The Federation of Australian Historical Societies Inc.

Advocacy Proposal Form

The Federation of Australian Historical Societies is committed to supporting local historical societies throughout Australia. In order to best represent your interests we need to maintain an awareness of the issues that concern your Society. We invite you to submit details of any issues that you would like the Federation to raise in relevant national/state/local forums.

Please send submissions to the FAHS by e-mail to or by post to FAHS, GPO box 1440, Canberra ACT 2601.

Name of organisation:



Contact person:______

Tel.no:______Email address:______



1. Please indicate the area of concern which best covers your concern/practical problem? Tick appropriate box.

□ Organisational administration □ Building maintenance □ Public liability insurance □ Volunteer accident insurance □ Collection conservation□ Collection display □ Collection storage □ Collection cataloguing □ Volunteer training □ Publishing local histories □ History teaching in schools

□ History teaching in universities □ Voice for history on government and other bodies

□ Voice for heritage on government and other bodies □ Local heritage issue □State heritage issue

□ National heritage issue □ Other (please explain) ______

2. Briefly describe your concern/practical problem










3. Please provide background information relating to your concern/practical problem. This information will greatly assist the Federation in considering its response (if insufficient space below, please include an attachment).











4. Please indicate what you consider would be the ideal solution to your concern/practical problem






Date submission received:______

Date considered by FAHS Committee______.

Proposed action______





Date initiating society informed of proposed action:______

For further information please contact:

The Executive Officer,

Federation of Australian Historical Societies Inc.

Email: or

Post: GPO Box 1440, Canberra ACT 2601

Thank you for your interest