Save the Date
- COSAOregonSchool Law Conference, December 6th, 1:00 p.m. (see for more info)
- OALA Cultural Competency Conference, February 10th, 2007 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (see * See below for more info about how to get involved
- The Art of Mindful Facilitation Conference, December 9th- 10th, Educational Center Auditorium, 200 N. Monroe St.Eugene, OR
- ODE Closing the Achievement Gap Conference, May 11th
SAELP Only Pre-Conference May 10th 1:00 – 9:00 p.m. with dinner included.
Grants and Funding:
In an attempt to be more transparent, and with the desire to better report activities to Wallace, we are asking that prior to submitting a claim we will need an email from a designated person on what the claim is for. Please send email to . This is necessary for your claim to be approved.
"Startup Funds for Educational Websites"
The Institute for Interactive Journalism and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation New Voices Community News Grants help fund the start-up of 40 micro-local, news projects and support them with two educational Web sites. Maximum Award: $17,000. Eligibility: 501(c) 3 organizations and education institutions, including civic groups, community organizations, public broadcasters, schools, colleges and universities. Deadline: February 20, 2007.
Resource Links and Reports
Information on Michael Fullan’s September 2006 “Turn Around Leadership” Book:
Improving Literacy Outcomes for English Language Learners in High School: Considerations for States and Districts in Developing a Coherent PolicyFramework
Spotlight on Leadership Standards
Visionary Leadership
Candidates who complete the program are educational leaders who have the knowledge, ability, and cultural competence to improve learning and achievement to ensure success of all students by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a school or district vision of learning supported by the school community.
Visionary Leaders….
Work with a district board of education to facilitate the development of a vision of learning for a school district that promotes the success of all students
Have a vision that is based on relevant knowledge and theories applicable to school-level leaders applied to a school district context;
Use data-based research strategies to help shape vision and take into account the diversity of learners in the district drawing on relevant information sources such as student assessment results, student and family demographic data, and an analysis of community needs
Demonstrate knowledge of ways to use a district's vision to mobilize additional resources to support the vision.
Demonstrate the ability to articulate the components of this vision to school boards, staff, parents, students, and. community members as well as implement and support the vision;
Demonstrate the ability to plan programs to motivate staff, students, and families to achieve a school district's vision; and Design research-based processes to effectively implement a district vision throughout an entire school district and community.
Are able to align and, as necessary, redesign administrative policies and practices required for full implementation of a district vision
Understand the theory and research related to organizational and educational leadership and engage in the collection, organization, and analysis of a variety of information, including student performance data
Demonstrate the ability to bring together and effectively engage stakeholders within the district and the larger community concerning implementation and realization of the vision.
Wallace Grantee Meeting on Cohesive Leadership
A Gallery of Highlights
Goals of Meeting:
Opportunity for Leadership Involvement!!!
In addition to the Spring CTAG conference, you now have an additional opportunity to share with others strategies YOU’VE USED in your SAELP work, to engage school and district leaders in culturally competent practice!
As a PRESENTER for OALA’s 2007 Winter Conference
What is the conference all about?
This annual event provides a venue for educators, business and community leaders to learn about ongoing and emerging educational issues impacting the Latino and other culturally diverse communities. This conference will support the efforts of numerous educators by providing valuable information on a range of innovative strategies
What are presentations on?
Conference strands will include: school/leadership-based factors; teacher-based factors; student-based factors; and family/community based factors.
Who should I contact?
You can download a conference registration form at:
Send completed forms to:
Dr. Perla Rodríguez, OALA Conference Planning Committee
PO Box 410
Cornelius, Oregon
(503) 359-2501
Fax: (503) 359-2564
All proposals must be received no later than December 22, 2006. Presenters will be notified of selection by December 29, 2006.
The work that SAELP districts are doing around leadership in cultural competency is both innovative and grown-breaking. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to facilitate ongoing discussion and analysis about what this work looks like in schools and districts, and how it can be developed to create statewide change.
Quotes of the Month:
“ Leaders do not often arrive in education settings fully developed. They must grow, practice, and update their knowledge and skills. Leaders need support from others and opportunities to learn from peers and keep current with research. And to support student learning, leaders need time and guidance for their own learning.”
~ West Ed Academy
"I think the number one thing that I would give k-12 leader learning communities is the word relationships and building relationships both within their building, which you do first, and while you're doing that, you make sure you're reaching out and starting to connect with people in the district. I feel supported really deeply. And I think the confidence and the support helps me be more of a risk taker.
~ Eugene SAELP Participant