Midterm Proposal Rubric | COM 263 | Davis
Thoroughness and Accuracy /
All areas of the report are answered thoroughly and accurately.
Most areas of the report are answered thoroughly and accurately. Some information could be added or edited.
Significant improvement is needed in thoroughness and/or accuracy.
Clarity / The information is clearly written, easy to follow and understand. / Some areas of the report are difficult to follow or understand, but most information is clearly written.
/ Significant areas of the report are difficult to follow or understand.
Style, Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling
/ The writing is flawless in its style, grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
/ Most of the writing reflects strong style, grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
/ Significant weaknesses in style, grammar, mechanics, and spelling are apparent.
Site Map / The site map is accurate and highly professional in its execution.
/ The site map is accurate for the most part, but contains minor inaccuracy and/or is not as professionally executed as it could be.
/ The site map contains significant inaccuracies and/or is not professionally executed.
Logo Design / Logo meets the SLAMR criteria and would be considered an outstanding logo by professional standards.
/ Logo meets the SLAMR criteria.
/ Logo does not meet the SLAMR criteria.
Comp: Usability / The web site demonstrates usability principles in navigation, layout, and content.
/ The web site demonstrates most usability principles in navigation, layout, and/or content. / Substantial improvements are needed in order for the site to meet usability principles in navigation, layout, and/or content.
Comp: Design Principles
/ The home page comp. demonstrates appropriate “look and feel” for audience and purpose, including appropriate color scheme. Web design principles are demonstrated in the layout, graphics, and typography. Appropriate screen “real estate” is used. Finishing touches on graphics such as header banner, buttons, columns, and icons make this site appear professional. / The home page comp. demonstrates fairly appropriate “look and feel” considering audience and purpose. Web design principles are demonstrated in the layout, graphics, and typography. Appropriate screen “real estate” is used. The site may need more finishing touches on graphics such as header banner, buttons, columns, and/or icons, to make this site appear professional. / The home page comp. needs substantial improvement in one or more areas:
1) appropriate “look and feel” for audience and purpose
2) design layout, graphics, typography
3) screen “real estate”
3) finishing touches on graphics