Marysville FFA Officer Application

To be considered for office you must have your chapter degree, complete a written application, have an advisor reference form completed,sign a Marysville FFA Code of Conduct Agreement, have one written reference from a teacher/community member outside of this organization and complete an interview with the senior officers/advisory committee. Good Luck!!!


Chapter officers serve a vital function in the FFA organization. By taking a major leadership role, these students grow from the experience and benefit the chapter. It should be the officers’ goal to lead by example and encourage other members to participate in chapter activities. The following are general duties expected of all officers.

  • A commitment to being part of the leadership team.
  • A willingness to accept responsibility.
  • A desire to work with all chapter members in meeting their leadership, personal, and chapter goals.
  • A knowledge and understanding of the chapter, state, and national FFA constitutions and bylaws.
  • A working knowledge of parliamentary procedure.
  • An ability to memorize their parts in the official ceremonies.
  • Attend all executive committee meetings and chapter meetings.
  • Attend the FFA officer retreat.
  • Attend and Plan the Annual FFA Parent/Member Banquet

In addition to these general duties, each office has specific responsibilities.


  • Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure.
  • Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the POA.
  • Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.
  • Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-official member
  • Appoint officers in charge of committees
  • Promote moral development in membership
  • Manage officers and insure their responsibilities are being fulfilled
  • Ability to lead by inspiration not dictation
  • Must be willing to put FFA #1


  • Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
  • Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.
  • Coordinate all committee work and make sure they are functioning.
  • Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals.
  • Effectively delegate responsibilities and inspire their quality completion.
  • Promote moral development in membership.


  • Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting. (from exec meetings)
  • Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting.
  • Place all committee and officer reports in the designated areas in the Official FFA Chapter Secretary’s Book.
  • Be responsible for chapter correspondence with prompt attention to Thank You’s
  • Maintain member attendance, earned degree level, and issue membership cards.
  • Have on hand for each meeting, secretary’s book, POA, Official Manual.
  • Promote moral development in membership.


  • Present monthly treasurer’s reports at monthly exec and chapter meetings. Include opening and closing balance, expenditures, and receipts.
  • Maintain a neat and accurate Official FFA Chapter Treasurer’s Book.
  • Serve as chairperson of the earnings and savings committee.
  • Be computer literate and be willing to learn how to read ledgers
  • Promote moral development in membership.


  • Plan public information programs with local radio, TV, newspaper, and service clubs and make use of other opportunities to tell the FFA story.
  • Release news and information to local and regional media at least twice a month.
  • Publish a chapter newsletter twice a year.
  • Prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook.
  • Send at least two articles to the Ohio FFA News.
  • Send at least one article to the FFA New Horizons Magazine.
  • Serve as the chapter photographer.
  • Serve as chairperson of public relations committee.
  • Update chapter website
  • Availability to attend 90% of activities in order to publicize events and take photos and make sure 100% of activities are attended by themselves or an Assistant Officer
  • Promote moral development in membership.


  • Assist the president in maintaining order.
  • Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition. (Including computers and classroom equipment.)
  • Welcome guests and visitors.
  • Obtain a guest speaker or special feature for each meeting
  • Serve as chairperson on recreation committee
  • Keep meeting room comfortable and have it set up at least 30 minutes before the meeting.
  • Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies.
  • Assist with special programs and refreshments.
  • Promote moral development in membership.


  • Supervise chapter activities.
  • Encourage member participation.
  • Build school and community support for the FFA.
  • Prepare students for involvement in contests and awards.
  • Assist the vice president in assigning members to committees.
  • Assist the Vice President in compiling the POA.
  • Record and monitor chapter member participation in activities with secretary.
  • Provide members with recognition for their birthdays.
  • Promote moral development in membership.
  • Update Calendar on AET
  • Maintain an accurate member email and cell phone database

Remember, the officers make up a team committed to accomplishing the following:

  • Every member has an understanding of the FFA.
  • Keeping all members actively involved in the chapter.
  • Completing the activities in the POA.
  • Acquire needed equipment to make the chapter functional and keep accurate records of the years activities.
  • Have well planned, regularly held monthly meetings.
  • Make sure the chapter has adequate financing to complete the POA activities.
  • Secure support from community and provide support to the community in return.
  • Keep an up to date chapter resource system designed to help following officer teams and committees.

