Section II. Bidding Data Sheet (BDS)
For Supply of Goods Contracts
The following specific data for the goods to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Bidders (ITB). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in ITB.
[Instructions for completing the Bid Data Sheet are provided, as needed, in the notes in italics mentioned for the relevant ITB Clauses.]
ITB Clause Reference / A. GeneralITB 1.1 / The Purchaser is: State Company forAgricultural Supplies (SCAS).
ITB 1.1 / The name and the Competitive International Offer number are:
GCB No. (Vaccine/Commodity/8/2017/SCAS.
The number, identification and names of the lots comprising this
General International Offer are:
Procurement of:
Qty. (8000000) (eight million doses) for Foot & Mouth Disease (FMD) Vaccine
In cost of ID (8800000000) (eight billion eight hundred million Iraqi Dinar).
ITB 2.1 / The name of the Project in Federal Budget is: [not applicable ]
Project listed in Farmer Supporting Allocations/ 2017 for Veterinary Directorate (VD)
ITB 4.2 / A list of firms suspended or disqualified from working for Ministry of Planning and development / Office of Government Public Contracts ( ).
B. Contents of Bidding Documents
ITB 7.1 / For Clarification of bid goals only:
The Purchaser’s address is:
(State Companyfor Agricultural Supplies (SCAS)the entity who receives the bid: Address:Wazzeria-Baghdad- Republic of Iraq / Dist. ( 305) –St. (5) –Bldg. (6)
Ground floor / Relation Section
Mobile :07905754470
ITB 7.1 / Clarification for Bid Documents should be submitted to the Public Contract Section of the purchaser in deadline: The end of work day on9th of November, 2017.
C. Preparation of Bids
ITB 10.1 / The language of the bid is: Arabic and English.
ITB 11.1 (h) / The Bidder shall submit the following documents:
1-A photocopy of the incorporation papers accredited by the Companies Registrar be presented, but for the Arab and Foreign companies be authenticated by Iraqi Embassy in the country of his company.
2-For Iraqi companies, a photocopy of (Iraqi Chamber of Trade card, Identity Card, Nationality ID cardor Uniform Card, residence card, Managing Director passport (if any), whereas for Arab & Foreign companies the Managing Director's passport to be presented.
3-For Iraqi companies, an evidence of concealing the ration card of Managing Director (may be completed during analysis process).
4-A profile of his company stated the date of incorporation, specialization, management structure and technical capacity with their branches in world, but if the bid presented by agent legalized by the producer then a profile of agent & producer be required.
5-For Agent Company, manufacturer authorization & properly authenticated by legal entity to be presented.
6-The receipts of tender purchasing & selling services be submitted.
7-The bidder should submit the bid in similar tender documents purchased, to be signed and stamped by him.
8-For Iraqi or registered Companies inside Iraq, a letter of Permission to participate in the tender issued by Iraqi General Commission for Taxes (IGCT).
9-Submit a complete technical offer of the goods required to be supplied.
10-Certificate of the Registration and Approval of the Vaccine at Veterinary Directorate (VD).
11-Preliminary deposits be presented pursuant to BDS Sub-clauses (21-1) & (21-2).
12-For Foreign & Arab companies, Data form in Tender conditions should be filled, signed & stamped by the bidding company (may be completed during the analysis process).
In addition to the above documents, bidder should present papers, documents & information indicated in Section III./ Evaluation and Qualification CriteriaFor Supply of Goods Contracts.
ITB 12-1 / Under Section IV. Bidding Forms/ For Supply of Goods Contracts/ Bidder Information Form should be used & completely filled the blanksby the Bidders. Prohibited changing the form & superseding unacceptable.
ITB 12-2 / Under Section IV. Bidding Forms/ Price Schedule: Goods and Related Services as per the origin. The Schedules should be delivered by the bidder.
ITB 13.1 / Alternative Bids [shall not be] considered.
All submitted bidsshall be studied and evaluated on their own merits in accordance with the same procedures, as specified in the ITB 36.”]
ITB 14.5 / The Incoterms edition is:( Incoterms 2010)on DDP including all the charges.
ITB 14.6 / The prices quoted by the Bidder [shall not] be adjustable.
