The 327th Meeting of Broomhill Community Council was held in the Library of Broomhill Primary School, 57 Edgehill Road, Glasgow G11 7HZ on Wednesday, 9th February 2011 at 7.00 p.m.
Present were - Elected Members – Norman M T M MacLeod, Secretary; Alexandra Graham, Treasurer; Margaret B Black, H A (Bert) Brown and Ewan D Duncan; together with ex officio Members - Councillors Stuart Clay and Kenny McLean.
In Attendance: In attendance were Police Constables Chris Nelson and Kelly Wilkie;
and Independent Accounts Examiner, G Alan Ramsay, C.A.
In the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson; at the request of the meeting, Alexandra Graham kindly agreed to preside.
Apologies for absence were intimated from Elected Members – Amanda M Pringle, Chairperson; Colin McCartney,
Duncan P Mitchell, Robert Scanlan and Robert W C White; and from ex officio Member - Councillor Aileen Colleran.
Police Report:
Police Constables Nelson and Wilkie presented a Crime Report they had brought with them which upon examination appeared to cover a significantly larger area than that for which Broomhill Community Council was responsible. In view of this the Officers kindly offered to prepare and forward to the Secretary a more discrete report which duly subsequently was done by e-mail and copies sent to all BCC members. Prior to their departure the Officers were thanked for their attendance.
Minutes of previous Meeting:
The minutes of the 326th Meeting held on 10th November 2010 – having been circulated – were taken as read and approved.
Matters arising:
The following matters arising from the previous meeting were mentioned:-
(a) Updating arrangements regarding the Community Council’s Bank Accounts was still ‘work in progress’.
(b) The Notice Board on Crow Road was still not lockfast. Ewan Duncan indicated that he might be able to assist in this matter.
(c) As Robert White had intimated that he now did not wish to take on the role of ‘Web Master’ - the meeting accepted with many thanks an offer by Ewan Duncan to undertake this task.
(d) There was no news on progressing donating the Marquees to the local BB Company.
(e) The Secretary confirmed that he had attended two meetings held in Glasgow under the auspices of the Association of Scottish Community Councils.
(f) It was confirmed that a number of members recently had met with representatives of Tesco regarding that company’s proposed development at South Street. Members’ major concerns included envisaged substantial traffic problems and detrimental effects of existing local shops.
Councillors Reports:
Councillor McLean followed by Councillor Clay submitted oral reports which included reference to:-
(i) Transport problems feared if Tesco plans proceed (ii) Severe problems with potholes (iii) The carrying out of a ‘Trees Inspection’ in Edgehill Road (iv) Complaints regarding the non uplift of Blue and Purple Bins; and (v) That it was hoped that the West Gate Entrance to the Gartnavel Hospital Complex would become closed to all but ‘Blue Light’ traffic in the near future.
It was confirmed that wherever possible copies of correspondence received had been circulated to members by e-mail. The Secretary did however mention an e-mail he had received that afternoon from Councillor Aileen Colleran which he read to the meeting. In addition to intimating her apologies for absence Councillor Colleran had mentioned three particular local issues being (i) Litter at the Norby Road Shops (ii) Continued concern about the condition of Gullies and Roads;
and (iii) The West Gate issue at Gartnavel.
Next Meeting:
It was confirmed that the next meeting would be held in Broomhill Primary School, 57 Edgehill Road, Glasgow G11 7HZ
on Wednesday, 9th March 2011 at 7.00 p.m.
Any other competent business:
(a) Public Meetings:- The meeting was reminded that in addition to the Community Council’s AGM in October - which required formally to be a ‘Public Meeting’ - during each year the Community Council was required to hold at least one other Public Meeting. It was suggested and agreed that this year the Community Council seek to host a ‘Hustings’ type meeting in which the Candidates standing for Election to the Scottish Parliament to represent the Broomhill Area ( i.e. the Anniesland Constituency ) be invited to participate. It was intended to hold this meeting in one of the Halls attached to Broomhill Church in Randolph Road on Monday, 11th April 2011.
Meeting Closed: There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 p.m. with a vote of thanks to Alexandra Graham for presiding.