Minutes of Torridon and Kinlochewe Community Council

6.30pm on Wednesday 9th March 2016 in Loch Torridon Community Centre


Terry Doe- Chairman, Tom Forrest, Yasmeen Hollenstein, Andrew James, Anne Macrae-Secretary, Carol MacIver, Jonathon Petrie- Treasurer, Margaret Smith,

Morven Taylor – Highland Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT) and 5 Members of the public.


From Cllr. Richard Greene who was delegated to attend a debate taking placein Edinburgh in regard to Emergency Towing Vessel (ETV).

1.Welcome & Refreshments

2. Highland Small Communities Housing Trust (HSCHT )

Terry welcomed all present and introduced Morven Taylor,HSCHT who gave an interesting presentation on the work of the Trust to help facilitate housing in rural areas. It was HSCHT who helped purchase the land enabling homes to be built at both Darroch Park in Torridon and Hickman Park in Kinlochewe. Morven explained the Trust have been involved in acquiring land in Gairloch for fifteen years and in Kincraig for over ten years, the main objective there being to provide low cost housing to help keep the school open. A Highland Self Build Loan Fund has also recently been announced whereby it is now possible to borrow up to £150,000 to help build your own home. The Trust also help renovate empty properties for community use. We have a selection of HCSHT leaflets and more information can be found on both our own and HSCHT Facebook pages.

Morven offered to liaise with the Council, Planners and the National Trust to arrange an information day to be held in Torridon soon to allow the community to give some input to the new Local Development Plan. She also thought Highlands and Islands Enterprise would be open to any ideas regarding local businesses or community projects.

3. TheFebruary minutes were agreed and signed by the Chairman, Terry.

4. Matters Arising. The Constitution was approved and signed by the Chairman.

Finance Jonny now has the books but had little time to view the figures in detail. Charges for Torridon with Loch Torridon Community Association membership which is £5 a year are £5 an hour. It will be £10 an hour for use of Kinlochewe Hall.It was agreed that Anne be able to purchase some secretarial supplies (stamps, A4 paper and printer ink etc.) and that a fuel allowance of 45p a mile could be claimed if attending Community Council business.

Tom proposed that the £276.18 Out of Hours money be given to First Responders as it seemed a fitting project which Liz Pritchard would have approved of. It was agreed to see Kirsty Mackenzie about this. * Insurance details to be confirmed by Robbie.

Noticeboards Andy has been awaiting better weather, to repair the Kinlochewe noticeboard. We are delighted to hear that a couple who live in Wester Alligin have offered to donate a new board there which is much appreciated by all. Terry wondered if the local Hydro Scheme might make some noticeboards if asked and it was agreed that Yasmeen take this idea forward. It was noted that there had been no community benefit for us from the Hydro Schemes set up or planned in our Ward and it was suggested that this was something Robbie might be able to follow up.*

Planters Tom is also awaiting better weather before removing the old plant barrels.

Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH)

Chris Donald has replied,suggesting that the National Nature Reserve (NNR) liaison group be reinvigorated to allow positive dialogue and collaboration between SNH and the local community. A new Reserve Manager will be starting and it is proposed we arrange a date when it will be possible to get together and discuss this.

Speeding and Road Signs

We have had a very positive response from Neill Rathbone in Gairloch who himself a former Traffic Patrol Officer and Police Motorcyclist understands our worries. He is also reporting the electronic speed sign is not operating and notes that although the South approach reduces from 40 to 30 this does not happen from the North where the 30mph limit starts on a bend. Our post on our Facebook page promoted discussion with a number of ideas being put forward and we hope it will lead to new Slow Down signs and large 30s being painted on the road itself.* A number of people voiced concern at cars being parked on the road in the middle of the village and that this in itself could cause accidents. Some home owners defended this action, hoping that the sight of cars on the road automatically cause drivers to cut their speed. It is hoped that if we can introduce a culture of slowing down at each end of the village then this action will no longer be felt necessary. Terry asked Jonny, himself a roads engineer, if he would take forward the road issues. Maggie also reported worries of vehicles, mainly vans speeding through Fassaig.

