Salary Progression
Salary Progression outcomes now updated on eduPay
Salary progression payments have been included for eligible employees in pay period 2017-24 for pay day 24 May 2018 with progression effective from 1 May 2018. Principals and HR Administrators are asked to check that the outcome is as expected based on the employee’s performance results entered previously in the Performance Assessment Tool or via the approved Performance Development Plan 2017.
Action:Check the performance outcomes are as expected. Contact Schools’ People Services if an error has been identified. School operators are asked not to amend Job Data for progression outcomes for any employee.
Salary Progression and Higher Duties
The salary progression process on eduPay only adjusts an employee’s base salary level. Where an employee was in receipt of Higher Duties on 1 May 2018 a manual check is required to identify if the employee is also eligible for progression at the higher duties level. The same progression eligibility provisions apply in relation to progressing at the higher duties level. Refer to the Remuneration Guide available on HRWeb for further information.
Where the employee is eligible for progression at the Higher Duties level, end date the current HIGHERDUTIES element on 30 April 2018 and add a new HIGHERDUTIES element from 1 May 2018 reflecting the new salary step. A Higher Duties eligibility calculator is available on HRWeb to assist in the calculation of progression eligibility.
For assistance in updating eduPay, refer to the Allowances User guide on eduGate.
Action:Determine whether an employee is eligible for progression at the higher duties level and if applicable update eduPay with the revised step from 1 May 2018.
Salary Progression and School Local Payroll
The salary progression process on eduPay does not update employees on the School Local Payroll.
Principals and HR Administrators are to determine the eligibility of school council employees on the SLP. The same eligibility requirements apply to SLP employees as for Department employees.
For employees who meet the eligibility requirements and have met performance standards, add a row in Job Data dated 1 May 2018 using the Action/Reason codes: Global Salary Change / Common Progression Cycle and update the salary step as required.
Action:Principals are to determine eligibility for their SLP employees and, where appropriate, update eduPay with salary progression for employees who have met progression standards.
Extra Hours – eduPay processing
A review of eduPay has identified that some schools have made payments to full time leading teachers, classroom teachers and paraprofessionals for additional hours of work using the ‘Extra Hours at Current Rate’ element on eduPay.
The ‘Extra Hours at Current Rate’ element on eduPay is intended to be used in circumstances where a part time employee is required to work additional hours on an intermittent or ad hoc basis (not exceeding a total of 38 hours in any week). The ‘Extra Hours at Current Rate’ element should not be used in any circumstances for full time employees or part time employees who are required to work additional hours on a regular basis.
For education support class employees, as an alternative to time off in lieu, a principal and education support class employee may agree to payment for time in lieu owed, which would be paid using the ‘Extra Hours at Current Rate’ element on eduPay.
The time in lieu arrangements should be used in any circumstances where a full time or part time employee is required to work additional hours beyond 38 hours in any week. Where a part time employee is required to work additional hours on a regular basis (not exceeding a total of 38 hours in any week) a temporary change to the employee’s eduPay work schedule should be made (i.e. a temporary time fraction increase).
Information regarding attendance and hours of work provisions is available on HRWeb at: Attendance and Working Hours
For information regarding the processing of transactions on eduPay refer to the relevant eduPay User Guide on eduGate or contact Schools People Services on 1800641 943.
Advance access to eduPay
Where an employee is hired on eduPay, prior to their actual commencement date, an eduMail email account is automatically created and the login details sent to the main school eduMail account. These login details are to be provided to the new employee as soon as possible as they allow access to both eduMail and eduPay – including SLP casuals who may only work for a short period.
Using the provided login details the new employee is able to access Employee Self Service on eduPay to review their personal details, record their chosen Superannuation Fund or record their taxation requirements directly on eduPay prior to their commencement.
HRWeb Updates
HRWeb is regularly updated therefore it is important that principals and HR Administrators ensure they are accessing the latest policy, procedural information and forms as required.
The following pages or documents have recently been amended:
- SLP Time Sheet Administration Guide (Module 5) – updated actions to complete timesheet approval transactions
- SLP Charge Codes Guide(Module 2) – added new GL charge codes
- SLP Rehire Casuals(Module 4) – New guide for new process to rehire terminated casuals on SLP
- Employment in a Government School – Validation of Personal Information – updated for changes in gender recording. It is important that this revised form is used for all new employment.
