Bridge Road, Potter Heigham
Residents and Business Questionnaire February 2016
Following complaints re speeding, footpaths and parking on Bridge Road, Potter Heigham Parish Council have formed a Working Party to investigate the issues.
The Parish Council are seeking your views on potential traffic schemes* and your own ideas on these issues and ask if you can please complete this questionnaire and return it the Potter Heigham Post Office by xx March 2016.
*(Some schemes may be possible with partnership funding with this Parish Council where County Council contribute 50% of cost and Parish Council contribute 50% of cost)
The Parish Council are aware that there are similar concerns re speeding and road related issues elsewhere in the village. Please feel free to comment at the end of this questionnaire with any ideas or concerns you may have.
Please tick the box that most applies to your view for each question.
Strongly disagree / Neither agree or disagree / Strongly agreeQuestion / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
1 / There is a speeding problem on Bridge Road
2 / There should be more speeding enforcement by Police
3 / More speed matrix (flashing speed limit signs) should be installed
4 / Speed humps should be installed
5 / Priority gates should be installed (where traffic gives way to traffic from opposite directions)
6 / Speed cameras should be installed
7 / The junction outside the Post Office Stores, Station Road, Bridge Road and Mill Road should have the traffic priorities changed to slow traffic down
8 / Traffic lights are needed at this junction
9 / A mini roundabout should be installed at this junction (without street lights and barriers)
10 / Community Speed watch should be set up for the area
11 / Parking is a problem on Bridge Road opposite the bus stop near the junction
12 / The double yellow lines should be extended from Bridge Road into Station Road to prevent parking (except on the Post Office forecourt)
13 / The footpath between the houses and Lathams is too narrow
14 / The footpath between the houses and Lathams should be widened and improved
15 / The Parish Council should look at partnership funding for traffic speed calming scheme
Name (optional)...... Address (optional)...... Please add any comments or ideas below.…......
Potter Heigham Parish Council: Bridge Road Working Party February 2016