Oral English Language Matrix for Kindergarten and Grade One

Level 5 : consolidating

·  fluent and articulate conversation

·  evidence of a well developed vocabulary – chooses colourful, unusual or specific descriptive language

·  uses a variety of verb tenses, sometimes with errors

·  uses a variety of sentence structures with ease

Level 4 : expanding

·  can sustain a fluent conversation

·  uses a variety of verb tenses sometimes with errors

·  uses some sentence variety – compound, complex sentences, descriptive phrases when describing a personal experience or a story

Level 3 : developing

·  able to retell a personal experience or a story

·  understands most instructions and questions

·  uses simple sentences (subject, verb, object) sometimes with errors

·  uses prepositions and pronouns correctly most of the time

·  sometimes leaves words out, endings off

·  uses some past tense

Level 2 : beginning

·  conversation hesitant

·  can understand and may use simple instructions and questions

·  uses short phrases or simple sentences with some errors

Level 1 : emerging

·  speech hesitant and fragmented

·  understands little or no English

·  can repeat words when requested to repeat

·  oral production consists of isolated words / very little vocabulary

Oral English Language Assessment for Kindergarten and Grade 1

Anxious Shy At Ease Very Confident

T op of Form

TMLDirect TMLDirect TMLDirect TMLDirect

Toys: Speech Prompts:

People: 1. What is your name?


______2. How old are you?


3. Name these toys for me. (point)


______4. Where is ______?


______5. What is the (e.g. baby/plane/dog) doing?

Animals: 6. Do you go to school/daycare? What do you do there?


______7. What do you like to do at home?


8. What is your favourite story/movie? What happened in the

Furniture: story/movie?


______9. What did you do before you came here today? You

______woke up, then……

Other: 10. Why….? (for Level 4s & 5s)




Revised June 2008