The Flesher’s Arms
Doonhamer’s Pool League
Season 2014-2015
AGM Minutes
o Registration
· Andy Kelly – Chairman (Greens “X”) introduced the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.
· 14 teams registered on the night.
· Late entries were promised from The Abbey Inn and The Normandy.
· 13 teams were represented at the AGM
o Presentation of Accounts
Andy Kelly presented the accounts from last season and asked if there were any questions regarding them. Mike Endredy questioned an extra expenditure of £500. Andy Kelly said that the league decided to increase some of the money spent on trophies and that a couple of trophies needed replaced as they have gone missing.
o There after Karen Collins (Greens “K”) proposed them and they were seconded by Stuart Hunt (White Hart B)
o Changes to Committee Members and Roles
· Due to other commitments Alison Walsh stood down as the League Treasure.
Andy Kelly proposed Malky McNeish to take over the position.
This was seconded by James Riddick, it went to a vote result was unanimous.
· Andy Kelly proposed James Riddick to re-join the committee as a general member. It was seconded by Ian Bannister (Wh? Not) it went to a vote result was unanimous.
· Proposal from Flesher’s Arms – the position of Results Co-ordinator, currently held by Steven Griggs and Web Administrator, currently held by Stuart Hunt be amalgamated with Stuart Hunt taking responsibility. Steven Griggs to remain on the Committee as a General Member. No objections proposed by Ross Martin (White Hart “B”) seconded Mike Endredy, went to a vote result was unanimous.
· Proposal from Lochar Inn for Stephen Wilby be appointed to a vacant position on the committee was withdraw.
· The committee is still seeking an individual to take on the role of Minutes Secretary
o Changes to Constitution
· Proposal from the Flesher’s Arms – Remove limit of a maximum of two votes per team at the AGM to allow teams with two Committee members to have three votes, one for each Committee member and one from a team representative on the floor. This was discussed and voted on that the voting system stays the same 13 votes to 2.
· Changes to League Structure
· Proposal from Lochar Inn – Split league into two divisions.
This was discussed and voted on status quo 12 changing 3.
· League Structure will remain the same for 2014/15 season.
o Changes to Match format
· Proposal from Flesher’s Arms – Play Pairs at start of match rather than Singles.
Andy Kelly made a point that this is how all the pool leagues in the country set out their Match format, and that if Pairs were played first all eight players would have to be arrive early.
Matter was discussed and was voted on status quo 10 Pairs first 8.
Match format will remain the same for 2045/15 season.
· Team Selection
· Proposal from Lochar Inn – Make random draw for possible play-off opponents before match starts.
This was discussed and voted on and was defeated by 15 votes to 1. The possible play-off opponents will be decided by the team captain if and when it occurs for this season
· Proposal from Flesher’s Arms – Players are picked to play in a random order – although Captains still choose doubles pairings.
After much discussion the matter was voted on and was defeated by 15 votes to one. Team Selection will remain the same for this season 2014/15
· Changes to Ranking Points
o Proposal from Lochar Inn - Allocate Ranking Points for Pairs matches.
This matter was discussed and was voted on it was defeated 17 votes to 1. Ranking points will only be given for Singles and not for Pairs for this season 2014/15.
· Clarification requested on the following
o The Lochar Inn has asked – Why is Doonhamer’s Pool League affiliated to the S.E.P.F ?.
Andy Kelly explained the reasons why and the benefits that we gain by affiliating to the S.E.P.F.
· Suggesting for improving refereeing standards.
o Proposal from Lochar Inn – Draw referees randomly before start of each match. This proposal was withdrawn.
· Reminders
o Andy Kelly went through the three reminders that were noted on the agenda
· Additional Competitions/Nights
o Proposal from the Flesher’s Arms – Have a team competition at some point in the year, either before the season or after the season ends.
o After much discussion it was decided that it could be £10 entry fee per team and winning team takes all. It was voted on and passed to be played at the end of the season 15 for 2 against. The Committee will make arrangements to set up a team competition after this season ends.
o Proposal from Lochar Inn – Hold a race Night. Profits could be donated to Charity or used for Doonhamer’s Flyers Night. This proposal was withdrawn.
o Proposal from Lochar Inn – Hold a number of Friday Night Flyer throughout the season. This proposal was withdrawn.
o Proposal from Lochar Inn – League to sponsor players who wish to take part
in competitions out with the Doonhamer’s Pool League.
Next meeting Monday 18th August to plan the League start which will be Tuesday 2nd September and fixtures will be delivered to all venues before then.
The meeting was closed at 21:15