Orchard Operations / OK / NeedsAttention / Notes
Potting/ Propagation
All potting machines are well maintained and properly guarded
There is good ventilation in potting and propagation sheds when handling potting mixes
Dust masks are available and worn when handling potting propagation mixes
Hearing protection worn in loud/ noisy propagation sheds
Planning and Planting
The farm and orchardlayout been planned for safe tractor, machinery and vehicle traffic
All mechanical planters, planting platforms are properly guarded to prevent injury to workers
All planters designed to prevent ergonomic injury to operators
Picking/ Harvesting
All manufacturers’ guards on mechanical harvesters are not damaged and are in place
Emergency Stop switches/ stops and lanyards are regularly checked and tested to check that they are working
Al lights on mechanical harvesters are working
All brakes are in good working condition
Shade is available on picking aided machinery
On self propelled harvest units, all safety controls are functioning properly
All moving belts on harvesters in good condition and properly guarded
All pickers wear safety glasses to prevent eye injury from branches, twigs and insects when working in the orchard
Fist Aid kits are available in the field during picking/ harvest
All picking ladders regularly inspected for any defects and are in good condition
All defective ladders are repaired or taken out of use
Appropriate ladders available for picking at height and on steep terrain
All picking ladders comply with the Australian Standard 1892 for portable ladders
Bins and Trailers
All picking bins and crates are in good condition, regularly inspected and well maintained
All bins are stacked well and not too high to reduce the risk of toppling
All wood chippers mulchers and their intakes are properly guarded to prevent workers being entangled
All mulchers are fitted with an Emergency Stop systems that is regularly checked and tested
Workers using pneumatic secateurs wear appropriate and protection
The chainsaw used is the most appropriate size for the job
Emergency Stop controls are regularly tested and working properly
The kick back guard is functioning properly
The chain brake is functioning properly
All chainsaws are regularly serviced and the correct fuel and oils are used
Personal Protective Equipment including head, hearing, eye protection, chaps and gloves areprovided and used
Sun Safety
All workers wear proper work clothes, including hat, long sleeved shirt and trousers to protect skin from the sun
Sunscreen is available to protect exposed skin from sun burn when workers are working outdoors
Shade (where practical) is provided for outdoor workers
Field drains and creek boundaries are maintained to reduce stagnant water and vermin
All workers avoid entry to stagnant water or wear appropriate footwear to reduce contact with stagnant water, vermin urine and faeces
Areas have been identified that harbour vermin (rats) so that they may be cleared to reduce the risk or exposure to leptospirosis
Paddocks and farm boundaries are cultivated or sprayed regularly to provide firebreaks
Areas around houses and buildings mown, cultivated or sprayed to remove rubbish/ debris to reduce the risk of fire
Fences are in good condition. Old wire is rolled up and not left along fence lines or in paddocks
Gates are not damaged and swing freely
Gate latches are not damaged and lock properly
Additional Hazards
© Australian Centre for Agricultural Health and Safety1