Personality Expression Box
The project for the personality unit is to create a “personality box” that reflects the different aspects of personality we have learned in this unit. This project is designed to be ongoing throughout the unit. Each time that you learn something about yourself from this unit you should consider putting it onto one of the sides of your box. You will be responsible for providing a brief explanation/presentation of how you incorporated the different concepts we discussed in class. You may choose to select a side for each topic.
You should choose from any of the following concepts discussed this unit. In your typed explanation you must focus on the following:
1. Big Five Traits (idea that there are levels of 5 different traits that make up your personality)
2. Humanism (idea of self-concept and the idea that all humans can do better)
3. Psychodynamic (our selves that are influenced from forces beneath our own consciousness)
4. Social-Cognitive: (our selves as we are influenced from our peers, religion, hobbies etc…)
How to approach this assignment:
1. Reflect daily on what you are learning about yourself in this unit. I would recommend doing portions of the box nightly.
2. Type some notes for your presentation (explanation of the box) for each category that you chose to display in your box. You will turn in these notes and get a small grade for doing keyword notes (full sentence notes will get a failing grading).
3. Presentation pattern: For the presentation you will explain which concept in personality the side of the box represents and explain the concept briefly. Next you provide two examples of the objects or pictures on the box and how it applies to the concept.
- Define/brief explanation of humanism
- Example one on box
- Example two on box
4. Be Creative! You do not have to be artistic to do well on this assignment!! Feel free to use paint, newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, marker, photographs, crayon, actual items ( pencil, jewelry) etc… whatever you see think will stay on and represents a side of you.
5. I am envisioning this as something that you can keep as tangible reminder of how you viewed yourself in high school. Keep that in mind as you complete it
6. Remember you will be explaining some parts of your box to the class. All students will be asked to comment on at least three parts of their shoebox when we present but are not expected to explain everything if they do not wish.
7. Remember that you need to touch on at least four different aspects of your personality on your box. I would not expect to see pictures of all of your friends pasted on your shoebox with the explanations that you are extroverted on three different sides of your box. Remember your goal is to explore the different parts of your personality as we learned this unit.
All “boxes” will be due on the last day of the personality unit. The shoebox project will be worth a total of 50 points. The presentation will be worth 20 points. The box itself will be worth 30. Those 50 points will be judged on the following criteria (in order of importance):
1. How well the depictions on the box match the presentation provided.
2. How well the depictions match the areas studied in the unit.
3. Aesthetics of the box; artistic quality does not necessarily have to be here but evidence of time and effort does.
4. How well the student reflected in class on a daily basis throughout the unit; was there evidence that the students was actively participating and thinking through the concepts as they were presented?
Name ______Period ______
Personality Box Scoring Guide
Personality Pro! / Personality knowledgeable / Personality Curious / Personality FuriousReflects aspects of PERSONALITY
(10 points) / Extreme details (lots of goodies)
10 pts / Some details
7 pts / Minimal details
4 pts / Nothing
1 pt
(10 Points) / Over the edge
10 pts / Pretty darn neat
7 pts / I can’t figure it out
4 pts / What????
1 pt
(10 points) / WOW!!! If you don’t keep this, I will!
10 pts / Not too shabby!!!
7 pts / Have I seen this before???
4 pts / Did you create something?
1 pt
Box Points: ____/30
Write Up
Clear knowledge of topic(3 pts) / Example
(1 pt) / Example
(1 pt)
Area 1
Area 2
Area 3
Area 4
Write –up Points ____/20
Total Points Earned _____/50