Minutes of WELCOM Forum 23rd Feb 2017
Present: J. Purkiss Chair, D. Bowling Vice Chair, D. Harvey, V. Adams, R. Phillips, B. Quick, F Mulley, L. Mulley, G. Stevens, C.B. Cook, F. Massey, L. Keefe, I. Crane, S. Sullivan, J. Fawsitt, D. Gunn, S. Gunn, D. Brindley, E. Summons, R. Bell, P. Robinson, Cllr. S. Summons, S. Smith.
Apologies: Brian Martin, Dave Smith, Chris Ford, Rosie Roast, Karen Dobson, Neil Fawcett, Marian & Bob.
Matters Arising:
PR spoke about the ETCSH and how St Clere’s Trust are still per suing the takeover of running it by using “Optima”. This will lead to a complete take over, increase of hiring fees beyond what the community feels would be a reasonable amount, no local representative being involved in decision making. PR made the point of all the community getting on board to fight this.
It was mentioned that street signs were muddy and unreadable, Cllr SS to take this up with council, she pointed out that we now have a street cleaner. Cllr SS also stated that she had taken Lyn Carpenter on a tour of the area.
Natalie Warren from the council thanked us for inviting her along, she went on to explain how Thurrock was a very unique place and how she is working closely with forums. A number of them have closed or have stopped functioning. Chafford have resorted to using social media but this is not a good idea. Natalie is happy to help with 1, arranging a blanket insurance to cover all that we may organise in the community, to keep costs down. 2 To use the forum website more as only very few do now. 3, To give us access to Forum funds to help with admin costs, community boards, promoting events,
FM asked Natalie if she could help Friends of Gobians Park with funds, she said there was £5000 for community projects
LM said there are a lot of local issues of which she would like to see the council engaging with us more, by sending more representatives from the council to hear our concerns. They could use us as a sounding board for ideas and interests and information.
Fraser brought up about the keys to the notice board are lost a locksmith has offered his help. Natalie said she could help with the locks for our notice board.
JP told Natalie that the council should have come to the forum on the local development plan. Natalie will take this up with the council.
ES requested we had two information boards, it was noted that when placed on posts they are not so robust.
Neighbourhood Watch
SS will arrange a meeting for local neighbourhood co-ordinators and those who are interested in starting a new watch. There is an Essex community Crime prevention day in Oct on “Learning How To Stay Safe”. Roger Passfield neighbourhood watch police co-ordinator was very impressed with the amount of people who turned up for the watch talk.
JF asked if there was any feedback on Gloria who had been a victim of crime in the area, there was none.
DB said that a man and woman had been caught regarding burglaries.
Gobians Park
FM said £320 had been raised on race night for the funds there is a quiz night on the 17th March. Scott had spoken to Walshe’s who are happy to help provide bark, he also explained the plans for the future to them. JF was organising another volunteer clean up day before the summer. There are a lot of pledges in place and more events for Easter. JP asked if they were still working closely with the Council, JF confirmed they were. The strip of land running along Gobians was discussed regarding the rubbish and who was responsible for clearing it. The land owners refuse to clear it and so does the council. The section of fence is still with the council as it has not been confirmed who will pay for repair.
JF said there is no progress on the “Crossing” a meeting had been arranged to get council support on the A14 option JP asked Cllr SS to take this up with council.
JP Gave a big thanks to One Big Storage for giving space for the Library use, for the volunteers who helped and the Knitters who are back in the village hall on Fridays giving their support. Scott said 90% of the Bata heritage items have been saved but a lot of cleaning is required. To speed up the process professional help will be needed so they are asking the Lottery Fund for help. Natalie said the forum will be approached on the future of the Library. JF asked if the heritage day in Apr will be well promoted. SS confirmed that she did say to Lyn Carpenter a new build would be nice taking in all our needs.
Sports Hall
PR said there is a meeting on 22nd March JP mentioned he would like to see it resolved as its now been going on for a couple of years. PR has now written to the school on how Optima are wanting to high jack the whole thing. The school have not attended any of the meetings held for some time now, though in the constitution they are elected to do so. PR explained that the covenant set up by Cory’s is not being adhered to, JP went on to explain that the building is owned by the St Cleres Trust and they are acting as a Landlord.
106 agreements
JP said there is £450,000 of the 106 agreement put aside for the foot bridge that is now not going ahead. He requested we come up with ideas what this money could be used for. JP thought it could be used on the refurbishment of the three storey block in the Bata industrial unit. It could work as the local hub, incorporating the library, heritage centre ect. JP will organise a meeting with Iceni, Cogent and the council to see if this is possible. Scott S will speak to Lyn Carpenter to set up a project team. JP said Persimmons are in breach of their agreement to spend £70,000 to install traffic lights. CBC said put a nursery in there too to help fund the costs. Cllr SS met with Little Angels who were disappointed when their building was no longer in use as a children’s centre but they have kept a small room for use by a midwife.
West Tilbury
Rosie said vehicles are still speeding through the village. VW said that the Kings Head must remain as a pub though the owner wants to still build on the back. This will not happen as the access to cess pit will be blocked. Arrangements have been made to get a 70% mortgage but they need 30% n pledges to buy the Kings Head as a community enterprise. Negotiations are ongoing.
BQ asked JF about the speed training she said she will come back on that one. He asked about the housing on Linford side, nothing is happening on that yet. Linford Wanderers would gain changing rooms if the housing went ahead as its part of the plan of taking part of the park away.
Fraser said Virgin will be coming into the area with cable as there seems to be a demand for it.
CBC pointed out the lack of presence at the local planning meeting, the next one is 25th March Beehive Centre Grays. CBC also asked about the new entrance to the mineral extraction site on how it will impact on users of road. CBC requested Cllr SS bring this to the attention of the council, Cllr SS said she had emailed but got no response, JP pointed out it would be better too actually see them in person, then they would have to give a reply straight away.
Other business:
GS went over the history of Walsh’s and those operating before them, he said nothing has changed though he has lived with all the promises over the fifty years he has lived in the area. He says the council have let us down in a big way. GS has said he is willing to monitor the traffic going across the crossing to get a realistic figure.
LM is applying to become a governor at Orsett & Basildon hospital where she coukd feed back to us, she is asking for our support as there are 10 people applying for two places.
JF brought up that local Cllr J. Baker had done nothing to help the community and therefore why is he still getting paid. Cllr SS said that a meeting had been held and it was stated that he had health issues the party will not suspend him. DB said he had reported it to council as he had turned up to a meeting on crime drunk.
DB informed us that the heritage money for education at the Coal House Fort is running out, he said there is a problem with mismanagement of funds, CBC said they pay a fulltime worker who does not seem to do much.
JF said on 28th Feb at 7 o’c St Francis its pancake night with board games ect donations requested. Ash Wed 1st March 7.30 St Catherine’s Holy Communion, Lent lunches soup & bread 11th March 11o’c, cake sale 25th March St Francis.
Cllr SS read out an email regarding the building of eco houses on land opposite solar farm. There are 30 acres available, houses to be built using the offsite zip method. Email sent to Cllrs from developers.
Next meeting 30th March 2017 Linford Methodist Church 7.30 pm