Table of Contents
Introduction1. Organization: Committees and Members……
(Executive, International, Local, and Scientific Committees; Congress Members) / 1
2. Gratitude and Special Thanks…………….. / 4
3. Welcome Address ……………………….. / 5
4. Conference Schedule (Oct. 19 – Oct. 23, 2008) …………………… / 8
5. Maps……………………………………………….
5.1 Location of Hohai University in Nanjing……………………
5.2 Location of Building at Hohai University……………
5.3 Location of Conference Hall & Conference Rooms in Wentian Building
5.4 Shuttle Bus Routes to/from Hohai University………...
5.5 Technical Visit Route………... / 13
6. Speakers at Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speakers ………. / 19
7. Invited Lectures (Names, Topics, Locations, and Times) …………….. / 21
Forum Schedules
8. Technical Sessions (Schedules) ………………………………………
8.1 Keynote speeches………………………………………………
8.2 Topics for IAHR-APD: …………………………………….………
Topic A1 (“Water Resources and Hydrology”) ……………….
Topic A2 (“Environmental and Ecological Hydraulics”)…….
Topic A3 (“Fluvial Processes and River Engineering”) ……..
Topic A4 (“Estuarine and Coastal Hydraulics”) …………….
8.3 Topics for IAHR-ISHS: ………………………………………….……
Topic B1 (“Hydraulic Structures for Water Projects”) ……………
Topic B2 (“Hydropower Hydraulics”) ……………..
8.4 Forum Topics ……….……….
Session 7: “Resettlement and Social Aspects”…………….
Session 8: “The Impacts of Earthquakes on Us”……….. / 20
9. Social Events………………………..
Welcome Reception…………………
Culture Evening ……………………………
Technical Visits…………………………….
Farewell Banquet……………………………...
Author Workshop…………... / 77
10. Closing Ceremony and Shuttle Bus Direction / 80
Further Information
11. Tour Information ………. …………………… / 82
12. General Information (about Nanjing, China, & the Conference)… Registration, Name Badges, Presentation/Poster Details, Time Zone, Weather, Transportation, Currency Exchange, Credit Cards, Shopping and Tipping, Electricity in China, Internet, and Useful Telephone Numbers / 83
Executive Committee of IAHR Asia and Pacific Division
Chairman: / V. Sundar / IndiaVice-Chairman: / A. Das Gupta / Thailand
H. Tanaka / Japan
Past Chairman: / J. H. W. Lee / Hong Kong, China
Secretary: / L. X. Wang / China
Members: / E. S. Chan / Singapore
M. H. Hsu / Taiwan, China
J. K. Lee / Korea
F. Yazdandoost / Iran
B. Melville / New Zealand
B. S. Wu / China
H. Nizam / Indonesia
Co-opted Member: / G. De Costa / New Zealand
International Committee of IAHR Section on Hydraulic Structures
Chairman: / J. Matos / PortugalSecretary: / H. Chanson / Australia
Members: / A. Marcano / Venezuela
B. Westrich / Germany
C. Gisonni / Italy
C. Mateos / Spain
C. Pugh / USA
H. Knoblauch / Austria
J. Attari / Iran
J. Guo / China
J. Koengeter / Germany
S. Pagliara / Italy
W. Hager / Switzerland
Y. Yasuda / Japan
Co-opted Member: / P. H. Burgi / USA
Local Organizing Committee
Chairman: / C. K. Zhang / Hohai UniversityVice-Chairmen: / J. Y. Zhang / NHRI
Y. X. Yan / Hohai University
Secretary: / H. W. Tang / General, Hohai University
Co-Secretary: / L. X. Wang / IWHR (for APD)
L. L.Wang / Hohai University (for APD)
J. Guo / IWHR(for ISHS)
F. L. Cai / Hohai University (for ISHS)
X. N. Zhang / Hohai University
Joint- Secretary: / W. Zhang / Hohai University
Members / B. T. Zhang / CSHEE
G. Q. Shi / Hohai University
J. C. Guo / Hohai University
J. H. Wu / Hohai University
J. Zhao / Hohai University
L. L. Ren / Hohai University
L. Liu / Hohai University
S. Q. Wu / Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
X. P. Dou / Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
Y. Li / Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
Z. L. Hua / Hohai University
Z.T. Li / CHES
Scientific Committee
Chairman: / G.F. Li / IWHR, ChinaCo-Chairman: / J. H. W. Lee / Uni. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (for APD)
P. H. Burgi / IAHR Applied Hydraulics Division (for ISHS)
Members for 16th IAHR-APD Congress:
A. Barry / Oxford University, UKA. D. Gupta / Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
A. E. Mynett / Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands
A. J. Odgaard / The University of Iowa, USA
B. L. Lin / University of Cardiff, UK
B. S. Pani / Indian Institute of Technology, India
C. B. Zhou / Wuhan University, China
C. C. Kao / National Cheng Kung Uni., Taiwan, China
C. W. Li / Hong Kong Polytechnic Uni., Hong Kong, China
D. A. Lyn / Purdue University, USA
D. F. Liang / Cambridge University, UK
D. Y. Chen / University of Liverpool, UK
E. S. Chen / National Uni. of Singapore, Singapore
E.P.D. Mansard / National Research Council, Canada
F. Yazdandoost / Water Research Institute, Iran
G. Christodolou / National Technical Uni. of Athens, Greece
G. H.Jirka / University of Karlsruhe, Germany
H. D. Vriend / WL/Delft Hydraulics, Netherlands
H. Tanaka / Tohoku University, Japan
I. Nezu / Kyoto University, Japan
I. W. Seo / Seoul National University, Korea
J.Imberger / University of Western Australia, Australia
J. K. Lee / Hanyang University, Korea
K. M. Lam / The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
K. R. Hall / Queen’s University, Canada
L. Li / Hohai University, China
M. H. Hsu / National Taiwan University, Taiwan, China
N. S. Cheng / Nanyang Technological Uni., Singapore
N. Tamai / Kanazawa University, Japan
