Gowerton Primary School
Headteacher/Prif Arthrawes: Mrs. S. Ralph
Deputy Headteacher/Dirprwy Prif Arthrawes: Mrs. D. Roberts
Assistant Headteacher/Pennaeth Cynorthwyol: Mr I. Ashton
Together we learn, laugh, grow and achieve!
Cawn ddysgu,tyfu,chwerthin a llwydo ynghyd!
8th January 2016
Spring Term 2016 - Letter No. 1
Dear/Annwyl Parents and Guardians,
A warm welcome back to the Spring Term and the New Year. I trust that you all had an enjoyable Christmas and relaxing break.
New School update
I am delighted to report that we have had an unbelievably positive response to our brand new school and both pupils and staff are delighted with the new facility and the exciting opportunities that it provides. May I thank parents for their continued support throughout the move to the new school. Despite diligent planning we still encountered a number of unforeseen issues and have appreciated your patience. Please find some updates below to keep you informed and to ensure we maintain smooth operating systems.
Parent Consultation Evenings
You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher during the week beginning Monday, March 7th. The meetings will take place in the Main School Hall and The Learning Street and will last for 10 minutes as before. Further details to follow.
After school Club
This will commence Monday 11th Jan. Pupils will be escorted to the Community Room at the end of the school day and can be collected from the front entrance of the school (Main Reception entrance). Parents can drive through the barrier after 4.45pm. (Please use the buzzer at the barrier gate) and park in the front car park.
Breakfast Club
This will commence on Monday 11th January. Due to the large numbers of pupils wishing to use this facility we unfortunately do not have the capacity to allow all cars through the barrier as there is no turning point in the school. Therefore parents will have to arrange for their child/children to walk up to the school. Pupils will enter through the main Reception entrance. We appreciate that this impacts on schedules for parents, therefore if you wish for your child to walk from the barrier please complete the authorisation slip below. We would request that ALL pupils (Nursery – Y4) are escorted to the main entrance and signed in by Parents / Guardians.
After school activities
As a school we run an extensive range of extra curricular activities. We are now in a fortunate position to be able to utilise the excellent sporting facilities available at the Elba sports Complex. All clubs will commence the week of January 18th. If any parent is a keen sports person and would like to support us in running a club please let the office know. We have purchased new sports kits over the last several years which now need replacing. Therefore if anyone is in a position to support funding please let us know. We want our children to become great sports ambassadors, showcasing the community of Gowerton and would like local support. Please let us know if you can help.
A mile a day programme
As a school we are committed to supporting health and wellbeing. We have decided to utilise our local facilities and have started participating in the mile a day programme. This has been publicized on TV. The children walk/ run around the artificial playing pitch 4 times a few times a week. This takes the children about 14 minutes and I am sure you will support this initiative.
During lunchtimes pupils will also be able to access this pitch to play football, netball etc.
The original consent in the community forms completed previously will cover these activities.
Parking (Parents are not permitted to drive through the barrier) b
We have received a number of requests from parents to be able to access the main school car park for the use of disabled access. Safeguarding our children is paramount and high levels of vehicles will put them at risk. I appreciate your understanding in this matter and will be working to try and accommodate requests.
Access to school.
The community Police officer would like to thank parents for their understanding of the parking situation around the school. However, I am very concerned to hear that a small number of parents are persisting in parking illegally and putting our children at risk. There are reports of parents parking on driveways and pavements, meaning that our pupils have to walk on the road to go around vehicles. This is unacceptable and the local authority and police are monitoring the situation. The council mobile parking camera will be around to prosecute if necessary.
Please do not put our childrens’ lives at risk!
Security and Surveillance
All stakeholders (parents, pupils, governors and community members) need to be informed that the whole site, internally and externally, is being monitored by an extensive security camera system.
School gates will be opened to parents after 8.30am and locked at 9.00am
In the afternoon gates will be opened at 3.10pm and closed at 3.30pm.
Any child that is late will have to report to the main reception entrance and sign into the late book. Punctuality and Attendance will be monitored by the EWO.
Inclement weather
Following parental requests the children will be allowed to stand under the shelters outside the classroom at the start of the day when it is raining. Unfortunately due to space we would request all parents stand outside this area.
Snow - During periods of severe weather, the school may need to close. Parents and guardians will be notified of any closures via our texting service and should therefore ensure that the school has been notified of any changes to mobile numbers and contact details. Please inform the school urgently if you have not been receiving text messages. The City and County of Swansea will publish, on the day, the information received with regard to school closures on the Council’s website (www.swansea.gov.uk), on Twitter (www.twitter.com/swanseacouncil) and on Facebook (www.facebook.com/swanseacitycouncil). Please also tune into Swansea Sound or The Wave for up to date information.
Open Days
We will be inviting parents into our amazing school to come and see the excellent learning facilities available to your children. Dates will be arranged for the week commencing 8th February and will be organised in year groups (we will accommodate family groups).
St. David’s Day Celebrations
All staff and children will celebrate this cultural event on Tuesday 1st March. It would be appreciated if children could come to school dressed in traditional welsh costume or something red on this day.
Easter Hat Parade
An Easter hat parade around Gowerton is planned for Thursday, March 24th at 11 am. Further details will follow in due course.
Valentines Disco
This will take place in the Main Hall on Thursday February 11th. Times to follow.
January’s Value
This month we have chosen to have 3 golden Values – Positivity – Honesty – Smile!!!
Thanking you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely/Yr eiddoch yn gywir,
S. Ralph
Mrs. S. Ralph
Gowerton Primary School
Elba Sports Complex, Gowerton, Swansea, SA4 3GE
Tel: 01792 872439