Roger Detels – Page 1



Business Address: School of Public Health

Department of Epidemiology

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Business Telephone: (310) 206-2837

Fax Number: (310) 206-6039


Home Address: 4305 Roma Court, Marina del Rey, CA 90292

Marital Status: Wife: Mary M. (Doud) Detels

Children: Martin Paul Detels - Edward Akira Detels

(born 20 November 1965) (born 18 October 1968)


1958 B.A. Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

1962 M.D. New York University, New York, New York

1963 Intern Certificate University of California, San Francisco General Hospital

1963-1966 Residency University of Washington, Seattle

1966 M.S. University of Washington, Seattle (Preventive Medicine)

Professional Experience:

1966-1969 Medical Officer, U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit, No. 2, Taipei, Taiwan

1969-1970 Medical Officer (Research) - Epidemiologist

Epidemiology Branch, C&FR, National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

1970-1973 Associate Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health

1970-1972 Acting Head, Division of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health

1972-1980 Head, Division of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health

1980-1985 Dean, UCLA School of Public Health

1973- Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health

2001-2005 Chair, Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health

2005- Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, UCLA School of Medicine

Medical Licensure: California 1963-

Washington State 1963-1995

Fellowships: New York City Department of Health, New York, New York, June-September 1956

U.S. Naval Student Fellowship, August 1961-January 1962 U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Taipei, Taiwan

Postdoctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, July 1963-June 1966

Diplomate: National Board of Medical Examiners

American Board of Preventive Medicine

Professional Activities:

Professional Associations and Scholarly Societies:

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1969-

American Association for Cancer Education

Member, Membership Committee, 1979

American College of Epidemiology

Program Chairman, 1987

Board of Directors, 1987-1989

American College of Preventive Medicine, Fellow, 1969-

American Epidemiological Society, elected 1976

Member, Nominating Committee, 1984

American Heart Association, 1976-1980

Fellow, Council on Epidemiology

Member, Pathology Research Study Committee, 1978-1980

American Public Health Association, 1969-

American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1966-1975

American Thoracic Society, 1976-1982

Association of Schools of Public Health, 1980-1985

Treasurer, 1983-1984

Secretary-Treasurer, 1984-1985

Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine, 1973-1980

California Academy of Preventive Medicine

Chairman, Essay Committee, 1971

Concerned Faculty (UCLA), 1981-

International Federation of AIDS Societies, 1989-

International Epidemiological Association (IEA), 1972-

Treasurer, 1984-1990

President, 1990-1993

Past-President, 1993-1996

Executive Committee Member, 1984-1999

Honorary Membership, IEA Council, 2002-

International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, 1988-1992

New York Academy of Sciences, 1979-1982

Physicians for Social Responsibility, 1981-

Society for Epidemiologic Research, 1969-

President Elect, 1976-1977

President, 1977-1978

Past President, 1978-1979

Voluntary Service:

Lung Association of Los Angeles, Screening Committee, June 1972-June 1974

National Academy of Sciences, Committee on a Study of National Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Personnel of the National Research Council, 1976-1979, Organizer of report on manpower needs in epidemiology, on behalf of the Society for Epidemiologic Research

NCI Cancer Research Manpower Review Committee, 1977-1981

NIAID Task Force for Development of Priorities on Research Involving Histocompatibility Typing, 1978

NIEHS Task Force on Priorities, 1978‑1979

NEI Search Committee for Chairman of Epidemiology Section, 1978-1979

NHLBI Special Study Section on Smoking and Health, 1979

American Heart Association, Division of Research Programs, Pathology Research Study Committee, 1979-1980

NIEHS Training Grant Review Committee, 1979-1981

American Association for Cancer Education, Committee on Education in Preventive Oncology, 1979-1980

National Research Council, Commission on Human Resources, Clinical Sciences Panel, Advisory Committee to the Committee on a Study of National Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Research Personnel, 1981-1987

Environmental Protection Agency, Science Review Panel for Health Research

Chairman, 1982-1985

Review Panelist, 1979-1986

National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, Environmental Health Sciences Review Committee, 1984-1987

American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR), Scientific Advisory Committee, 1985-

Southern California CARES Professional Advisory Task Force, AIDS Project, Los Angeles, 1985-1987

Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS)

Executive Advisory Committee, 1983-

Chairman, Analysis Committee, 1985-1986

Harvard University, College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Alumni Career Advisory Service (CAS), Advisor, 1986‑

Third International Conference on AIDS, Session Chairman, June 1987

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC - Grant Reviewer, January 1988

California Department of Health Services, Review of the Mission Statement of the Infectious Disease Board, Sacramento, California, Invited Reviewer, February 1988

Fogarty International Center, "Second Pan American Teleconference on AIDS," Conference support application, Washington, DC, Reviewer, August 1988

Fifth International Conference on AIDS, Montreal, Canada, June 1989, Abstract Reviewer African‑American Fund for AIDS Research and Education, Scientific Advisory Board Member, 1989‑1991

National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council (NIEHS), Member, 1990-1993

