Region / FHAP Agency / Partner / Amount / Summary of ProjectRegion 1 / Boston Fair Housing Commission (BFHC) / Suffolk University Law School / $150,000.00 / BFHC will partner with Suffolk University Law School's clinical program to conduct systemic and complaint-based fair housing testing. Systemic testing will focus on LGBT, disability, and familial status issues, while the complaint-based testing will support Massachusetts state and local FHAPs, which have all submitted letters in support of the proposal. The project will also create a course on fair housing law at Suffolk Law.
Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CCHRO) / Connecticut Governor's Prevention Partnership / $39,900.00 / CCHRO will partner with the Governor's Prevention Partnership to develop a fair housing education and outreach project to address housing segregation, isolation based on protected class status, and discriminatory bullying in schools as a result of neighborhood and school segregation. The project will include presentations to housing authorities in low income areas; outreach sessions for housing authorities covering fair housing laws and opportunities, anti-bullying laws, changing communities, drug and alcohol prevention and desegregation; working withschools to train staff, teachers, parents, and students on fair housing laws and anti-bullying laws; a Fair Housing Month event covering both anti-discrimination and anti-bullying and a public service announcement covering both fair housing and anti-bullying.
Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC) / Pine Tree Legal Assistance / $29,650.00 / MHRC will partner with Pine Tree Legal Assistance to conduct fair housing education and outreach activities, including: audio podcasts of fair housing information in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, and Somali to reach LEP and illiterate populations and a visual podcast in American Sign Language to reach Maine's deaf and hard of hearing community; additional fair housing outreach activities such as presentations and consultations directedto advocacy groups, housing providers, and low-income Mainers, focused on people with disabilities, new immigrants, LEP populations, LGBT persons, and Native Americans.
Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC) / Alpha One Access Design Center / $21,000.00 / MHRC will partner with an Alpha One architect to conduct Fair Housing Act Accessibility Compliance Surveys at 28 privately-funded multifamily housing accommodations constructed for first occupancy after March 13, 1991. MHRC will then issue reports identifying areas that are not in compliance with fair housing law and need to be addressed.
Maine Human Rights Commission (MHRC) / Individual to be hired as an intern / $8,600.00 / MHRC will use these partnership funds to hire an intern to conduct a fair housing compliance audit of the 60 largest housing providers - both public and private - in the Maine, reviewing application materials, reasonable accommodation policies and forms, anti-harassment policies, and non-discrimination policies. The policies and forms will be reviewed for compliance with the Fair Housing Act and the Maine Human Rights Act, and MHRC will make written recommendations for required changes.
Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD) / Housing Discrimination Project/Massachusetts Fair Housing Center, National Center for Lesbian Rights / $195,000.00 / MCAD will partner with the Housing Discrimination Project/Massachusetts Fair Housing Center and the National Center for Lesbian Rights to develop a fair housing panel and conduct fair housing testing in central and Western Massachusetts.The fair housing panel will ensure that Springfield, MA and surrounding localities are affirmatively furthering fair housing during the redevelopment planned as a result of the natural disaster that struck the area in 2011. The fair housing testing will focus primarily on LEP population, new immigrants, race, national origin, and families with children. This project will also incorporate education and outreach activities focused on LGBT, LEP, minorities, and families with children.
Region 2 / Rockland County Commission on Human Rights (RCCHR) / Helping Hands, Woman Veterans Association of Hudson Valley, County of Rockland Veterans Service Agency / $75,000.00 / RCCHR will partner with Helping Hands, Woman Veterans Association of Hudson Valley, and the County of Rockland Veterans Service Agency to conduct fair housing testing based on race, disability, and religion, and to conduct fair housing education and outreach to Rockland County's veterans, homeless and otherwise. Over four percent of Rockland County's population is comprised of veterans, and 75 percent of this veteran population fails to seek help from the Veterans Administration and related agencies. This population also lacks fair housing knowledge. With partnership funds, RCCHR will conduct outreach to this population to teach the veteran population about various fair housing topics, including predatory lending, and will hold trainings with landlords to educate them about fair housing issues and concerns regarding the denial of housing to disabled veterans.
Geneva Human Rights Commission (GHRC) / Hobart and William Smith Colleges (additional pending partners: LegalAssistance of Western NY, Finger Lakes Housing Consortium for Ontario, Seneca, Wayne, and Yates Counties; Geneva Community Compact Initiative; Catholic Charities of Finger Lakes; and the Geneva African-American Men's Association, Inc.) / $65,500.00 / GHRC will partner with Hobart and William Smith Colleges to foster a greater community understanding of the importance of fair housing choice and to develop fair housing resources for organizations and municipal agencies receiving federal financial assistance that will educate and encourage compliance with AFFH obligations and priorities.
