< Name >
< Job Title >
< Street Address >
< City > < State > < Post Code >
Dear Teacher/s>,
[Name of child] has been diagnosed with a mitochondrial disorder called insert name of mitochondrial disease.
“Mito” as it is known, is a condition where the mitochondria in the cells do not work properly. As there are mitochondria in every cell of the body, it can affect any muscle or organ. I have enclosed a fact sheet about mitochondrial disease and there is more information on the Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (AMDF) website.
Mitochondrial disease affects my child in the following ways:energy levels / ability to concentrate / hearing / speech / balance / coordination / concentration / cognitive processing / temperature regulation / susceptibility to infection / recovery from illness / heart issues / respiratory issues / seizures
Description of symptoms: For example: He/She has “good” days (lots of energy) and “bad” days (low energy) and these are not predictable. My child’s fatigue levels can fluctuate depending on his/her physical or mental activities, long periods of concentration, external stress, when he/she last ate and if he/she is struggling with illness such as a cold. If he/she over-exerts himself/herself, the consequence will have a big impact on my child and on our home life. My child’s low energy levels are not linked to lack of sleep or the tiredness that all kids experience doing long school days. It is a muscle fatigue caused either by mitochondria that are not functioning properly or by a build-up of lactic acid which his/her body cannot process. The fatigue can make him/her sleepy, irritable, withdrawn, unable to concentrate or teary.
The school can help by:following the attached recommendations / allowing child to use the lift / communicating weekly with the parents
I have attached a document which describes how mitochondrial disease can affect cognitive processing. My child has the following cognitive issues: <insert issues>
He/she requires the following equipment in the classroom / school / playground:<insert equipment>
He/she takes the following medications:<insert names of medications and dosages required>
Signs of a problem:Child is pale / teary / having a seizure / unable to walk / lost concentration / difficulty breathing
What to do when there is problem at school:contact parents / contact hospital, doctor or specialist / offer child to lie down either in classroom or sick room / provide food or medication
If a medical emergency arises: list any medical concerns eg use of anaesthetic / medications]
My child is under the supervision of:name of treating doctor or specialist
Other health care providers are: other doctors, physio, OT, speech therapist etc. These therapists are happy to visit the school to provide an assessment or assistance, and I consent to you providing information to them as long as I am informed of the information that you have provided.
I want my child to participate in all school activities to the full extent that he/she is able, and feel that a collaborative approach between the school and home is the best way to achieve this.
I would like to meet with you to discuss supporting [child] at school.
Please do not hesitate to ring me at any time that you or any of the other staff have concerns about [child’s] wellbeing, or if you have any questions about mitochondrial disease.
Yours sincerely,
< Author Name >