Advisory Committee, Drew Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science, Member, 1991-

University of California, Los Angeles, Local Policy Advisory Committee, "Outcomes of Symptomatic Episodes of HIV Infection" Study, Member, 1991

Seventh International Conference on AIDS, Florence, Italy - Reviewer, Scientific Program, July 1991

World Health Organization/Saitama Public Health Summit, September 1991

World Health Organization, European Regional Office, Advisory Committee on Epidemiology, 1991-1992

Rockefeller Foundation, "Public Health Schools Without Walls" Working Group, October 1991

Natural Resources Defense Council, Advisory Committee on the Effects of Air Pollution on Children in Southern California, 1991

Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, "Identifying and Controlling Pulmonary Toxicants" Background Paper, Special Reviewer, 1991

National Institutes of Health, National NIH Framework Symposium, "Framework for Discussion of Strategies for NIH," Panel 2a -- Research Capacity and Panel 2b -- Emerging Public Health Priorities, Panel Member and Invited Participant, February 1992

University of California, Los Angeles, AIDS Institute Advisory Committee, 1992-1995

Environmental Protection Agency/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Joint Workshop on "Equity in Environmental Health: Research Issues and Needs", Invited Participant and Co-author of Cross-Cutting Paper on "Susceptibility to Environmental Pollutants Among Minorities," August 1992

Natural Resources Defense Council, "Out of Breath: Children Living with Air Pollution," Review Panel Member, September 1992

First UCLA AIDS Institute Scientific Symposium, Tarzana, California, Co-Chair, Session on Epidemiology, October 1992

Loma Linda University, Advisory Committee, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 1993-

University of California, Los Angeles, Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, Full Member, 1993-

University of California, Los Angeles, AIDS Institute Symposium: Social and Behaviorial Studies in HIV/AIDS, November 1993, Co-Chair, Session III: Epidemiology and Program Evaluation

Institute of Medicine, Committee to Study the Transmission of HIV Through Blood Products, Member, 1994-1995

Center for Pacific Rim Studies, UCLA International Studies and Overseas Programs, Faculty Advisory Executive Committee, September 1995-2004

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland, October 1995, Grant Reviewer

Pediatric AIDS Foundation Scientific Advisory Committee member, 1995-

University of California, Los Angeles, Chair, Faculty Executive Committee, School of Public Health, 1996-1998

University of California, Los Angeles, Faculty Council, School of Public Health, 1996-1998

University of California, Los Angeles, Council of Faculty Chairs, 1996-1998

University of California School of Public Health Research Committee, Chair, 1998

University of California, Los Angeles, International Health Committee, Member, 1990-1995, 1999

University of California, Los Angeles, Academic Advisory Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 1999-

University of California, Los Angeles, FLAS Fellowships Selection Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2000-

University of California, Los Angeles, Asia-Pacific Institute's Pacific Rim Research Program Faculty Grant Review Committee, 2001-2002

University of California, Los Angeles, International Health Committee, Chair, 2000-2001

University of California, Los Angeles, AIDS Institute Executive Committee, 2001-

University of California, Los Angeles, AIDS Institute, International AIDS Advisory/Working Group, 2001-2005

University of California, Pacific Rim Research Program Executive Committee, Los Angeles Campus Representative, 2001-2004

University of California, Los Angeles, AIDS Institute, International Pilot Project Awards Review Committee, Chair, 2001-2002

XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract Reviewer, July 2002

Admissions Committee, UCLA-RAND Health Services Research Training Program, 2003-present

International Databases to Evaluate AIDS think tank, Rockville MD, September 2004

South General Institutional Review Board 2005-present

China Committee, ULCA, 2005-present

Abstract Reviewer, XVI International AIDS Conference, Toronto Canada, August 2006

Abstract Reviewer, 5th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, 2009

Faculty Advisory Committee for the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, 2009-present

Site Visit Evaluator:

Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1970

NHLI Contract Review, Portland, Oregon, April 1975

NHLBI, SCORE Center at Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 1978

NIEHS Environmental Epidemiology Training Grant Proposal, University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, July 1979

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Training Applications, Florida State University, Tallahassee, January 1980

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Training Applications, Loma Linda University, California, April 1980

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Training Applications, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, July 1984

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Training Applications, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 1985

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Training Applications, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, March 1985

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Program Project Grants, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, March 1987

NIEHS Special Review Committee on Program Project Grants, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (CUNY), New York, New York, March 1987

NIEHS, National Cancer Institute, Frederick Cancer Research Center, Laboratory of Viral Carcinogenesis, Frederick, Maryland, June 1992

University of Washington, The Graduate School, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Master of Public Health Program Review, Seattle, Washington, June 1994

State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Chair, External Review of the Joint RU/UMDNJ Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI), May 1996

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Review of the Viral Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, Maryland, February 1999

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Review of the Viral Epidemiology Branch, Rockville, MD; May, 2003

Fogarty International Center/NIH Study Section (ZRG1 ICP-2(50)R/(90)/S); 3 March 2005

