Sequestration Phone Call Script
Remember, be polite and quick. Many staffers are very busy—we want to get our point across, and then get off the phone quickly so they can do their jobs!
STAFFER: Hello, this is Congressman/Senator’s XYZ Office, how can I help you?
YOU: Hello, I am a constituent from TOWN in DISTRICT and a member of the Navy League of the United States. I would like to speak to your Military Legislative Assistant about sequestration.
If the MLA is not available:
YOU: I’d like to leave you with my contact information and my thoughts about sequestration.
STAFFER will either take down your information or transfer you to MLA. The MLA will be very well versed in this issue and will need minimal background.
YOU: Hello, my name is YOUR NAME and I am a voter in your district. As a Navy League member, I am engaged with our community in District XYZ, and would like to speak to you about our concerns regarding sequestration. We cannot allow these caps to come back into force. I understand we are facing a national fiscal challenge, but our sea services provide (CHOOSE ONE OR TWO IMPORTANCE OF SEA SERVICES FROM TALKING POINTS DOCUMENT).
The sea services have already sacrificed $487 billion in cuts to help us in this fiscal crisis. Supporting our sea services, who do so much for our nation, is a priority issue for me as a voter. I encourage Congressman/Senator NAME to work towards a bipartisan solution now so sequestration does not have a devastating impact on our national security and economy. I look to Congress to find the will to compromise before the end of the fiscal year.
Even though the defense appropriations bill passed by the House of Representatives adds needed funding to the Overseas Contingency Operations account, this is not a sustainable method. The sea services need stable funding to plan and execute their missions effectively. The underlying problem with sequestration - that ultimately the budget ends up driving the strategy - must be solved.
Can I answer any questions for you? Thank you for your time.