Adult Basic Education
Branches Domestic …………….. 675-4968
Violence, Inc.
ChestnutRidgeHospital…..(800) 982-8242
Morgantown, WV
Department of Health and …….. 675-0880
Human Resources
FoxRunHospital……….. (740) 695-2131
St. Clairsville, OH
Health Department ……………. 675-3050
HighlandHospital………. (800) 250-3806
Charleston, WV
Human Resource Development….
Service (Youth Advantage Program)
Insight/New Hope ……………... 675-3389
KVC Counseling ……………….. 675-3050
Mountaineer ChalleNGe …..(800) 529-7700
PresteraCenter………………….. 675-2361
RiverParkHospital………..(800) 621-2673
Huntington, WV
Statewide information & referral…… 2-1-1
system for community social services
WV Childrens’ Health…….. (877) 982-2447
Insurance Program (WVCHIP)
Women’s CareCenter...... (800) 595-7113
Depression and Suicide
The National Hopeline Network… (800) 784-2433
The National Suicide Lifeline……..(800) 273-8255
Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse Info and
Treatment Referral Line………1-800-HELP
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol..(800)729-6686
National Council on Alcholism…(800) NCA-CALL
and Drug Dependence (800) 475 – HOPE
Internet Dangers
The Cyber Tipline……
National Runaway Switchboard (800) 786-2929
Eating Disorders
National Eating Disorders………(800) 931-2237
School Shootings
Pax Real Solutions to ………… (800) 773-2587
Gun Violence
Hate Violence…………………(404) 221-0225
National Coalition Against ….. (202) 638-6388
Domestic Violence
National Clearinghouse on…… (800) 267-1291
Family Violence
Girls and BoysTown ………….(800) 448-3000
Safe Schools Helpline…………(866) SAFEWVA
Covenant Hotline Nineline……(800) 999-9999
Mason County Schools
The mission of the Mason County Schools school counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career and personal/social development of all students. School counselors are professional school advocate who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. In partnership with other educators, parents or guardians and the community, school counselors facilitate the support system to ensure ALL students in Mason County Schools have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and skills to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.
Mason County Schools adhere to the belief that the school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the overall educational process. Our school counselors believe that ALL students have dignity and worth; that ALL students have the right to participate in the school counseling program; that ALL students’ ethnic, cultural, racial, sexual differences and special needs are considered in planning and implementing the school counseling program; and that ALL students PreK-12 shall have access to a full-time, state certified, master’s-degree-level school counselor to deliver the counseling program.
School counseling programs have a positive impact on students, parents or guardians, teachers, administrators, boards of education, school counselors, counselor educators, post-secondary institutions and our communities.
ASCA National Standards and Competencies
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Standards serves as the foundation for the Mason County Schools school counseling program. These student content standards and competencies define the knowledge, attitudes or skills students should obtain or demonstrate as a result of participating in a school counseling program.
The four areas included in the school counseling program are:
- Guidance Curriculum – classroom and group activities
- Individual Student Planning – activities to assist the individual student in establishing personal goals and developing future plans
- Responsive Services – activities to meet students’ immediate needs
- System Support – professional development, consultation, collaboration and teaming, program management and operation
School Counselors
Elementary Schools:
Ashton ElementaryMichele Lambert
Beale Elementary Christana Long
Leon Elementary Heather Ferguson
New Haven Elementary
Teresa Murphy
Kendra Thompson
Point Pleasant Intermediate
Kim Browning
Point Pleasant Primary
Kim Browning
Roosevelt Elementary
Heather Ferguson
Junior Highs/Middle Schools:
Alternative Ed/Homebound
Heather Ferguson
Point Pleasant Middle/Junior
Charles Towner
Wahama Middle/ Junior
Kendra Thompson
High Schools:
HannanLynn Hunt
Point Pleasant Paula Franklin
(at-risk program)Jean Henderson
Patrick Leggett
Wahama Sherry Williamson
Carla King