Minutes of meeting held on 19th September 2017 in the Rudhams Village Hall at 7.00pm

1. Present: Cllr M Pearson (Vice Chairman), Cllr J Dawson, Cllr M Wragg,

Cllr H Mines, Cllr D Hatherly

In attendance:The Clerk

Parishioners: One

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Elburn, Cllr Mrs R Weeks and

Cllr J Horsfield

2. Declarations of Interest


3. Minutes of meeting held on 15th August 2017 had been circulated. Cllr Mines proposed the Minutes were accepted. All in agreement.

Resolved to approve the Minutes.

4. Report from County Councillor/Borough Councillor

Cllr Chenery of Horsbrugh was not present.

5. Updates on recent items

5.1.SAM2 signs

Cllr Mines presented a report on data obtained from the SAM2 sign. The maximum speed recorded when the sign was sited at the Green was 90mph. Of the vehicles recorded as speeding, 12% were on A148 and 35% were in Station Road. The fastest speed recorded in Station Road was 55mph. Cllr Mines now only had to recharge the batteries once a week.

Cllr Pearson thanked Cllr Mines for his report.

5.2.Jack's Lane Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund

No meetings will be held until the New Year.

5.3.Church wall

Cllr Mines reported that the stump of the willow tree has been ground out, but the vibrations from the grinding further destabilised the Church wall. It was hoped that the repair of the wall would start soon. Sufficient coping stones have been sourced, these will be reserved for Council.

5.4.Dog waste bin

There was further discussion regarding the siting of the bins. Cllr Pearson suggested a suitable site would be the far end of the Green, Cllr Mines suggested the grassed triangle outside the tearoom.


Cllr Pearson advised that a bid for Lottery funding had been submitted.

5.6.Website host

Clerk advised that the Wordpress website password had been received and it was hoped that the new website would be operational before the October meeting.

5.7.Overgrown hedges

Cllr Pearson expressed concern regarding the overgrown hedges outside No 38 Groveside. Clerk to contact Borough Council.

5.8.Village store with post office

Cllr Pearson advised that the village store is not interested in hosting the post office, but there is a possibility that it could be sited in the tearoom.

5.9.New play equipment

Cllr Hatherly had obtained information regarding the Sailing Boat. The equipment would cost £5336 plus VAT, with a £533 delivery charge, totalling £5869. Cllr Dawson had obtained more information on the Spinner. The Spinner would cost £420 and would not need any special safety surface. All in agreement that a site meeting should be held to assess the space available in the play park. Clerk to consult with Chairman, then advise of meeting date.

5.10.Parish partnership grant projects

All in agreement that a meeting should be arranged with Highways to discuss traffic control measures in the Crown car park area.

5.11.Traffic problems in Station Road

Cllr Mines expressed concern regarding people walking along the parts of Station Road without footways. He suggested a "Pedestrian in Road" sign could be beneficial. To be discussed with Highways.

6. Planning matters

6.1.Planning application for consideration


Proposed single storey rear extension and two storey side extension at 5 Eye Lane

A planning site meeting had been held on 29 August, recommendation: support

6.2.Planning decisions

6.3.Other planning matters

6.3.1. NNDC planning application PF/17/0729

Erection of 94 dwellings with associated infrastructure at Kipton Wood and The Orchard, former RAF base West Raynham, NR21 7DQ

A letter received from NCC Highways was presented expressing concern regarding the designated routes from Kipton Wood and The Orchard, and the junctions where the roads meet major roads.

For the folder.

6.3.2.CPRE - Vision for Norfolk

For the folder.

7.Financial matters and authorisation of payments

7.1.Balances at 1st September 2017

Investment Ac 576.78

Business Premium Ac 9.65

Community Ac 20661.53

All cheques presented Total funds 21247.96




Clerk sought authorisation for the following payments:

DD SSE 4 Sep (streetlight power 2 Aug to 1 Sep)

Power 38.86 VAT 1.94Sub total 40.80

Power 5.84 VAT 0.29Sub total6.13

Total 46.93

101561 K & M Lighting Services Ltd ( streetlight maintenance September '17)

21.61 VAT 4.32 25.93

101562 I Woods ( Clerk's salary September '17) 233.16

101563 Norfolk Stump Grinding (stump at St Mary's church)120.00

101564 BCKLWN (newsletter printing) 65.00

This authorisation was granted, cheques signed by Cllr Pearson and Cllr Dawson.

7.4.Other financial matters

7.4.1. Internal financial check

Cllr Mines and Cllr Hatherly had carried out an internal financial check and found all to be in order.

8.Items from Borough Council

8.1.Improvements to Public Access

For the folder.

8.2.New property address

Quarter Acre, Lynn Road, has been renamed The Old Police House.

9. Items from County Council

9.1.Highway Rangers visit in week commencing 16th October

Members suggested actions for the Rangers including cleaning the grip at the junction of Station Road and Broomsthorpe Road, brushing the trod in School Road near the Village Hall, and cleaning in front of Hazelwood, Broomsthorpe Road where the bank has encroached on to the footpath.

10.Items from Norfolk ALC & SLCC

10.1.Weekly newsletters

Forwarded to Council members.

10.2.General Data Protection Regulations training Swaffham 1st Nov £25

10.3.Joint Norfolk SLCC/Suffolk SLCC conference Diss 2nd Nov £25

All in agreement for the Clerk to attend the conference in Diss where the new Data Protection Regulations are an agenda item. The cost of attending to be shared with Helhoughton PC.

11. Items from Police

11.1.Area newsletter

For the folder.

11.2.Police Connect

11.3. Shed break-ins

Cllr Pearson advised that sheds and outbuildings in School Road and nearby had been broken into. Residents had contacted him and he had advised reporting the incidents to the Police. He had contacted Hunstston Police and requested an update.

12.Items regarding Open Spaces

12.1Play equipment inspection and report

Cllr Dawson had carried out the inspections and found all to be in order. Cllr Wragg to carry out the inspections until the October meeting.

12.2.Village event on the Green 29th July 2018

Cllr Pearson advised that the event would be mostly craft stalls with music.

12.3.Use of hall on Tuesday evenings by Brownies

The Brownies are again using the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings until 7pm. All in agreement to continue to start the Council meetings at 7.00pm.

12.4.Streetlight out in Broomsthorpe Road

Cllr Mines advised that the streetlight on pole 9 was not working. To be reported to K& M Lighting Services.

13.Other correspondence

13.1.Clerks and Councils Direct No 113

For the folder.

14.Items for inclusion on next agenda

15.Date of next meeting

Tuesday 17th October 2017 at 7.00pm

There being no further business Cllr Pearson closed the meeting at 8.32pm