New York State Divisionof Human Rights (NYSDHR) / Individuals to be hired as temporary staff / $448,000.00 / NYSDHR will partner with temporary staff to assist in the litigation of over 62 State-Elected (probable cause) fair housing cases in New York State Supreme Court. NYSDHR will also use the funds to hire temporary staff to assist with NYSDHR's HUD financial monitoring of FHAP funding, FHAP segregated funds, and FHAP quarterly reports.
Region 3 / DC Office of Human Rights (DCOHR) / Equal Rights Center and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition / $270,000.00 / DCOHR will partner with the Equal Rights Center and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition to provide a wide range of fair housing testing, systemic enforcement, and educational projects aimed at strengthening the work that the agency conducts to affirmatively further fair housing. The fair housing testing efforts plan to include source of income testing regarding the use of Housing Choice Vouchers. Additionally, funds will be used to hire additional fair housing staff to handle complaints.
Delaware Division on Human Rights (DDHR) / Local LGBT organizations / $25,000.00 / DDHR will partner with local LGBT agencies to provide fair housing education and outreach and to increase fair housing awareness in the LGBT community.
Fairfax County Commission on Human Relations (FCCHR) / Equal Rights Center / $100,150.00 / FCCHR will partner with the Equal Rights Center to conduct effective and comprehensive fair housing education and outreach to special populations, and fair housing testing to eradicate housing discrimination in Fairfax County. Fair Housing education and outreach activities will include "Know Your Rights" workshops targeting LEP communities, conducting training for county building inspectors on Accessible Design and Construction, and conducting testing based on familial status, disability, and national origin.
Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR) / Individual to be hired / $65,000.00 / MCCR will use partnership funds to hire a contract employee to help decrease fair housing case processing times, help examine rental policies in Montgomery County, Maryland, and provide all translation and interpreter services for MCCR fair housing investigations for Spanish speaking complainants.
Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations (PCHR) / University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Studies - Center for Metropolitan Studies / $64,985.00 / PCHR will partner with the Center for Metropolitan Studies at the University of Pittsburgh to conduct a fair housing study of the existing housing barriers for ex-offenders in the Pittsburgh Metropolitan area. This project will help address an important phenomenon that has a disparate impact on African American males and African American families.
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) / The Reinvestment Fund / $185,991.91 / PHRC will partner with The Reinvestment Fund to conduct an extensive fair housing study to develop a complete description of the trends in mortgage originations, delinquencies, and foreclosures in Philadelphia County, and if possible two other counties. Based upon this study, The Reinvestment Fund will consult with PHRC to identify instances where actions of individual mortgage lending institutions manifest systemic patterns of unlawful discrimination in origination, terms, and foreclosures based upon race. Based on such evidence, PHRC will file complaints, conduct investigations, and if necessary, prosecute cases of unlawful discrimination. The funds will also be used to hire a temporary attorney to assist in the study and the investigation of such complaints.
Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) / Fair Housing Partnership / $59,067.20 / PHRC will partner with the Fair Housing Partnership to expose and reduce disability discrimination through testing, educate the community on the fair housing rights of the disabled, and to empower the disabled by increasing the knowledge of their rights. Trained testers will conduct 600 paired tests, dividing them into three regions throughout Pennsylvania. The funds will also be used to publicize the results of these tests.
Region 3, cont. / Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC) / Fair Housing Center at Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership / $139,543.00 / PHRC will partner with the Fair Housing Center at Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership to conduct effective and comprehensive fair housing education and outreach to new immigrants and individuals with limited or no English proficiency in Lancaster County. The fair housing education and outreach efforts will include the production of documents regarding fair housing laws, the production of short videos to educate individuals about fair housing rights, and the translation of documents for Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership's Community Homebuyer Program.
Reading Commission on Human Relations (RCHR) / Individual to be hired / $37,522.00 / RHCR will partner with a bilingual part-time individual to be hired to help respond to the fair housing needs of the growing Hispanic community in Reading. The funds will also be used to support RCHR's one full-time fair housing bilingual staff member. Both the full-time and part-time staff members will assist in the preparation and delivering of fair housing information to the portion of the population that identifies itself as non-English speaking.
Reading Commission on Human Relations (RCHR) / The Berks Coalition to End Homelessness / $12,478.40 / RCHR will partner with the Berks Coalition to End Homelessness to provide fair housing education and outreach to specific populations, particularly those that are homeless, are in danger of becoming homeless, persons with disabilities, immigrants, families, and the LGBT community. The funds will also be used to help fund a manager at the Berks Coalition who will help coordinate fair housing outreach, planning, and data collection.
