Oasis Men’s Golf Club – Minutes
Meeting 11/21/11 – Present - Brian Bergmann, Bob Cuschleg, Kent Epeneter, Curtis Hansen and Marty Conway.
Officers selected; President–Brian, Vice-President- Kent, Treasurer-Curt, Member at large/games-Bob, Secretary-Marty.
After much discussion a motion carried to use the club web-site for a 90 day trial period to determine if it will meet the needs of the men’s club. Brian will set up a meeting with Randy and Katherine Cole (hopefully 11/30 @ 1) to discuss our expectations. We will send a note to Randy/Katherine to outline our expectations prior to the meeting.
Monday games will consist of 2 individual games within flights, 1 ABCD game and 1 two-man team game (open flights) per month. Bob will attempt to vary pairings where practical.
As handicap chairman, Kent will monitor scoring/payouts for reasonableness.
For Stag night prizes Brian will handle bottled goods and Kent golf related items; budget generally $500 and $1000, respectively (to be adjusted as required based on ticket sales).
Curt reported that the member/member tourney was on schedule with 62 players. The committee has done an excellent job securing prizes and sponsors.
December 12th will be a pink ball ABCD tournament: pink ball will be played from the red tees and the scramble from the white tees. No handicap will be used for the teams which will be determined by draw of the cards the morning of the event. Bob will provide A B C and D lists with appropriate white tee handicaps.
Bob will send out a current list of OMGC members and recommended payout grid to the board. The drag for Monday’s game will be 10% of the entry fee.
Kilroy Cup points will be tied to payouts by flight using the payout grid (1 point awarded to the last place payout in the flight, 2 points to the next highest, etc.); Bob will maintain the list.
Number of flights per week will depend on size of group; any group over 24 players will be split into 2 flights. Most likely this occurs in the white flight.
Marty will back up Bob in game preparation; Bob will handle 12/19 and Marty will handle 12/26,1/2 and 1/9. Bob will work with Marty to load game program on his PC and attempt to train him on its use.
Next board meeting was scheduled for 12/12 following the pink ball extravaganza.
Meeting adjourned.