Table 2. Some useful online research consortia and resources of relevance to urinary and renal proteomics
(Useful tools and links for proteomics generally can be found in the listings at and
Name / Features / URLHuman Kidney and Urine Proteome Project (HKUPP) / A Human Proteome (HUPO) initiative focussing on improving and standardising techniques for proteomic analysis of urine and renal tissues. Contains datasets from LC-MS and 2D-PAGE based proteomic characterization of major kidney tissues such as human glomerulus and links to other databases. Main focus is on chronic kidney disease. /
European Kidney and Urine Proteomics (EuroKUP) / European Union funded consortium with a focus on proteomic analysis of renal tissues and urine including standardisation, bioinformatics and methodology workflows, with a focus on chronic kidney diseases /
World 2D-PAGE List / Index and links to 2D-gel maps and sequenced proteins for many species and fluids/cell types including several urinary and kidney maps /
Sys-Body Fluid database / Body fluid proteomic databases including urine – compiled from 9 published studies of urine proteomics containing 1941 proteins (as at August 2009) /
Urinary Proteome database / Database of >1500 proteins found in urine from healthy donors by SDS-PAGE and LTQ-FT/LTQ-Orbitrap (highly specialised mass spectrometry) analysis. Part of the Max Planck Unified Proteome Database /
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) Repository for Biosamples and Data / List of available samples and associated data from patient groups including several with either primary renal disease or disease-related renal complications /
Human Protein Atlas / Characterisation and reactivity of antibodies against a large number of proteins across all tissue types including kidney, with Western blotting, immunohistochemistry and immunoflouresence confocal microscopy images /
Inner Medullary Collecting Duct Protein Database (IMCD)
Collecting Duct Phosphoprotein Database (CDPD)
Membrane Proteins Database (IMP)
Urinary Exosome Protein Database / Database Homepage of the NHLBI Laboratory of Kidney and Electrolyte Metabolism, NIH containing links to databases of rat and mice inner medullary collecting duct proteins, rat inner medullary collecting duct phopshoproteins, rat inner medullary collecting duct integral and GPI-anchored membrane proteins, and healthy human urinary exosome proteins. Links to the lab’s range of renal transcriptome databases are also listed. /
Kidney Development Database / Database compiled from studies of protein/gene expression in the kidney during organogenesis. Includes listing of proteins specific for the various regions/cell types and summarises all mutations affecting kidney development. /
European Renal Genome Project (EuReGene) / European Union funded functional genomics consotrium focussing on genes responsible for renal development and disease. Kidney Atlas contains images/data from gene expression and protein localisation studies and mouse mutant phenotype data. Resources available include various cell lines and knockout mouse lines /
European Network for the Study of Orphan Nephropathies (EUNEFRON) / European Union funded consortium focussing on the natural history and pathophysiology of rare inherited diseases of the kidney. Planned resource developments include in vitro and in vivo model systems, tools (antibodies and probes), creation of a European registry and biobanking. /