Medication Administration in School - A Guide for Parents/Guardians
If at all possible, medicines should be prescribed for out of school hours.However the School recognises that there may be occasions when it is vital that prescribed medicines are given during the School day in order to promote Pupil health and School attendance.
For a Pupil to receive a medicine at School the following is required:
- A ‘Parental Agreement for Administration of Medication at School’ (known as a PAM) form must be completed for each medication the child needs to be given. This form must be signed and dated by a Parent/Guardian and then handed to Reception Staff along with the medication to which it relates.
- The medication is given to a member of Reception Staff or the School Nurse to be kept in the locked medicines cupboard or fridge.
- Prescription medications must have their original pharmacy label attached clearly detailing the Pupil’s details, medication name and instructions. Medications removed from their original packaging without this labelling will not be accepted without prior discussion with the School Nurse. Instructionson the PAM form must match those on the pharmacy label.
- For Pupil’s whose medication is required to be on their person for immediate access (for example insulins or inhalers) the medication form still needs to be completed so that the School is aware and is able to take necessary safety measures. These must also be adequately labelled. For Pupil’s in Magdalene House,medications should always be handed to staff unless agreed in writing with the School.
- For Pupils with allergies that are prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector (Epipen, Emerade or Jext pens) for emergency use, we request that2are brought into School;one to be in the Pupil’s possession and another to be stored within Reception. It is important that the Pupil keeps it with them at all times (including break and lunchtimes) and does not let other Pupils have access to it. During lessons where this may not be possible (such as sports) it should be temporarilygiven to a Teacher and retrieved before moving to the next lesson.
- If your child is prescribed a controlled drug (CD) it is preferred that it is taken out of school hours if at all possible. The school will only administer it if this is not feasible. Parents will need to sign and confirm the quantity supplied to the school when bringing it to Reception and a staff member will sign to acknowledge receipt of the amount supplied.
- It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to ensure that the School is adequately supplied with in date medication to avoid ‘running out’. Whilst the School will aim to remind Parents if supplies are low or are nearing expiry, we are unable to order medications for you.
- Parents/Guardians must keep the School informed of any changes to their Child’s medication, particularly to dosages, frequency or discontinuation, in writing.
Please complete the attached form in as much detailas possible. If you have any queries regarding this please contact the School Nurse who will be more than happy to discuss matters with you to best support your child’s medical needs.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Parental Agreement for Administration of Medication at School (known as a PAM)
Each medication must be completed on a separate form.
Pupil DetailsPupil Name
Date Of Birth
Medical Diagnosis Or Condition (for which the medication is required)
Allergies (Medication or otherwise)
Today’s Date
Next Review Date or Date when last dose due?
Medication Details
Medicine name/type (as described on container)
Dosage and method of administration
Where is medicine to be held? (N.B. if in more than 1 location, state all)
Are there side effects which the School needs to know about?
Any additional info/special requests or instructions?
Self-administration? / Yes/No (delete as appropriate)
Parent/Guardian Details
Parental/Guardian contact name
Relationship to pupil
Daytime telephone number
I confirm the information above is accurate and I give consent for School staff to administer the medication as noted and agreed above. I will inform the School immediately and in writing if there is any change in the dosage or frequency of the medication, or if the medication is stopped.
Signature:Print Name:Date
Office: - PAM and current Medication Administration Record must be kept together at all times. Completed pages to be sent to the School Nurse for filing. CVE16