Tasmanian Operational Requirements for
Group Training Organisations
Registration Tool Kit
(to accompany the Guide to Registration)
Amended: July 2013
Requirement 1:
Tasmanian Operational Requirements
The Group Training Organisation agrees to provide quality group training services in accordance with the Tasmanian Operational Requirements for group training organisations.
1.The GTO will give an undertaking to operate in accordance with the Tasmanian Operational Requirements for Group Training Organisations.Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- a formal undertaking, signed by the Chief Executive Officer (or an equivalently authorised officer) that the GTO will operate in accordance with the Tasmanian Operational Requirements for Group Training Organisations.
Requirement 2:
Tasmanian Operational Plan
To ensure its services meet the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, the group training organisation will document its Tasmanian Operational Plan to enter / continue operating in Tasmania’s group training market.
2.1The GTO will document its Tasmanian Operational Plan to enter / continue operating in Tasmania’s group training market. This plan will includeinformation on:
a.initial market appraisal into industry sectors that the GTO is currently / intends operating within
b.economic / employment growth trends
d.new markets
e.client support for GTO’s operations in Tasmania.
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- Documented evidence of initial market appraisal including growth trends, competitors, new markets and clients outlining case for approval as a GTO in Tasmania; and
- List of operational policies, procedures and guidelines that the organisation will have in place in Tasmania to support provision of group training services – please indicate whether these policies, procedures and guidelines are ‘under development’ or ‘already in existence’.If under development, please indicate estimated timeframe for completion.
Further evidence could include:
- Consultation with Skills Tasmania
- Evidence of research into economic/employment growth of those industry sectors the GTO is currently/intends operating in.Research information sources may include (but not be restricted to) the following:
- Workforce Plans www.skills.tas.gov.au/employersindustry/workforceplans
- Australian Bureau of Statisticswww.abs.gov.au
- Australian Job Searchwww.jobsearch.gov.au
- Monash University’s Centre of Policy Studieswww.monash.edu.au
- National Centre for Vocational Education Researchwww.ncver.edu.au
2.2The GTO will ensure the geographical location of its operational and administrative infrastructure is appropriate for the provision of care and support throughout an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence could include:
- office locations that support the administrative and operational function of the organisation’s core business, including sub-branches and areas in which field officers operate
- identified systems for monitoring the training achievements and ongoing needs of apprentices/trainees.
Requirement 3:
Operational Data Reporting
The Group Training Organisation has effective reporting procedures in place to ensure reporting requirements are met on an annual and as-requested basis.
3.1The GTO will provide Skills Tasmaniawith identified operational data on an annual basis.[Note: The original ‘Requirement 3.1’ re monthly reporting of data is no longer required.]
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- an annual report to Skills Tasmania(isolated to group training services only and not exceeding two A4 pages) due on 31 July each year identifying the following:
- geographical spread (e.g. regional areas of GTO operations, number of offices)
- employment arrangements (e.g. GTO staff numbers, full-time/part-time/casual/contract breakdown, gender balance)
- industry coverage (e.g. sectors where apprentices/trainees are currently placed)
- future directions (e.g. new industry sectors; new initiatives)
- other issues relevant to the GTOs operation within the Tasmanian training market.
3.2The GTO will provide Skills Tasmaniawith identified operational data upon request.
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence may include:
- a formal undertaking by the GTO to provide identified operational data reports upon request within an agreed timeframe.
Requirement 4:
External Review Processes
The Group Training Organisation agrees to participate in external monitoring and audit processes as required by Skills Tasmania. These include:
•compliance audits
•strategic audits.
4.1The GTO will give an undertaking to operate in accordance with the National Standards for Group Training Organisations, a requisite of which is participation in triennial compliance audits.Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- a formal undertaking by the GTO to operate in accordance with the National Standards for Group Training Organisations and to participate in triennial compliance audits.
4.2The GTO will give an undertaking to participate in strategic audits as required by Skills Tasmania.
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- a formal undertaking by the GTO to participate in strategic audits.
4.3The GTO will give an undertaking to clear any identified corrective actions relating to non-compliances arising from compliance and/or strategic audits within an agreed timeframe (not exceeding 6 months), and will manage opportunities for improvement via a Continuous Improvement Plan.
Evidence of Compliance
Evidence must include:
- a formal undertaking by the GTO to clear all corrective actions relating to non-compliances within an agreed timeframe (not exceeding 6 months)
- a documented policy and procedure for the timely clearance of correction actions relating to non-compliances
- a documented Continuous Improvement Plan for managing opportunities for improvement.
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