Region 4 / Broward County Office of Intergovernmental & Professional Standards, Human Rights Section (BCHRS) / Housing Opportunities for Excellence, Inc. / $21,500.00 / BCHRS will partner with Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence (HOPE) to expand fair housing education and outreach to LGBT persons and to create a forum for training identified conciliation groups in fair housing matters. Together, BCHRS and HOPE will create new partnerships with Stonewall, the Broward County Chamber of Commerce, the Gay and Lesbian Exchange and other LGBT groups to disseminate LGBT fair housing materials. BCHRS and HOPE will also conduct three fair housing workshops, participate in three LGBT events, and provide fair housing advertising in 2 LGBT publications.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee (CMCRC) / Disability Rights and Resources / $134,760.50 / CMCRC will partner with Disability Rights and Resources to conduct fair housing education and outreach focused on the County's disabled population, including trainings and seminars to groups of disabled individuals, creation of audio, visual, and print educational documents, and participating in conferences and events sponsored by housing related organizations or non-profits that serve the disabled. CMCRC will also conduct 100 fair housing tests to address discrimination against persons with disabilities.
City of Durham Human Relations Division of the Neighborhood Improvement Services Department (CDHRD) / Urban Design Center, El Centro Hispanico / $50,000.00 / CDHRD will partner with the Urban Design Center and El Centro Hispanico to conduct fair housing education and outreach to the Hispanic population in Durham. CDHRD will also provide research an analysis on AFFH, focusing on zoning, workforce housing policy, and how to prepare an affordable housing plan.
Greensboro Human Relations Department (GHRD) / Sills Consulting - Dr. Stephen Sills and Rev. Dr. Mark Stills / $109,365.00 / GHRD will partner with Sills Consulting to conduct fair housing testing in the Greensboro area to determine the degree to which fair housing laws are being understood and followed, especially in regard to refugees, immigrants, and other minority populations.
Jacksonville Human Rights Commission (JHRC) / Jacksonville Area Legal Aid / $76,068.82 / JHRC will partner with Jacksonville Area Legal Aid to develop a comprehensive fair housing outreach and education program specifically targeting fair housing issues affecting the disabled community. JHRC plans to conduct ten community outreach events in Duval County targeting the disabled community, and plan to form partnerships with the City of Jacksonville's Office of Military Affairs - Veterans and Disabled Services for fair housing outreach and education.
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights (KCHR) / The National Lesbian Rights Center, the Hopkinsville Human Relations Commission, the Lexington Fair Housing Council Americana Community Center, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Metropolitan Housing Coalition, Jewish Family & Career Services, The City of Owensboro Community Development Department, the City of Elizabethtown / $227,500.00 / KCHR will partner with various non-profit groups and local government to conduct fair housing education and outreach activities, including three fair housing workshops geared toward real estate licensees, landlords, housing authorities, and zoning commissions; development of fair housing exhibits to display at high traffic state and local events; fair housing outreach to immigrants and refugees; translation of KCHR fair housing materials into necessary languages other than English; production of fair housing workshops, publications, reports, brochures, advertisements; training and information to people with disabilities, as well as landlords, tenant associations, and community partners. KCHR will also conduct a one-day LGBT training.
Region 4, cont. / Louisville Metro Human Relations Commissions (LMHRC) / University of Louisville's Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research, The Metropolitan Housing Council / $33,000.00 / LMHRC will partner with the University of Louisville's Anne Braden Institute for Social Justice Research and the Metropolitan Housing Council to research and produce a "20-Year Action Plan” to affirmatively further fair housing in the Louisville metro area. The Action Plan will detail and analyze the action steps set out in a recent analysis of impediments to fair housing study, and explore barriers faced to affirmatively further fair housing.
Louisville Metro Human Relations Commissions (LMHRC) / Lexington Fair Housing Council, the Fairness Campaign, Americana Community Center / $40,000.00 / LMHRC will partner with the Lexington Fair Housing Council, the Fairness Campaign, and the Americana Community Center to conduct fair housing education, training, and enforcement assistance, including housing discrimination complaint filing for special populations in the Metro Louisville area. The special populations to be targeted include new immigrants and LGBT persons. LMHRC will also undertake education and outreach regarding the 20-Year Action Plan with these partners.
South Carolina Human Affairs Commission (SCHAC) / Richland County Community Development Division of Richland County / $49,000.00 / SCHAC will partner withthe Richland County Community Development Division of Richland County to provide fair housing outreach and education addressing concerns raised in the County's Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, which was completed on September 20, 2011. Specifically, SCHAC will work with Richland County to disseminate fair housing brochures, provide training and seminars, and increase awareness of fair housing issues.
South Carolina Human Affairs Commission (SCHAC) / Individual to be hired / $94,000.00 / SCHAC will partner with a bilingual individual to be hired to provide housing fair housing outreach to LEP individuals, outreach in the Hispanic community, and to investigate fair housing cases. With this project, SCHAC will target the 11 SC counties with the highest percentage of Hispanics by conducing outreach, developing and providing brochures, appearing on talk shows and producing PSAs.