- eduPay User Guide – Deductions (for revised superannuation process)
- Employment Task List (for revised superannuation process)
Recruitment Hints & Tips
Principal and Assistant Principal recruitment
Principals and HR Administrators are reminded that advertising or appointment actions in Recruitment Online and eduPay for Principal vacancies and appointments is completed by the Schools’ Recruitment team.
Where a Principal vacancy arises, the relevant regional office will advise Schools Recruitment to advertise the Principal vacancy on Recruitment Online.
Principal contracts are prepared centrally and are issued directly to the successful applicant. Successful applicants are required to sign the contracts (2 copies) and return both to the regional office for the Regional Director’s approval. The regional office will forward completed signed contracts to Schools Recruitment where, on receipt, action will be taken to complete the eduPay appointment process.
Assistant Principals
An Assistant Principal vacancy is advertised by the Principal or HR Administrator on Recruitment Online. If the successful applicant for an Assistant Principal vacancy is a current ongoing employee, the appointment is provisional. In this case, the recruitment officer updates Recruitment Online to the Prepare for Hire stage only. Following advice from the Merit Protection Boards to indicate no appeal has been received or an appeal has been resolved, complete the Recruitment Online appointment process. Do not complete the appointment on eduPay.
Contracts for Assistant Principals are prepared centrally and are emailed to schools to provide to the successful applicant. After the contract has been signed by the successful applicant and the Principal, the signed contract is forwarded to the Schools Recruitment Unit for action to be taken centrally to complete the eduPay appointment process.
School Local Payroll Hints & Tips
Rehire Casual employees on SLP
A new facilityis now available to Business Managers and HR Administrators which allows for the quick rehire of individual or multiple employees in one eduPay transaction where the employment record was terminated as a result of inactivity.
When using this process you must also ensure that the employee’s banking, tax, superannuation and suitability for employment (VIT or Working with Children Check) details are correctly recorded on eduPay.
A help document is available on the SLP portal on eduGate: SLP QRG Rehire Casuals
SLP Superannuation details (spreadsheet)
This spreadsheet is no longer to be sent to the Department for superannuation processing. New or rehired employees appointed on eduPay in advance of their commencement date can now access eduPay as soon as the eduMail login details are provided to the school. This allows them to record their superannuation and taxation information in advance of commencing employment.
All SLP employees are to be provided with their eduMail login details to enable access to eduPay to record their timesheets, superannuation, banking, taxation and to obtain their payslips and PAYG Payment Summary. Help in using the new functionality is available from the Employee Self Service section on the eduPay Help page.
As part of an employee’s induction to your school new employeesare to be advised to record their superannuation choice on eduPay using Employee Self Service. Where this occurs the Choice of Superannuation Fund form does not have to be provided to the employee. If provided, the original document should be retained at the school in the employee’s personnel file.
Integration of SLP Support with Schools People Services
The integration of the School Local Payroll support team with Schools People Services is now complete.
Where assistance is required for SLP enquiries, contact Schools’ People Services for any matters related to SLP on eduPay and Schools’ Recruitment Unit for any SLP matters related to Recruitment Online. The units can be contacted by logging a call through the Service Gateway, by email, or by phoning 1800 641 943 and selecting the appropriate options.
eduPay Hints and Tips
All new, returning or current employees can add and edit their Superannuation Guarantee (SGC) (employer contribution) choice of superannuation fund using Employee Self Service on eduPay. A Choice of Superannuation form is no longer required by the Department to process or record the SGC entries on eduPay where the employee updates via ESS.
Principals and Business Managers are asked to direct employees to update their choice of superannuation fund requirements through Employee Self Service in eduPay. By advising an employee to update their choice via ESS negates the need to provide a paper copy of a Choice of Superannuation Fund form to them. Further information and help is available on the HRWeb SuperStream page.
Maintaining system security
The password to an employee’s eduMail account also provides access to their eduPay account. It is important that this password is kept confidential and not shared with another employee, computer technician or consultant for any reason. Principals are asked to ensure that all staff in the school are made aware of this requirement.
