Introduction Letter Assignment
Length: 1 page typed, 2 pages written
Rough Draft: 25 pts
Final Draft: 25 pts
Write a letter to me, Ms. Lentz. There are two questions that must be answered: Aside from class assignments, what/how often do you write? Do you like to write (why/why not)? Additionally, tell me something about yourself. Possible topics to cover: your job, your pet, what you do for fun, what you cannot stand but have to do or put up with anyway, what you like about school, what you would change about school. These are by no means the only areas that you can write about – they are only meant as suggestions. Refer to the rough draft of my letter below.
The purpose of the letter is to let you express yourself on paper, as well as to give you a sense of audience awareness (It also gives me a sense as to who you are as a writer. Sneaky, right?). Does who you are writing the letter to affect the way you represent yourself? Do you think “What do I want my reader to think about the person writing this?” and “What should I mention in order to do that?”
Dear Reader,
My name is Emily Lentz. That doesn’t tell you much about me, so here are a few facts: I am thirty-four years old, have two dogs, taught for nine years, drive a Subaru Impreza, and grew up in Harrisburg. I have worked a lot of jobs. Every year I get excited for the start of school year and hope I will be a better teacher than I was the year before. I always have big plans of inspiring and energizing my students to love learning, writing, and literature. Don’t worry, I won’t give up, but I will calm down a bit.
People always ask me why I became a teacher, like it’s that simple to answer. I don’t think the reason I went to school to become a teacher when I was 19 years old is anything like the reason why I am a teacher now. Who stays the same that long or does something for the same reasons for over ten years? Why don’t people ask why I am a teacher instead of why I became a teacher? I think the reason most people get into work, relationships, and other commitments is because of ideas they have of what it will be like, and those don’t usually match up with reality. The reason you stay at a job or with a person is because the reality you find there is one that makes you a better person or challenges you or just makes you happy.
So, as you can see, I like to write at times. I’ve noticed that I have to edit and cut a lot, because my thoughts become so complex that my actual writing comes out like garbage. Yes, garbage. I have other people read over my work for me, and fix, and fix, and fix. When I say fix, I mean that we sit down together and talk over what I have written, and it really helps me to come up with better, more understandable sentences, paragraphs, etc.
The subject I teach requires a lot of extra time working outside of the classroom, grading papers and researching materials for teaching. Honestly, I hate grading papers. I get so tired at the end of the day that I don’t feel like spending the rest of the night reading and rereading essays. Most of the time, when I am reading the assignment, I am interested. Yet, when it comes time to write comments, I wonder if anyone is actually paying attention to what I say in order to improve, or just looking at the grade and tossing out all the work I’ve done into the trash.
I find that at times when I can’t figure out my life, I will bust open a journal and write a bunch of pouty nonsense, but it does make me feel better. I would never reread what I have written in a journal, though. Since when I am in a bad mood is the only time I write in those things, it must be a real downer to read. I hate text messaging. It’s ok when someone writes something like “call me” or “pick up milk”, but when people want to have whole conversations, I feel like smashing my phone to bits. If you want to talk, and you have a PHONE, call me!!!!! (Not you. You shouldn’t call me. I’m your teacher for heaven’s sake! You could call me on my school line regarding homework. That would be appropriate.) Right?
Anyway, I like teaching and writing. I like teaching because I like students. I like writing because it helps me make sense at times when nothing does. And I love literature because it helps me to see the world in a million different ways, amuses me, and expands the way I think.
Ms. Lentz