Gavilan College

Associate in Art in History for Transfer Degree

Submitted: 04/14/2015

Revision Sent: 08/05/2015



CRITERIA A. Appropriateness of Mission

1. Statement of Program Goals and Objectives:

The Associate in Arts in History for Transfer degree (ADT) prepares students to seamlessly transfer into the CSU system to pursue a baccalaureate degree in History or a related major.

Upon Successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

A. Practice and analyze democratic civic engagement.

B. Demonstrate and evaluate relationships between local, national, and international

issues, movements, and ideas.

C. Demonstrate cultural competence, language skills, cross-cultural adaptation skills, and critically reflect upon their own social, historical, cultural, economic, and political contexts.

D. Evaluate the impact of globalization upon inequality, privilege, perspective, social conditions and institutions, power structures, difference, and social change.

E. Describe contemporary social and political values, and assess their historical and global linkage.

F. Demonstrate a range of skills including: research, documentation, analysis, evaluation, communication, contextualization, teamwork, observation, and cultural competency by relating social science concepts and theories to issues of importance to local communities.

G. Demonstrate college level reading, writing and critical thinking in the formulation of research assignment/s, and demonstrate effective skills in finding, evaluating, interpreting, and using both primary and secondary sources.

F. Identify, develop, use, and assess tools and methods for community change and social justice.

2. Catalog Description of the Program:

Historical knowledge provides a context for understanding the present and preparing for the future. The Associate in Arts in History for Transfer Degree offers a broad range of courses designed to enable students to comprehend how the community, nation, and the contemporary world have been shaped by historical events and forces. By studying history of many societies and cultures we gain perspective on our own. These courses may be taken to satisfy General Education requirements or to meet the requirements for an Associate in Arts in History for Transfer (ADT) degree. The ADT in History degree prepares students to seamlessly transfer into the CSU system to pursue a baccalaureate degree in History or a related major.

Upon Successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

A. Practice and analyze democratic civic engagement.

B. Demonstrate and evaluate relationships between local, national, and international

issues, movements, and ideas.

C. Demonstrate cultural competence, language skills, cross-cultural adaptation skills, and critically reflect upon their own social, historical, cultural, economic, and political contexts.

D. Evaluate the impact of globalization upon inequality, privilege, perspective, social conditions and institutions, power structures, difference, and social change.

E. Describe contemporary social and political values, and assess their historical and global linkage.

F. Demonstrate a range of skills including: research, documentation, analysis, evaluation, communication, contextualization, teamwork, observation, and cultural competency by relating social science concepts and theories to issues of importance to local communities.

G. Demonstrate college level reading, writing and critical thinking in the formulation of research assignment/s, and demonstrate effective skills in finding, evaluating, interpreting, and using both primary and secondary sources.

F. Identify, develop, use, and assess tools and methods for community change and social justice.

Associate Degree Transfer Requirements:

(1) Completion of 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University, including both of the following:

(A) The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) or the California State University General Education – Breadth Requirements.

(B) A minimum of 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis, as determined by the community college district.

(2) Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

ADTs also require that students must earn a C or better in all courses required for the major or area of emphasis.

3. Program Requirements:

Course ID / Course Title / Units / CSU GE / IGETC Area
Required Core: (6)
HIST 1 / United States History through Reconstruction / 3 / C2, D6 / 3B,4F,7B
HIST 2 / United States History Reconstruction to the Present / 3 / C2, D6 / 3B,4F,7B
LIST A: (6)
HIST 7A / Global History before 1500
History of Western Civilization / 3
3 / C2, D6
C2 / 3B, 4F
HIST 7B / Global History since 1500
History of Western Civilization / 3
3 / C2, D6
C2 / 3B, 4F
LIST B: Select one course or any course from List A course not already used (3 units)
HIST 3 / History of California / 3 / C2, D6 / 3B, 4F
HIST 5 / Women's Lives in Early United States History / 3 / C2, D4, D6 / 3B, 4F
HIST 6 / Women's Lives in Recent United States History / 3 / C2, D4, D6 / 3B, 4F
HIST12 / Mexican American Cultural History / 3 / C2, D3, D6 / 3B, 4F
ART 21 / Ancient Americas: A History Through Art
Ancient Americas: A Histgory Through Art / 3
3 / C1, C2
C1, C2 / 3A
LIST C: Select one course or any course from LIST B not already used (3 units)
ANTH 6 / Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion
Culture and Politics of Africa / 3
3 / D1
D7 / 4A
ART 1B / Art History
Art History / 3
3 / C1
C1 / 3A
MUS 1B / Music History and Literature
Music History and Literature / 3
3 / C1
C1 / 3A
SOC 9 / Intro to Conflict Resolution
Intro to Conflict Resolution
Global Society and Change
Global Society and Change / 3
3 / D7
D0,D8 / 4H,4J
SOC 4 / Intro to Sociology: Socal Problems
Sociology of Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity
Sociology of Women and Men / 3
3 / D0
D0, D3
D0,D4 / 4J
THEA 1 / Theatre History: Greece to Restoration / 3 / C1 / 3A
Total Units for the Major: / 18
Total Units that may be double-counted
(Ensure that the total for each Area does not exceed the limit for the specific Area) / 9 - 18 / 9 - 18
General Education (CSU GE or IGETC) Units / 39 / 37
Elective (CSU Transferable) Units / 12 - 21 / 14 - 23
TotalDegreeUnits (maximum) / 60