Employees must not record login and password details on a note under a keyboard, on the computer, on noticeboards, written on a notepad, in a diary or other easily accessible place.
When using a shared computer, in the school or at home, on exit from eduPay ensure you close all windows of the internet browser used to access Employee Self Service.
If an employee believes their account has been compromised, they must change the passwordimmediately. To change the password or get advice on Password Best Practice, clickthe Change/Forgot My Password link on the eduPay login page.
Action:Principals to advise ALL employees of the requirement to keep login details private and ensure passwords are kept secure.
Avoiding duplicate employee IDs – ROL search for previous employment
A person retains the same employee ID throughout their employment with the Department including employment on SLP on eduPay. This ensures their service history and entitlements are carried forward to each period of employment.
To ensure a duplicate employee ID is not created, including where employees are hired on the School Local Payroll, a search is to be completed in Recruitment Online (ROL) at the Prepare for Hire step to determine if the successful applicant has previously been employed by the Department. Recruiters and HR Administrators are asked to ensure this search is completed for all successful applicants to avoid the creation of multiple employee IDs for staff as this can have an impact on their entitlements.
Remember to ask prospective employees whether they have been previously employed by the Department. Ensure you have their full name, including any variations of their name they may have worked under previously.
For assistance with the Prepare for Hire process in ROL, refer to the Recruiter User Guide.
Working with Children Check and the HR Administrator Dashboard
People Services are currently undertaking a process to validate all Working With Children Check (WWC Check) details recorded on eduPay. Principals and HR Administrators will be contacted where invalid data is returned from the Department of Justice and Regulation validation process for any of their employees. Your assistance in updating any missing, pending or otherwise invalid information immediately would be appreciated.
It is important that all Education Support Class employees, including those on SLP on eduPay, hold a valid employee type WWC Check card (with an ‘E’). Thecard details must be recorded on eduPay. A payment receipt for the WWC Check is not acceptable evidence, only the WWCCheck card can be presented as evidence of a valid WWC Check. Considerable penalties for both the employer and employee may be levied if a WWCCheck card is not available. Education Support Class employees who hold current, valid VIT registration are not required to have a WWCCheck card while the VIT registration remains current. This applies to ALL employees on eduPay where a WWCCheck is required.
The HR Administrator dashboard identifies the status of each employee’s WWCCheck record on eduPay. There may be up to four bars on the graph – Valid, Pending, Expiring and Nil/Expired. The following identifies any action required:
Valid – no action is required, the data recorded is considered to be valid and has been confirmed by the HR Administrator as correct when compared to the employee’s WWCC card and the Department of Justice and Regulation WWCC Status website.
Pending – the employee has updated their details via Employee Self Service and has attached a copy of their WWCC card to their record. The Business Manager/HR Administrator must confirm the entry on the Suitability for Employment page by reviewing the card copy and confirming the information entered is correct against the WWCC Status website. Where the information recorded matches the card and the WWCC status website, adjust the status to “Card Sighted”. If details do not match, update the entry with confirmed information directly on eduPay or contact the employee to obtain further information.
Expiring – the employee’s card is due to expire within the next 40 calendar days. Contact the employee and ask them to renew their card as soon as possible. On receipt of the renewed card the employee updates the expiry date in Employee Self Service and attaches a copy of the card. The HR Administrator/Business Manager then follows the Pending process above.
Nil/Expired – the card details for the employee have not been recorded or have not been recorded correctly, or the card has expired already. Immediate action must be taken. Ask the employee to update their WWCC card details using Employee Self Service then follow the Pending process above. Alternatively, obtain a copy of their valid WWCC Card and update the Suitability for Employment page directly. Attach a copy of the valid card to the employee’s record.
Where a valid WWCC card is not available the employee must not be engaged in child-related work. Contact the Employee Conduct Branch for advice by email to
To access a list of employees in each category, click the required graph bar and select the ‘View Details’ link. The list displays the card details and employees in that status. Details can be downloaded to Excel using the standard download icon.
As data corrections are made, the Dashboard is updated following overnight processing.
Working With Children Check cards can be validated on the Department of Justice and Regulation WWCC Status website
Action:Principals and Business Managers are asked to ensure all Pending, Expiring or Nil/Expired records are actioned as a matter of urgency.
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