Village Path It has been suggested that the Village Path might be rerouted to branch off and come down behind the Village Hall. Gorse has been cut back and Terry, Tom and Yasmeen have surveyed the route. Trustees have been approached for permission and if granted it is hoped SNH might be able to help finish off the path surfaceto make it more accessible.

Whilst discussing the new path route, the topic of location of the Fire Service Building came up. At the moment the building is situated by the road in the centre of Kinlochewe where it has been granted extended planning permission. Originally it had been planned to build a more permanent structure by the Village Hall though any relocation would be costly. Having just returned from a Course that day, Andy reported that the Scottish Fire Service is rumouredto be likely to undertake a wide-ranging review after the Scottish Parliament elections and he would let us know when he found out any more.

Tesco A number of residents in Torridon would welcome Tesco delivering to the village, rather than only the Inn Car Park, two miles away, twice a week. Some residents are elderly, do not drive and have difficulty travelling.Home deliveries are made in all surrounding areas including Lochcarron, Applecross, Shieldaig and Kinlochewe with a fleet of vans passing by daily. Maggie agreed to try and make contact with the Dingwall Manager to see if anything could be done.

National Trust for Scotland (NTS)

We were pleased to welcome Trust Manager, Seamus MacNally to the meeting and he was able to confirm that ‘Moccan’s House will likely be sold on the open market in the near future. He has agreed to see if NTS representatives will attend our May meeting to be held in Torridon to clarify and discuss future plans for the area, including use of the campsite, playing field, crofts and housing issues.

Local Schools Update There has been no information given yet on the future of local schools estate and it was agreed to ask Robbie or Richard if they knew any more.* Although plans were being made to sell off Kinlochewe Schoolhouse there now seems to be doubt over ownership with a 99 year lease mentioned.

Roads remain a major issue with sides crumbling in places along the glen and potholes appearing. There has not been the same amount of water running across the road to the jetty in Fassaig but it is felt the culvert still needs to be checked and cleared. Although reported, no action has been taken to fix the sign by the jetty which has also now been bashed by a passing vehicle.

Lampposts in Fassaig were fixed but unfortunately in further wind, the lamp at post AM9 had come loose and was hanging dangerously from the top if the pole. ( Has since been removed.) Carol agreed to report lights at Fuaran which were also not working.

Glen Docherty Viewpoint

The stone bench remains on its side and is heavy to lift. Terry reported that a lot of rubbish has collected in the Glen Docherty burn which seems to have arrived there from the wall construction. This includes plastic sheeting, traffic signs (one with Macgregor logo), white builder’s bags and other materials. He asked Jonny if he would contact the contractors to ask that the mess be cleared up. (Sacks of litter and wheel hubs have since also been dumped and scattered by the bin at the viewpoint.)

Wester Ross Environmental Network (WREN)Date of meeting is still to be decided but Tom noted cuts are being made by the Council. These cuts will have a direct impact on the update of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan (LBAP). It is envisaged that WREN will take on this role.

Facebook Page

The new Facebook page has promoted a good degree of discussion and interaction with helpful comments and suggestions being made especially regarding roads, winter maintenance and speeding. Local photographs and news prove popular (especially the Red Squirrels) and the daily newsfeed contains a variety of updates from local businesses, Highland Council and Emergency Services. It is also proving a useful link to other Community Councils, Associations and Development Companies. There had been concern that photos of Holiday Houses were shown when commenting that only six of the fourteen houses in Annat are now lived in full time and these were removed on request. It was suggested that we could start a closed group but it was felt that the current page is appropriate as its aim is to engage a wider audience though we must stay mindful that it is open to all public. A number of our followers have connections with the area but are spread across the world but in general locals who are unable to make monthly meetings have said they feel better informed on what we are doing.

Training Given weather conditions, no-one had been able to travel to the training events held but it was noted an online training package is now available.

Highland Council Budget Savings have been highlighted in the local press and will also cut the allowance given to Community Councils. * It was agreed to ask Robbie and Richard what direct impact the cuts are likely to have on our area in particular. ( Use of public toilets , transport etc.)