NCI Viral Epidemiology Branch Site Visit, 3/26/07-3/28/07

Consulting Activities:

U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, 1969-1976

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Bureau of Epidemiology, Epidemiology Advisory Committee, 1971-1973

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program, Los Angeles, 1972-1982

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation, Medical Advisory Board, 1973‑1976

Lung Association of Los Angeles, Adult Respiratory Disease Committee, 1974-1975

Chemical Manufacturers Association, Workshop on the Health Aspects of the Clean Air Act, Aspen, Colorado, October 1979

University of Minnesota, Graduate Summer Session in Epidemiology, Planning Committee, 1985-1988

Government of Burma, Consultant on Primary Health Care, 1986-1987

American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIDS), Malaria Immunity and Vaccination Research Project, Arlington, Virginia, 1989

HemaCare Corporation, Passive Hyperimmune Therapy Project, Sherman Oaks, California, 1989-1992

Keswick Foundation, Shatin Psychiatric Community Survey, Hong Kong, May 1990

Health Effects Institute, Epidemiology Planning Project, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Consultant, 1991

Ministry of Health, Myanmar, Consultant on the Development of an HIV Surveillance Program, July 1991

Department of Health, the Philippines, Consultant on the Development of an HIV Surveillance Program, August 1991

USAID Manila, Consultant on the Implementation of an HIV/AIDS Control Program for the Philippines, January 1992 - March 1992

Ministry of Health, Government of Singapore, Consultant, Evaluation of the National AIDS Control Program, February 1996

World Health Organization, South-east Asia Region, Consultant, Intercountry Consultation on Evaluation and Renewal of HFA (Health For All) Strategies, Columbo, Sri Lanka, December 1996

United Nations Development Programme, Consultant for Workshop on Myanmar HIV Sentinel Surveillance System, "Enhancing capacity of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care", Yangon, Myanmar, September 1997

Workshop on Intervention of HIV/AIDS in China (Ford Foundation), Zunyou Wu and Roger Detels, 1997

NIH/Center for Scientific Review, Task force on revision of NIH review process for AIDS grants, Bethesda, Maryland, October 1997

NIH Scientific Review Section, Division of Extramural Research, National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR), Arlington, Virginia, July 1998

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, Ministry of Health, Cambodia, Consultant on HIV Prevention for Cambodian Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, September 1998

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, Ministry of Health, Cambodia, Consultant on STD, HIV, and AIDS surveillance in Cambodia, March 1999

WHO, Regional Office for the Western Pacific, Ministry of Health, China, Health and Epidemic Prevention Station of Guangdong Province, China, Consultancy on teaching course on "Behavioral Surveillance, New and Emerging Diseases, and HIV/AIDS", December 1999 (10 days), Shenzhen, Guandong, China - Lecturer and Workshop Organizer

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, Ministry of Health, Cambodia, Consultant on STD, HIV, and AIDS surveillance in Cambodia (HIV Sentinel Surveillance 1999 [HSS 1999], May 2000

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, Ministry of Health, Cambodia, Consultant on STD, HIV, and AIDS surveillance in Cambodia (HIV Sentinel Surveillance 2000 [HSS 2000]), May 2001

United Nations Development Programme, Yangon, Myanmar and United Nations Office for Project Services, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Consultant on Enhancing Capacity for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Myanmar, August/September 2001

NIH/Office of AIDS Research, International AIDS Research Planning Workshop, Rockville, Maryland, February 2002

NIH/Office of AIDS Research, NIH Consultation on Studies of HIV in Developing Countries, Washington, D.C., February 2002

NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Special Emphasis Panel, member, for review of applications for Comprehensive International Program for Research on AIDS (CIPRA), June 2002

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD, Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Consultant on STD, HIV, and AIDS surveillance in Cambodia (HIV Sentinel Surveillance Program 2002 [HSS 2002] and Consensus Meeting on HIV), September 2002

Family Health International - Asia Regional Office, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD, Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Consultant on STD, HIV, and AIDS surveillance in Cambodia (HIV Sentinel Surveillance Program 2003 [HSS 2003] and Consensus Meeting on HIV), June 2004

International Courses

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Philippines, July 1989 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Thailand, July 1989 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Brazil, September 1989 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Indonesia, September 1989 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Policy-Oriented Epidemiologic Research Methods in HIV/AIDS, Philippines, September 1990 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Singapore, October, 1990 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV-1 Infection and AIDS, Thailand, April-May 1990 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Public Health Aspects of HIV, Indonesia, September 1990 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Public Health Aspects of HIV Infection, Bangkok, Thailand, March 1991 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Policy-Oriented Epidemiologic Research Methods in HIV/AIDS, Thailand, July 1991 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Establishing an Effective Surveillance System for HIV/AIDS, Philippines, January 1992 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, A Public Health Approach to HIV/AIDS, Brazil, February 1992 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Sentinel Surveillance, Thailand, October 1992 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty

UCLA/Fogarty Course, HIV/AIDS Surveillance and Control Activities, Myanmar, December 1992 (1 week) - Organizer and Faculty