P. Y. Julie / Colorado State University, USAR
A. Falconer / University of Cardiff, UK
S. K. Tan / Nanyang Technological Uni., Singapore
V. Sundar / IIT Madras, India
W. L. Xu / Sichuan University, China
W. R. Huang / Florida State University, USA
W. S. Lung / University of Virginia, USA
X. N. Zhang / Hohai University, China
Y. K. Tung / HK Uni. of Science and Technology, HK, China
Y. Mao / Hohai University, China
Z. Y. Wang / Tsinghua University, China
Members for 3rd IAHR-ISHS:
A. Ervine / University of Glasgow, UKA. J. Odgaard / The University of Iowa, USA
A. Lejeune / University of Liège, Belgium
A. Marcano / EDELCA, Venezuela
A. Schleiss / EPFL-LCH, Switzerland
B. Petry / UNESCO-IHE Deft, Netherlands
B. Westrich / Universitat Stuttgart, Germany
C. Gisonni / Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy
C. Mateos / Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
C. Pugh / Water Resources Laboratory, USBR, USA
D. Stephenson / University of Botswana, Botswana
G. Q. Yu / Hohai University, China
H. Chanson / University of Queensland, Australia
H. D. Vriend / WL|Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands
H. Knoblauch / Graz University of Technology, Austria
I. Nezu / Kyoto University, Japan
J. Attari / Power & Water Institute of Technology, Iran
J. Dolz / Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
J. Gulliver / University of Minnesota, USA
J. Guo / IWHR, China
J. Koengeter / Aachen University, Germany
J. Matos / Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
R. Janssen / Bechtel Australia, Australia
R. Lopardo / Argentinean Nat. Water Institute, Argentina
S. Pagliara / Università di Pisa, Italy
W. Hager / ETH-VAW, Switzerland
W. L. Xu / Sichuan University, China
Y. Yasuda / Nihon University, Japan
Z. R. Wu / Hohai University, China
Special Thanks
The Local Organizing Committee of the 16th IAHR-APD and the 3rd IAHR-ISHS would like to acknowledge and extend a special thanks to the following sponsors for their gracious support:
International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR)
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Chinese Society of Hydraulic Engineering
China Society of Hydropower Engineering
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
National Engineering Research Center of Water Resources Efficient Utilization and Engineering Society
Jiangsu Society of Hydropower Engineering
On behalf of Local Organizing Committee (LOC), I would like to welcome you to the 16th Congress of Asia and Pacific Division of International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR) and the 3rd IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures.
The conference is organized by Hohai University and co-organized by the Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute.
The conference and its series of topics were designed to help meet the challenges of the human demand on water resources and to allow us to play a vital role in the process of developing solutions to these challenges.
The main theme of the congress / symposium is: "Water and Humanity — Friendship, Harmony and Sustainable Development".
Following the central theme the topics of the 16th IAHR-APD congress are
1. Water Resources and Hydrology
a. Hydrology modeling and real-time flood forecasting
b. Flood management, risk analysis and hazard evaluation
c. Surface and groundwater hydrology, urban hydrology
d. Drought and efficient utilization of water resources
2. Environmental and Ecological Hydraulics
a. Environmental effects and management of water resources
b. Flow, jet, plume and stratified flow, and ecological hydraulics
c. Contaminant transport modeling and water quality control
d. Ground water pollution
3. Fluvial Processes and River Engineering
a. Scour, sediment transportation, river dynamics and fluvial processes
b. Flood control and defense, and river rehabilitation
c. Sediment problems in environment and ecology
d. Soil erosion and watershed management
4. Estuarine and Coastal Hydraulics
a. Numerical and physical modeling of coastal engineering
b. Coastal sediment transport and morphology change
c. Wave characteristics and wave-structure interaction
d. Coastal and estuarine environment
The topics of 3rd IAHR-ISHS are
1. Hydraulic Structures for Water Projects
a. New developments in design, construction, operation, monitoring and maintenance of hydraulic structures
b. Numerical and physical modeling
c. Risk and safety assessment
d. Instrumentation and technology in laboratory experiments and field tests
e. Sustainable design of hydraulic structures
2. Hydropower Hydraulics
a. Intakes and outlets, spillways, fish ways and energy-dissipating structures
b. Two-phase flow, pipe flow, cavitation, vibration and aeration
c. Hydraulic machinery
d. Environmental and ecological impact of hydraulic structures
In addition to these topics, there are also two forums. One is entitled as “Resettlement and Social Aspects”. The other is entitled “The Impact of the Wenchuan Earthquake”. After the devastating “Wenchuan Earthquake” in May, several researchers strongly suggested we hold a forum to discuss the influences of the earthquake. Thus, this latter forum will focus on the impacts earthquakes have on water resources, the environment, ecology, and so on.