ITB 14.7 / Prices quoted for each lot of International competitive bid lists shall correspond at least to (100%) of the items specified for each lot.Prices quoted for each item of a lot shall be valid and correspond to (100%) of the quantities specified for this item of a lot.
ITB 15.1 / Bidders covenant to submit his bid in Iraqi Dinar (ID) if payment be effected under certified cheque but in foreign currency under Documentary Credit. Otherwise, the bid will be excluded.
ITB 19.1 (a) / Manufacturerauthorization properly authenticated by the legal entity (required).
ITB 19.1 (b) / After sale services is: not required
ITB 20.1 / Validity period of the Bid: ninety (90) days after closing the Tender.
ITB 21.1 / Exclusively, the bidders, managing director or who establishes the biding company submit preliminary depositsbeing Bid Bond under certified cheque or covered and unconditioned bank guarantee paid as requested and issued by an untroubled Bank accredited by Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) to the order of SCAS indicated to tender title and number. The foreign companies may submit covered and unconditioned bank guarantee paid as requested by one of Foreign Banks or their branches accredited in Iraq or have a contact with the foreign bank to issue L/G against the preliminary deposits to one of Iraqi Bank accredited by CBI attached with copy of counter-L/G notification in his bid. The L/G be valid for twenty eight (28) days from bid expiry date and released only after submitting (5%) performance bond from the awarding amount and signing the contract.
Prior submitting preliminary deposits, the bidder inquiries about the untroubled Banks licensed & accredited by CBI through contacting SCAS/ Relation Section, pursuant to BDS/ Sub-Clause (7-1).
Bidderscovenant to pay ID (50000) (fifty thousand Iraqi Dinar) being the fees of demand services:
(1) Extending L/Gs, and
(2) Un-necessityto L/Gs & Cheques presented as preliminary deposits.
ITB 21.2 / Bid guarantee amount (Preliminary Deposits):
ID (176000000) (one hundred seventy six millionIraqi Dinar)
ITB 21.7 / If the Bidder incurs any of the actions prescribed in subparagraphs (a) or (b) of this provision, the Purchaser will declare the Bidder ineligible and suspend his participation in invitations and tenders.
ITB 22.1 / In addition to the original of the bid, the number of copies is: [1 copy] with flash memory or CD of offer data submitted by bidder.
ITB 22.2 / The prices should be clearly final in writing and figure, signed and stamped by the bidder according to the attached table mentioned in section IV of TenderDocuments.
D. Submission and Opening of Bids
ITB 23.1 (a) / Bidders [shall not] have the option of submitting their bids electronically.
ITB 23.2 (c) / The inner and outer envelopes shall bear the following additional identification marks:[Tender title, bidding company, tender number, company stamp and owner's signature, full address of bidding company, E-mail and authorizer namethat must appear on the bid envelope to identify hisbidwith address and phone].The bid should be addressed to the State Company for Agricultural Supplies (SCAS).
ITB 24.1 / For bid submission purposes, the Purchaser’s address is:
State Company for Agricultural Supplies (SCAS)
Wazzeria –Baghdad - Republic of Iraq/ Dist. (305) –St. (5) –Bldg. (6)
Floor-Room number: (Ground floor / Relation Section).
The deadline for closing the tender is:on16th of November,2017
Time: (11:00 a.m.)local time of Baghdad – Iraq
ITB 27-1 / The bids to be opened at the following Place & Date:
Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) headquarters
Al-Andulus Quarter – Baghdad / Republic of Iraq / near Al-Sadeer Hotel
The date of opening the bidson16th of November, 2017
Time: (12:00 midday)local time of Baghdad – Iraq
The Bid Opening Committee should open the bids in an open session in foresaid place and date in presence of the bidders or their representatives.
Offers submitted by the bidders will be neglected ifone of the following cases be occurred:
(1)If the bids is submitted after the closing date.
(2)Furnish a discount on the basis of a percentage or lump sum.
(3)Bids submitted by E-mail.
(4)If the bid does not bear the signature and stamp of the bidder.
(5)In case of bidder's failure to comply with the terms of the said tender.
(6)In case unfulfilled the legal conditions or the required documents specified in BDS/ Sub-Clause (11-1(h)), or non-compliance to Section III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, for the evaluation methodology for the procurement contracts.
(7)Whether the bidding company be blacklisted, suspended, troubled or failed in contract obligations in accordance with the Data Base of Iraqi Ministry of Planning (IMP).
