June 28, 20166:00- 8:00 p.m.

SCW Ice Arena

1)Call to Order (Doug):

In attendance: Doug Gurlea, Ray Brueggemeier, Joyce Grieser, Andrew Ash, Chris Miller, Todd Goode, Kevin Neumaier, Billy Barto, Wren Arbuthnot, Kerri Bergstrom, Brad Dickerson, Anne Lamb

2)Approval of May 24, 2016 Minutes (Doug): Kevin Motioned to approve seconded by Ray Brueggemeir

3)Parent Questions and Input:No parents in attendance

4)Financial Report: Previous budget approved at last meeting

Still waiting to hear about $5,000 grant from CAHA for equipment

Last year registration was 171 players; Chris’ Goal for 2-3 years is 200. Finances look good

5)HockeyDirector Report (Chris)(30-40 minutes)

a)News and Events

  1. Summer Program

Monday Skate: Hitting the numbers, on budget

Week Camps

Mites has enough players registered

Girls has not filled – if not filled will cancel and players will get money back

Checking Camp and Shooting Camp registration still open

Goal Tending camp – registration still open

  1. Fall Program

2 teams projected pee wees and bantams

Due to limited numbers for Midget age, Chris is researching having a J.V team combined with Vail

U12 numbers are low, looking at scholarship exchange with High Country Soccer to get to increase numbers

U14/U19 numbers looks good

  1. Regular Season Registration/Rates

Registration build out has been sent to Sport Ngin and will be live July 1

Family pays the higher the fee

$75 increase for uniforms

$100 for added tournament fee

  1. Mountain Militia

Chris asked about compensating Jeff Grabs for time he put in for coaching asking for $500

Discussion regarding Militia surplus and how that money should be distributed.

Motion was made Kevin Neumaierand seconded by Billy Barto to pay Jeff Grabs maximum of $750 with a minimum of $500 to leave a reserve for possible tournament fees.

Chris Miller is looking into having AA tournament teams for 3 tournaments one in the Fall, Winter and Spring for Pee Wee, Bantams u14 double- try out

  1. Mini-mites/Mites

Learn to play averaging 10 players, break even with 8 players, now run by Summit Hockey

Friday nights 6:15

  1. Uniforms

Paid deposit

Ordered socks, breezer covers, shirts, practice jerseys

Players keep practice jerseys and socks

Delivery date Sept Summit Foundations and Breckenridge Grand Vacation gave $37,000[A1] toward uniforms

  1. Swag

Online store to go live August set up thru Total Hockey will include new warm up suits (KEWL Brand) about $100 set

There will be items available for players to try on at parent meetings

Budgeted warm up sets for coaches

Athletic shorts, shirt, hats, gloves and helmets (black) will also be available

  1. Dryland Room Equipment Purchases

Spent $4000 so far for equipment can’t be set up until July 19th can be used for all ages

Town claimed ordinance doesn’t go into effect until July 19th

Ray recommended an open house/grand opening and a walk thru for parent meeting.

Scheduling for room to be determined

  1. BMC Hockey Demo July 7 10:00am

Chris and Wren will be putting on a hockey demo for kids attending the Breck Mountain Camp at the Rec Center

  1. Mile High Mites Program (Host Rink)

Part of learn to play program

Avs players come to promote hockey

  1. Newsletter Update (Mail Chimp)

Wren providing content for monthly newsletters

b)Survey Results

  1. 2015/2016 Survey Results

Got 36 responses with the following input

Listen to family feedback

Lack of gear available

Get kids interested

Improve Communication from Website

Most listed as satisfied

Many of the recommendations have already been addressed

  1. June Newsletter Question Responses

Looking into hosting a girls Thanksgiving weekend tournament possibly U14/U19

c)Website Update

  1. New Scholarship Application

Application available online , applications will be review and approved by Kevin

  1. New Website Formatting[A2]

d)Acquisition Requests

  1. Go Pros (2) for Filming Games - $1,000.00

Considering placing a go pro at each end of rink for filming games

Andrew reported that reviewing films is difficult and time consuming

Chris will look into finding a program that coaches could use

  1. Quick Change Goalie Gear (2) - $400.00

For younger players resembles a uni set good for jamborees – is USA Hockey approved

Motion made by Anne to approve $400 for Quick Change Goalie Gear, Seconded by Billy Barto

  1. iPad - $400.00

Chris will look into new batteries

6)Dryland Facility, Office Ideas and Roof Update (Doug/Chris) (5-10 minutes)

Looking at different office space for Director

Roof Update : goal Oct 1st

7)Update on Status of Breckenridge Bucks (Doug) (5 minutes)

Bucks as of now will not be skating out of Breckenridge

Possibly another team will replace the Bucks

Summit Hockey supports having a Junior Team waiting to hear if there is another feasible team.

8)Action Items from May 24, 2016 Meeting (30-40 minutes)

a)Development of One Page Statement (Chris)

What is Summit Hockey outline to provide to coaches

Working with Wren to develop

b)Bylaw and Handbook Committee Review of Documents by October 1, 2016 (Brad, Joyce and Anne)

c)Assign Committee Chairs (Doug)

Each committee will meet by August meeting

c)Discuss Concessions (Doug/Joyce)

ACTION: Summit Hockey will only provide concessions for tournaments

Chris will contact Sue Rogers about Blue Line Club having a bake table for hockey events

d)Develop Bullet Points to Address Meeting the Diverse Needs of Players During Practice Times (Chris)

Will work on for September

e)Raffle Tickets (Doug)

Prize : an hour of ice and pizza party for team who sells the most

Time Frame : begin selling in November and have raffle at Hockey Classic

10$ per raffle ticket each player required to sell 10 tickets

f)Flyers in Elementary Schools (Chris)

Content created now Dave Rossi has to format

g)Two Parent Volunteers for Conflict Resolution Committee (Doug)

Action: Anne will contact Lara Jackman

Chris will contact Steve Luney

Chris will present a parent meeting outline for parent meetings and will include parent conduct expectations.

9)Set Next Meeting

Next meeting set for Tuesday July 26th 6:OO Rink Board Room

10)Executive Session if Required : Executive session not necessary

Action Items

-Each committee will set a meeting time before the August meeting

-Chris will look into finding a system to review games

-Anne and Chris will contact a few parents about volunteering for Conflict Resolution Committee

-Doug will contact Dick Carleton about printing raffle tickets

-Doug will contact Blake about raffle license