This year we have had one of the strongest responses to the congress / symposium. A total of 450 papers were received. After rigorously reviewing all of the submissions, 392 papers from 25 countries and regions were ultimately accepted. About 86.72 % of the published papers are from Asia, 7.91 % from Europe, 2.81 % from South America, 2.04 % from Australia and New Zealand, 0.26 % from North America, and 0.26 % from Africa. Most of the papers’ authors will introduce their results either by oral or poster presentation during this week’s conference.
I hope that this conference will provide you, delegates from all over the world, with an open forum to exchange your research, results, and new information and ideas in the fields related to hydro-environment.
Professor Zhang Changkuan
LOC Chairman of 16th IAHR-APD and 3rd IAHR-ISHS
President of Hohai University
Tel: 86-25-83786511
Fax: 86-25-83731332
Congress Schedule
/ First Day / Second Day / Third Day / Fourth Day // Octobor 19 / Octobor 20 / Octobor 21 / Octobor 22 / Octobor 23 /
/ Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday /
8:00 /
/ Registration / Registration / Registration / Registration / Registration /
8:30 / 8:30
Invited lecture / Invited lecture / Invited lecture
Openning Ceremony
9:15 / 7 Technical Sessions / 7 Technical Sessions / 6 Technical Sessions
3 Keynote Speeches / 9:35
9:45 / 9:55
10:15 / Refreshment Break
7 Technical Sessions / 7 Technical Sessions / 6 Technical Sessions
10:45 / 10:50
Refreshment Break
3 Keynote Speeches
11:30 / 11:30
12:00 / 12:00
12:30 / 12:30
14:00 / 14:00
Invited lectures / Invited lecture / Technical Visit: Visit State Key Laboratory of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering: Tiexinqiao Water Experiment Center, Visit the project of Qinhuaihe River ecological restoration / Visit Hohai's Labs: State Key Laboratory of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Laboratory of Sediment / Hydraulics and so on
6 Technical Sessions / 7 Technical Sessions
Discussion / Discussion
16:00 / 15:30
Refreshment Break / Refreshment Break
16:30 / 16:00
6 Technical Sessions / 7 Technical Sessions / Closing Ceremony
Discussion / Discussion
18:00 / 18:00
Evening / Welcome Reception / Cultural Evening / Lecture about writing good quality papers in English / Farewell Banquet
Technical Visit Route
Speakers at Opening Ceremony
Date: October 20, 2008 (Monday)
Chairman: Prof. Yan Yixin
Venue: Wentian Building Room 108 (Hohai University campus)
No. / Time / Name / Title1 / 8:30-8:35 / Yan Yixin / The member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, Deputy President of Hohai University
2 / 8:35-8:43 / Zhang Changkuan / The Chairman of LOC and President of Hohai University
3 / 8:43-8:50 / Leader of the Ministry of Water Resources
4 / 8:50-8:59 / Nobuyuk Tamai / The Chairman of IAHR
5 / 8:59-9:07 / Vallam Sundar / The Chairman of IAHR- APD
6 / 9:07-9:15 / Jorge Matos / The Chairman of IAHR Section on Hydraulic Structures
Keynote Speakers
Date: October 20, 2008 (Monday)
Venue: Wentian Building Room 108 (Hohai University campus)
No. / Time / Speaker / Nationality & Title / Topic1 / 09:15 - 09:45 / Wang Zhaoyin / China, Chairman of China’s Division of IAHR-APD / Data of Barrier Lake and Incised Rivers in Sichuan
2 / 09:45 -10:15 / Vallam Sundar / India, Chairman of IAHR-APD / Research on Tsunami Mitigation Strategies
3 / 10:15 -10:45 / Huib de Vriend / Netherlands / Eco-Hydraulics in Estuaries and Coastal Areas
4 / 11:00 -11:30 / Suo Lisheng / China, former Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources / The Way of Water-Resources & Hydropower Development in China
5 / 11:30 -12:00 / Philip Burgi / USA, former Chairman of IAHR-HSS / The Role of Hydraulic Structures in Meeting Future Water Challenges
6 / 12:00 -12:30 / Arturo Marcano / Venezuela, Chairman of Venezuela’s Association of Hydraulic Engineering / Hydraulic Structures of 17.700 MW Lower Caroni Hydroelectric Complex- Developments, Incidents and Lessons