Hosted by Grayson High School
About five years ago, I noticed that the summer season had a void in the first available weekend. I threw together a very small tournament (varsity only) and invited some my favorite coaches to play in a 4 day “tournament”. Over the last 5 years, it has grown to include some other programs, but it has remained true to the principles of good baseball, good fellowship, and an understanding of the role of the summer season.
Tournament Dates: Thursday 5/21 through Sunday 5/24
Cost of Tournament: Depends on the number of games you would like to play.
· 2 games = $200
· 3 games = $275
· 4 games = $350
· 5 games = $425
What does Grayson High School provide?
· We will provide umpires from Multi-county
· We will provide cups and water in the dugouts
· We will provide a great playing surface and fun place to watch a game
· We provide baseballs for the games
· We will drag the field in between games and water as needed
What do I need to provide?
· A team ready to get better for the summer
· Your own summer baseball insurance
We currently have the following teams in this year:
· Milton (4 games)
· Loganville (4 games)
· Norcross (4 games)
· Berkmar (2 games)
· Grayson (# of games depends on how many teams are interested in playing)
We can accommodate more teams (about 3 more depending on the number of games requested).
The gate is $5 per day and no coolers will be allowed. We will follow standard summer ball rules including 8 runs after five innings and we will not enforce the jewelry rule.
If interested, email me at and I will place you down.
Thanks, Seth Rhine