Cont …
Stewart Chandler,Principal Contract Officer - Transport
Procurement and Contract Management
Isle of Wight Council
County Hall
High Street
PO30 1UD
Tel(01983) 823780
DX56361 Newport (Isle of Wight)
13 May 2015
Dear Adam D W
Re: Information Request CRM Ref.iw15/4/44048
Thank you for your information request dated 21 April 2015.
Please find below the information you have requested.
1)Does the Local Authority currently operate any form of supplier framework (a supplier framework would classed as a list of enrolled and accredited companies or individuals that provide goods or services to the Local Authority) for?
a.SEN Transport – No
b.Home to School – No
c.Taxi Services – Yes
d.Transport for Adult Care – No
2)If the Local Authority does operate a supplier framework, when do these frameworks run out?
a.SEN Transport – N/A
b.Home to School – N/A
c.Taxi Services – July 2015
d.Transport for Adult Care– N/A
3)If the Local Authority does operate a supplier framework, how many suppliers are listed on the framework?
a.SEN Transport – N/A
b.Home to School– N/A
c.Taxi Services – 13
d.Transport for Adult Care – N/A
4)Does the Local Authority own and operate an internal fleet of vehicles that is utilised for services such as SEN Transport or Taxi Services? – No
5)If so, please can you provide with the size of the fleet. – N/A
6)During the financial year of 2014/15, what has been the actual spend of:-
a.SEN Transport –N/A
b.Home to School–N/A
c.Taxi Services –£372,475.00
d.Transport for Adult Care – N/A
7)During the financial year of 2014/15, what has been the actual spend of “spot purchases” or Transport placements that were not purchased on the supplier framework (if one does exist):-
a.SEN Transport-N/A
b.Home to School – N/A
c.Taxi Services – £4647.50
d.Transport for Adult Care – N/A
8)Does the Local Authority utilise a technology (this could be either a piece of software or computer programme) to help commission Transport Services (these would be defined as SEN Transport, Home to School etc.) for a citizen? – No
9)If so, when does the contract for these services expire, what has been the cost for the contract and what is the name of the technology?
a.Expiration date – N/A
b.Cost – N/A
c.Technology – N/A
10)What is the size of the team that works within the Transport Department of the Local Authority? – 2
11)Please can you provide me with a hierarchy of the team that comprises the Transport Department with names and job roles? -
Stewart Chandler
Principal Contract Officer - Transport
Indira Khedun
Transport Contract Management Officer
You are free to use any information supplied for your own non-commercial, research, or private study purposes. However, if you intend to use the information for other reasons, please contact the Corporate Information Unit for advice.
Please contact me again if you require any further assistance on this matter and I will do my best to provide relevant help and advice.
If you have any complaints in respect of your information request, please write to the Corporate Information Unit at the above address, or complete the on-line appeals form that can be found at If your complaint is not resolved to your complete satisfaction, you have the ultimate right, once you have exhausted the internal appeals process, to appeal to the Information Commissioner.
Yours sincerely
Stewart Chandler, Principal Contract Officer - Transport