5. Any Other Business

Winter Maintenance During recent snowfall, Diabaig residents had found themselves cut off on three consecutive days when the snowplough did not arrive until 10.30am, 1.30pm and 12.30pm. Those unable to get to work included the local post workers, resulting in no mail deliveries across the area from the Tuesday to Friday that week. It seems the Lochcarron plough had broken down and the Applecross plough was sent across to cover once the Coast Road was clear. A plough from Gairloch does go along Torridon Glen early in the morning but it is too big to continue along the Diabaig road so it turns at the gravel pit by Glen Cottage.* A suggestion to avoid this happening in future is to base a smaller plough at the gravel pit in poor weather so that could be taken to Diabaig earlier in the morning.

Planning Permission We are now updated weekly and current applications include installation of H pole structureand low voltage underground electricity cable on Coulin Estate, construction of 33kV overhead line from Achnasheen to Kinlochewe,erection of a substation building for Hydro Station at Slattadale, four new houses being built in Kinlochewe, one also at Aultroy and one in Wester Alligin. An extension to a house in Alligin is requested and a new water treatment building at Coire Church. There is also an application to erect a mountain rescue team building and installation of air source heat pump on land East of Torridon Village Hall. Full details can be found under planning on the Highland Council website.

Defibrillator We have had the offer of a new defibrillator for use in Kinlochewe from Certas Energy UK Limited. It was agreed that the most suitable place to site it would be the Village Hall. Thegenerous offer has now been accepted and taken forward by the Village Hall Committee. Certas will also fund First Aid training for up to twelve people. It is believed that there is also a defibrillator kept at the SNH Centre and that First Responders have one when they are on duty. Tom voiced concern that the number of First Responders has now fallen from twenty four down to only six, his wife being the only one in Kinlochewe. A defibrillator box has now been put up on the exterior wall of Torridon Hall and one is also going on the Gille Brighde Café wall in Diabaig.

Red Squirrel Reintroduction

33 red squirrels have now been released in the Shieldaig area and there are plans to also place some on Coulin Estate. Supplementary food is being left for the next couple of months. Some residents in Shieldaig and round the Coast have reported sightings of squirrels in their gardens, probably attracted by bird feeding stations already set up there.

It was noted that Consultation for Gairloch Conservation Unit (GCU) ends officially on 11th March and Ben Damph Estate Plan on 17th March 2016.

A member of the public asked about the possibility of putting up noticeson local paths to give advice on ticks and Lyme Disease. It was agreed to contact SNH as there are now a lot more ticks being noticed.

Some gorse needs cleared from the path and there has been an increase in dog mess being left lying on the path more recently. It was noted that SNH provide a supply of free paper poop scoops at the start of the paths so people should be encouraged to make use of these and keep paths a pleasant place to walk.

Small plastic bags are also available from Loch Torridon Community Centre, the Play Park Cabin or Jo’s Stores in Torridon.

A member of the public wanted it noted that a dog had jumped down from the wall and had gone round the metal barrier by the school in Fassaig, causing her concern when driving past about two and a half weeks earlier.

North Coast 500 (NC500)

Tom had received a call from the P&J informing him of a proposed Rally involving about 270 vehicles touring the NC500 on 14th and 15th May this year. They are planning to camp in Lochinver before continuing down the West Coast through Kinlochewe and Torridon to Applecross on the 15th May. Tom had some concern over such a large group of vehicles travelling at once, especially on our single track roads and thought there would need to be some sort of policing or limit of number of vehicles passing at any one time and making use of passing places.

NC500 are currently holding a number of meetings encouraging local businesses to discuss any issues connected with NC500. Seamus had attended an information meeting that day but thought that although private membership would be about £15, business membership could be £5000.

The idea of NC500 seems to be proving popular, with Matt reporting hostel bookings are already up on last year. It is hoped that people will be encouraged to stop off and give places additional business rather than rush and see how quickly they can get round the route. During winter there has been a lack of facilities to encourage this as many places close down, including public toilets in Kinlochewe. We are pleased that those by the campsite in Torridon remained open and hope they will do so again this year.*

6. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 13th April 2016 at 6.30pm in Kinlochewe Village Hall.

* Issues to take forward with Council