Sparkling Start: / Classroom set up to represent a snow storm. / Mastery
Questions: / If the story was to continue, what do you think will happen next?
Why is some of the text in bold?
Who would you most like to meet from the story and why?
Summarise the story in 5 sentences.
How do you think the story should have ended? / Fabulous Finish: / Puppet show, using puppets made in class.
Genres / Fiction: To write a story set in an imagined world. / Non-Fiction: To write a set of instructions- how to train your dragon.
To write a NCR for dragons. / Book Art: / Yes / No / Learning Journey / Yes / No
English (Inc SPAG) / Maths / Science
Teach use of similes, synonyms for said, subordinating and co-ordinating conjunctions. Recap composition of various sentence lengths and importance, use of speech punctuation, pronouns, and adjectives.
National Curriculum Objectives/Expectations:
To use further prefixes and suffixes and understand how to add them
To spell words that are often misspelt
To use the first two or three letters of a word to check its spelling in a dictionary
To place the possessive apostrophe accurately in words with regular plurals [for example, girls’, boys’] and in words with irregular plurals [for example, children’s]
Write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.
To plan, innovate and write a story set in an imagined world.
To plan, innovate and write a Non-chronological report about dragons.
To plan, innovate and write instruction to train a dragon.
Learning Journey:
Children will write their own story set in an imagined world.
Children will write their own Non-chronological report about dragons.
Children will write their own instructions on how to train a dragon. / IE ideas- knowledge, skills and understanding/ revision units:
To continue to teach times table facts. Alongside this to look at a unit of Number focusing on the four operations. Including:
Inverse operations
Mental methods
Written methods
Reasoning and problem solving.
National Curriculum Objectives:
- Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate
- estimate and use inverse operations to check answers to a calculation
- Solve addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.
- Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12
- Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers
- Recognise and use factor pairs and commutativity in mental calculations
- Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit number using formal written layout.
- solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence problems such as n objects are connected to m object
Key skills - Investigative Skills
With support pupils will explore facts and information about changing states and process to change state through research and investigative science lessons. We will investigate the changes solids, liquids and gasesmake from one state to another. We will look at reversible and irreversible changes and link this with the reversible change of melting chocolate from a solid to a liquid.
NC Knowledge and Understanding
- Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
- Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
- Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature
Assessment: Using expectation grid at the end of text type.
Quiz: EGPS
Termly: / Review: Focus groups with TA, flexible groupings based on formative assessment.
Intervention groupings.
Homework to address needs. / Follow-up Assessment: Next steps from focus marking and teacher assessment. / Assessment:
Weekly Quiz:
Termly: / Review:
Focus groups with TA, flexible groupings based on formative assessment.
Intervention groupings.
Homework to address needs / Follow-up Assessment:
Next steps from focus marking and teacher assessment. / Assessment:
Quiz:Termly: / Review: Focus groups with TA, flexible groupings based on formative assessment.
Intervention groupings.
Homework to address needs / Follow-up Assessment:
Assertive mentoring assessment to identify and close gaps in learning.
Guided Reading Focus / Computing: / P.E:
Fiction: Look at a range of fiction texts with links to English. Focusing on inferential and deductive reading skills, skimming and scanning for answers. / Objectives:
- Locate data to answer a specific question Enter data into database
- Search database
- Use database to organise, and analyse information
- Enter data into spreadsheet
Children to use Purple Mash to create a database.
They will collect data and will input it in the required fields. / Objectives:
To learn dance moves for a street dance
To understand timing of music
To choreograph their own street dance with a theme
To work as a team
Learning Journey:Children will be taught a short dance routine to music using street dance movements. Children will then be given a theme and will choreograph their own routines in small groups.
Non-Fiction: Mix of non-fiction comprehension texts to be delivered focusing on inferential, retrieval and summary skills.
Geography/History: / French: / RE:
- To identify different land formations
- To identify features of land formations
Children will learn about different types of land formations, how they are formed and how to identify them. They will locate them on maps. / Objectives:
- To listen to French words and repeat
- To show understanding by joining in and responding
- To engage in some French conversation
- To develop accurate pronunciation
Children will recap French words for fruits and will learn phrases of preference.
Children will learn about Mardi Gras and create their own masks for the festival.
Children will learn about Mothers day in French and know key words. / Objectives:
Show some understanding of values, attitudes and commitments in relation to stories and teachings, beliefs and practices.
Understand the symbolic meaning and significance can be expressed in a variety of ways
Make connections between their own identity and experience and that of others
Art/DT: / Music: / PSHCE:
Learning Journey: Children will learn to create images of dragons by drawing upon a variety of different skills such as shape, line, pattern, form and texture in the environment and Fantasy ideas.
They will be creating observational drawings.
Children will learn about sketching and stitching. to create their own dragon finger puppets using sewing kits. / Learning Journey: Children will learn about the percussion family.
They will learn how the instruments make sound and will have the opportunity to play them. / Objectives:
- Know what is wrong and right
- To know and understand what British values
Children will discuss British values and their importance and how to apply these to everyday life.
Active Independent Learning Challenges
Year: 4 / Term: Spring 2 / Theme: Snow Dragon
Challenge Type / Key Skills Promoted / Challenge / Subject Links
8 / 2,4,5,8 / To design and make a Snow Dragon finger puppet / DT/Art English
6 / 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10 / To investigate reversible and irreversible changes / Science
2 / 1,2,5,8,11,12 / To create and perform a dance routine / P.E
1 / 1,2,8,11 / To create their own mythical dragons / DT/Art
4 / 1,2,4,5,6,8,9,10 / To collect and analyse data / Computing
1 / 1,2,8,11 / To create Fire dragon and Snow Dragon masks. / DT/Art English
At Brackenhill Active Independent Learning is……
exciting, challenging and of high quality. It allows children to take risks and increases their confidence. Opportunities are underpinned by Key Skills which develop strategies for life-long learning. Children are encouraged to take their learning further through practical exploration of ideas, indoors and outdoors, in order to maximise progress so children reach their potential. The adult’s role is to facilitate - guide, question and stretch their learning. / Challenge Types / Key Skills
1 / Make it! / Creative / 1 / Communication
2 / Get Going! / Physical – Fine and Gross Motor Skills / 2 / Creative Thinking
3 / Say it! / Communication and Presentation / 3 / Empathy
4 / Find it! / Information and Research / 4 / Enquiry
5 / Solve it! / Problem Solve to Identify a Solution / 5 / Evaluation
6 / Prove it! / Enquiry and Investigation / 6 / Information Processing
7 / Feel it! / Social Understanding / 7 / Managing Feelings
8 / Do it! / Plan, Design, Make, Evaluate / 8 / Motivation
9 / See it! / Observe, Classify and Report / 9 / Problem Solving
10 / Reasoning
11 / Self
12 / Social Skills