Block: ______/

Gases in Our Atmosphere

The air in our atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases. The air is mostly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The remaining 1% is other gases such as argon, carbon dioxide, ozone, and water vapor.

We will be making a visual representation of the gases in our atmosphere. Please follow the directions below:

1.  Mark off a 10 X10 box of squares on a piece of grid paper. You should have 100 squares representing all of the gases that make up our air.

2.  Color in 78 squares to represent the portion of our atmosphere that is nitrogen.

3.  Use a different color to color in 21 squares to represent the portion of our atmosphere that is oxygen.

4.  Use a different color to color in 1 square to represent the portion of our atmosphere that is other gases.

5.  Make a key showing which color corresponds to which gas.

6.  Add a title at the top of the page.

7.  Add a heading including: first name, last name, date, block

8.  Check your work by reading these directions again and looking at what you did.

9.  Circle the grade that you think you earned on the rubric below. Staple this page to the back of your work and turn it in when you are finished.

4 / ·  Assignment is completed.
·  All directions are followed.
·  Work shows a thorough understanding of the topic with attention to details.
3 / ·  Assignment is completed.
·  Most or all directions are followed.
·  Work shows a good understanding of the topic.
2 / ·  Most of the assignment is completed or attempted.
·  Some directions are followed.
·  Work shows a partial understanding of the topic.
1 / ·  Less than ½ of the assignment is completed or attempted.
·  Directions are not followed.
·  Work shows little or no understanding of the topic.
0 / Assignment not turned in.