9/13 J. Duffield – work in Cathedral Ruins£380.00

4/9/13J. R. Fletcher – key-keeping (July and August) £62.50

4/9/13R.P. Environmental Services (wasps nest on allotments) £35.00

4/9/13Norse Commercial Servs (monthly grounds maintenance) £723.87

4/9/13Thinking Rural (monthly payroll charge) £12.00

4/9/13 HMRC (Tax on Clerk’s pay – July) £82.80

4/9/13K. Webb (Clerk’s pay for August)£331.05

7/8/13Playsafety Ltd (annual RoSPA inspection) £81.60 **

** Cheque raised at last meeting

Above expenditure agreed by all.

b)Schedule of Income:

8/8/13 Pavilion takings £250.00

182To Consider Planning Applications and Determinations:

a) Applications


Mrs. D. Dann, 1, 2 Clay Cottages and 52,54 Holt Road, North Elmham

Demolition of brick wall and formation of vehicular access and parking (off road)

(no objections)

b) Determinations


183 Correspondence – 4/9/13

1)Highway Rangers report – August 2013

2)CAB AGM – 18/9/13 at Dereham

3)Parish crime statistics for July

4)Norfolk C.C. – forthcoming consultation on 2014/15 Budget proposals

5)Norfolk Village Games Golf Competition at Bawburgh – 15/9/13

6)Norfolk C.C. – future charges for highway boundary information



a) PCSO C. Stone had informed the Chairman that Swaffham Church had suffered a

break-in and recommended that a watchful eye be kept on North Elmham church.

b) Following a national agreement, the Clerk’s pay had been increased by 1%. This is to be

backdated to 1st April 2013.

c)Mr. Phillips asked if some members could visit the Tennis Club. It was agreed that he

would, together with the Chairman, Mrs. Borgnis and Mr. Heffernan.

d)Mr. Heffernan congratulated the Cricket and Bowls Clubs for winning their leagues. He

would write a piece for Elmham News celebrating their success.

185 Agenda items for next meeting:

Initial proposals for Village Green play equipment

186Next Meetings:

Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.18 p.m.


Chairman Date
