Early Years Child Progress Tracker
for children with SEND
Name of Early Years Setting:Date completed:
The Early Years Child Progress Tracker is a summative document whichdemonstrates progress in theEarly Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It is essential evidence to include as part of a request for Early Years SEND Inclusion (1:1), Transition Support or an Education, Health andCare Plan.
Name of child:DOB:
Age in months: / Age/Stageof Development
0-11 months / 8-20
months / 16-26
months / 22-36
months / 30-50
months / 40-60+
months / ELG
Prime Areas of Learning
Personal, Social and Emotional Development / Making relationships
Self-confidence and self-awareness
Managing feelings and behaviour
Communication and Language / Listening and attention
Physical Development / Moving and handling
Health and self-care
Specific Areas of Learning
Literacy / Reading
Mathematics / Numbers
Shape, space and measure
Understanding the World / People and communities
The world
Expressive Arts and Design / Exploring and using media and materials
Being imaginative
E – Emerging / D-Developing / S-Secure
Please ensure all reviews are completed on a new progress tracker. The below review dates can be used as a summary / top sheet.
1stassessment date:
Age of child in months: / 1st review date:
Age of child in months: / 2nd review date:
Age of child in months: / 3rd review date:
Age of child in months:
Early Years Child Progress Tracker - SEND Inclusion Team (SENDIT) Guidance
The statutory EYFS requires Early Year’s Practitioners to review and monitor children’s progress within the EYFS.Lack of progress or delay in Learning and Development, in particular in a Prime area might indicate that the child requires additional and different support (SEN Support)because they have Special Educational Needs and/or a disability(SEND).
Please note that a child with a Disability for example hearing impairment, but not SEN might be at risk of delay, if reasonable adjustments and additional support are not put in place, so please use the Progress Tracker to help monitor progress.
What is the EY Child Progress Tracker and why use it?
- The aim of the Tracker is to have a consistent format used across Bath and North East Somerset Early Years Settings for submitting as evidence to the non-statutory SEND Inclusion Panel(SENDIP) and/or the Statutory SEN Panel(Education, Health and Care Needs assessment).It is usedwhen requesting additional targeted support and funding from either panel.
- The Tracker will form part of the evidence alongside specialist reports and other documentation.
- This tracker has been developed for practitioners to complete with the key person supported by the SENCo/Manager of the setting.
- The Tracker is directly linked to the EYFS Learning and Development Outcomes.
- Children on SEN Support at this level should already have in place a One Page Profile, Single support ‘My Plan’ and Targeted Outcomes (or equivalent).
- Families should already know that there are concerns about their child’s progress, however if the child has significant delay or has regressed due to ill health or sudden deterioration in behaviour then please ask the Area SENCo’s for advice.
How to use it?
- Have the full EYFS Outcomes in front of you (don’t guess them).
- It should be based on observations and the picture of the child’s learning and development over time. Settings should not test the child.
- Practitioners should consult with the family and professionals but base their judgement on how the child is within their setting.
- If the child is in dual placement it will be expected that both settings will complete this independently to give a holistic picture of the child in different environments.If the child only attends one or two sessions and you find it hard to make a judgement then add this information on the request (don’t guess).
- Read the Area of Learning and Development and Aspect statements starting always with Birth to 11 months (whatever the age or stage of child).
- Blank Box – If child is not yet emerging in any of the behaviours leave blank.
- Emerging – If fewer than 50% of the behaviours in each band are demonstrated then mark E for Emerging
- Developing – If 50% or more behaviours in the band are demonstrated, but not fully then mark D for Developing
- Secure – If all behaviours are demonstrated consistently and you have evidence through observation over time then mark S for secure.
- The areas that you record asE (Emerging) andD (Developing) should link with your Targeted Outcomes and My Plan (best way to support me). They should pinpoint the targeted services you have in placefor example Physiotherapy/Speech and Language Therapy/ Theraplay, Occupational Therapy).
- The Tracker will need to be reviewed regularly as this will form key evidence for your requests for additional support alongside evidence from other professionals involved.