(8)Upon not presenting the preliminary deposits.
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids
ITB 34.1 / Bid prices expressed in different currencies shall be converted in equivalent to:
Local currency [Iraqi Dinar (ID)] only for evaluation and comparison and not to award the contract or computing the increasing of the bid amount over the estimated cost.
- The source of the exchange rate shall be: [Central Bank of Iraq]
- The date for the exchange rate shall be: [Date of bid opening]
ITB 35.1 / Prioritybe considered as per the instructions No. (11)/ Section II/ 2 of GCII No. 2/2014
ITB 36.3 (a) / Evaluation and Comparison will be done for (items).
Bids will be evaluated and compared for each item will comprise the item(s) awarded to the successful Bidder. If a price schedule shows items listed, but not priced, their prices shall be assumed to be included in the prices of other items. An item not listed in price schedule shall be assumed to be not included in the bid, and provided that the bid is substantially responsive, the average price of the item quoted by substantially responsive bidders will be added to the bid price and the equivalent total cost of the bid so determined will be used for price comparison.
ITB 36.3(d) / Evaluation as per Section III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria:
(A) Divergent in the supplying dates (not applicable ).
(B) Divergent in the payment dates (not applicable ).
(C) Cost of replaceable parts & spare parts for maintenance and after sale services of Bid equipments (not applicable ).
(D) After sale services be available with spare parts in purchaser's country of the bid equipments (not applicable ).
(E) Estimated cost for operating & maintaining the operation time of the equipments (not applicable ).
(F) Performance & productivity of the equipment (not applicable ).
(F) Other criteria to be considered, the supply will be by airon DDP to beneficiary (VD) warehouses.
ITB 38.2 / Bidder should present the following:-
Financial Capability:
(A) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence that proves his capability meets the financial requirements.
(1) Final balance sheets for the last two years attested by concerned authorities state & clarify the bidder's profitsrevenues not less than ID (440000000) (four hundred forty million Iraqi Dinar).
(2) Submission of a proof confirms that the capital of the company equivalent or more than isID (8800000000) (eight billion eight hundred million Iraqi Dinar).
Experience and Technical Capacity:
(B) The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that it meets the following experience requirement(s):
(1) Submit achieved works of the same bidder's specialization not less than three (3) works within last ten (10) years.
(2) Submission of a proof states the technical capacity to meet the contract obligations; supplying, transporting, clearance, packing, discharging & loading.
(C)The Bidder shall furnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that the Goods offered meet the usage requirements.
ITB 36.5 / Bidders [shall] be allowed to quote separate prices for one or more lots in GCB. [Refer to Section III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria, for the evaluation methodology, if appropriate]. (not applicable).
F. Award of Contract
ITB 41.1 / The maximum percentage by which quantities may be increased in same prices is:[20%] of contract value.
The maximum percentage by which quantities may be decreased in same prices is:[15%]of the contract value.
ITB 43.2 / The Contract Signature shall be within [14work days] from the date of issuing Letter of award.
ITB 44.1 / The date for submitting the Performance Bond shall be within [14 work days] the date of issuing the Letter of award.
Award Decisions:-
The award decisions shall come into effect on the date of notifying the party to whom the tenderhas been awarded, provided that the contract should be signed within a period not exceeding (14) work days from the date of notification, after submitting the performance guarantee of (5%), stamp dutythree per thousandth(0.003)before signing the contract from the total contract value & currency, authentication fees afterward (0.001) not exceeding ID (10000) (ten thousand Iraqi Dinar) plus contract authentication service fees (0.001) from the contract value. Otherwise, the bidder is deemed breaching the foresaid conditions and be under the procedures mentioned in Clauses(10) and (11) of Gov-Contract Implementation Instructions (GCII) No. (2)/2014.
Within the submitted offer, the supplier's name, the full address inside and outside of Iraq, web site, E-mail, and Advising Bank address and account number should be duly mentioned.
Origin of supplied goods, entry point, Shipping Schedule and current account with opening bank name should be stated in the submitted bid.
Contract be duly signed by Managing Director of the bidding company or legal representative.
Prior submitting the bid, Bidder be aware of the contractual quantities, specifications, risks and circumstances may occur during the supply that called for appropriate procedures not to be set forth in tender documents.