Class Policy/Information Sheet
TEACHER: Debbie Sharp
GRADE LEVEL: 10-12th
REQUIRED TEXT: Algebra II, McDougal Littell
OTHER SUPPLIES NEEDED: Notebook (3 ring binder), loose-leaf paper, pencil, four AAA batteries. Students will have a protractor, ruler, and graphing calculator for use in class. Many assignments will require the use of these items, so it would be helpful for students to have these items at home. These items will be available during encore.
EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to be in class, on time, seated, and ready to work when the bell rings. All students are expected to listen (with their eyes!), take notes, complete homework, ask questions, seek help, and work to reach his/her potential. It is an expectation that each student will participate in all class activities. We will work together to make this class a successful, positive experience for you. Please communicate any concerns you may have. I cannot read your mind—let me know what you are thinking!
Your Daily Average consists of 1) Tests/quizzes and 2) Homework. Tests/quizzes will count approximately 80% of your daily average and homework will count approximately 20% of your daily average.
Your Block Grade will consist of 1) Daily Average and 2) Final Exam. The daily average will count as 80% of your block grade and the final exam will count as 20% of your block grade.
PROGRESS: Parents and students can check grades online. Grade sheets will be given periodically to students.
1. Homework/class work will count as part of your grade. It is VERY important
that you have homework completed each day.
2. Quizzes taken from homework and class work
3. Tests over concepts covered in class
- Final exam—a comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of each block and will count as 20% of your final grade.
WHAT TO DO IF YOU NEED HELP: Ask questions during class, andcome to encore for extra help. BEST ADVICE—DO NOT GET BEHIND!!!
ENCORE: Encore is for your benefit. Any time you need extra help or need time to finish your work, feel free to come to encore. If you miss a homework assignment, or if your grade falls below a “C”, you will be required to attend encore.
MAKE UP WORK is your responsibility and will be handled during encore:
1. School-related activities: You must use a prior arrangement form and get
the assignment before you are absent. All work is due the day you return.
- Excused personal absences: Come to encore the day you return to get missed assignments. You will be given one day for every day absent to complete make up work.
LATE HOMEWORK will not be accepted unless approved by the teacher.
CALCULATORS—a graphing calculator will be issued by number for use during class. Each student must bring 4-AAA batteries.
ACADEMIC HONESTY—Giving or receiving assistance on a test or quiz, besides showing a serious lack of honor and integrity, is a violation of school rules and will be dealt with according to the handbook. Working together on selected assignments is permitted, but “copying” homework is not allowed. Remember, homework is the practice that will give you the skills to be successful on tests and quizzes.
RETESTING—Algebra III will not have the opportunity to retest since it is an honors course, so preparation for each test is of utmost importance.
MISCELLANEOUS—The main rule in my classroom is the “DO RIGHT” rule. I expect that you will act in such a way that our classroom will be a place of learning. Treat others with respect and dignity!
Classroom Rules:
- Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings
- Listen with eyes and ears when others are speaking
- Participate in all class activities
- Have all necessary supplies
- “Do Right”—Treat other people and their property with dignity and respect