Committee on Budget and
Finance of the Seimas of the Republic
of Lithuania
The EU Financial Sector after the Storm
Vilnius, 08.09.2011
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Vilnius, Gedimino av. 53
Wednesday, 07.09.2011
19.00 Dinner. Keynote speech: A.Kubilius, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Thursday, 08.09.2011
Moderator: Guido Ravoet, Chief Executive, European Banking Federation
10.00- 10.10 Welcome
Prof., dr. Kęstutis Glaveckas, Chairman of the Committee on Budget and Finance
10.10-10-15 Opening remarks
Dr. Stasys Kropas, President of the association of Lithuanian banks
10.15-10.45Keynote speech: Implementation of the EU financial sector regulatory agenda.
Michel Barnier. European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services.
Q & A
10.45 – 12.15Implementation of Basel III. The banking business is based on trust and confidence, which rely on three pillars: surveillance, stability and crisis management. How are they reinforced (or not) by the new regulatory framework?
What impact it will have on the real economy?
Freddy Van den Spiegel, Chief Economist-Director Public Affairs BNP Paribas Fortis
The problems of stability supervision
Henri Malosse, President ofthe Employers group, European Economic and Social Committee
The regulation of the banking sector and the crisis overcomein Europe:the viewofEuropeanEmployers
Peter Morgan, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee
From Larosiere Report to the current regulatory Environment
Peter Tabak, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Economist
Q & A session
12.15 – 13.45 Lunch break
Moderator: Piia-Noora Kauppi Managing Director, Federation of Finnish Financial Services
13.45 – 14.15Keynote speech: The Nordic approach to CRD IV
Johanna Lybeck Lilja State Secretary at the office of Minister Finance Minister of Sweden Peter Norman
14.15 – 15.30What are the key success factors for the European financial services sector?
Financial markets in the Nordic-Baltic countries are highly integrated. Where should we draw the line to avoid regulation which is too detailed and restrictive? What does Basel III mean for the financial sector in practice? Crisis management and stability.
Vitas Vasiliauskas, Bank of Lithuania, Chairman of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania
Leif Teksum, Group Executive Vice-president Large Corporates and International, DnB NOR Bank ASA
Do you know your customers? – Some comments pre- and post crisis
Hakan Berg, Head of Baltic Banking, “Swedbank”, AB
Magnus Agustsson, Head of Group Risk Centre, SEB Group
Kerstin af Jochnick , Managing Director, Swedish Bankers’ Association
15.30- 15.45 Closing remarks
GuidoRavoet, Chief Executive, European Banking Federation
16:00 Excursion in the Seimas Building of Lithuanian Republic.