Marysville FFA Chapter Officer Application


Years of FFA Membership: ______

  1. List the offices you wish to be considered for in order:
  1. List activities you have participated in:
  1. List activities that you have helped plan, organize or facilitate:
  1. Describe all of your SAE projects that you have completed and/or are currently working on, include type and scope of project(s):
  1. Why do you want to be an officer?
  1. What are your personal goals that you have that you want to achieve in the FFA? When do you want to achieve them?
  1. What are your goals for our chapter and more importantly, how do you plan on helping the chapter meet them?
  1. How do you plan to prioritize FFA in your life to meet the expectations of your elected office?
  1. How would you describe your ability to follow thru on projects? Cite specific examples.
  2. Please include a detailed plan on how you would solve on lacking area in our chapter; committees, member participation, SAE project, etc

Advisor’s Recommendation

Advisor’s Appraisal
Description / Please type an "X" in the appropriate box.
Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor
General Leadership of candidate
Applicant’s overall character
Reputation of applicant within chapter, school and community
Applicant’s reliability
Applicant’s ability to follow through on a task
Applicant’s public speaking ability
Applicant’s academic acumen
Why do you recommend the applicant to be an officer? (limited to the space provided below)
Advisor’s Signature
The above information is a true, sincere and honest appraisal of the Marysville FFA officer applicant.
Chapter Advisor: / Date:

Marysville FFA Officer and Assistant Officer Code of Conduct

Being a FFA Officer/Assistant Officer is a privilege that is regulated for many reasons. One of the most important being the protection of the health and safety of FFA members. FFA Officers/Assistant Officers are individuals who are held to higher expectations of behavior. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to clarify these expectations. FFA Officers violating the code harm themselves, their team, their chapter, and their school. The Officer’s intent to abide by this code shall be evidenced in an agreement, which shall be signed by the Officer/Assistant Officer and the Officer’s parent or guardian. This code is in effect 24 hours a day throughout the year of service and begins when the Officer/Assistant Officer first signs the consent form promising to adhere to the code.

A. Honesty is extremely important in a leadership position. If an Officer/Assistant Officer is caught lying, cheating, or stealing consequences will result.

B. Adherence to all provisions of the Student Code of Conduct found in Parent/Student Handbook. (As an officer the expectations apply to both on and off of school property during the duration of your office.)

C. No illegal or off label use of any drugs including over the counter medications.

D. Insubordination to adults on or off school property could result in consequences.

E. Inappropriate public behavior on or off school property could result in consequences. (As a rule of thumb, if you would not do it in your FFA Jacket, with the advisor(s) watching, then don’t do it.)

F. Conviction of a criminal offense may result in a denial of participation or impeachment.

G. Multiple violations (alcohol along with tobacco or foul language and harassment, etc) can be dealt with individually and could result in multiple consequences being enforced at the same time.

H. Any Officer or Assistant Officer who misses an excess of two (2) meetings, with the exception to hospitalization or death or an excused activity by the advisor, will automatically be impeached from his or her office. If an Officer or Assistant Officer is suspended in or out of school for a two (2) day period for behavioral reasons he or she will automatically be brought before the next regular meeting under the articles of impeachment. The case will be discussed and membership present will cast a decided vote.


  1. First offense – 8 hours of community service within two weeks of violation (must be NON-FFA related project). Community service hours must be for non-family and must be documented with signature and form. Furthermore, any community service hours performed WILL NOT be eligible to count towards degree or awards. If 8 hours of community service are not completed within two weeks of the violation, suspension of FFA activities until hours are completed will be required This punishment is in addition to any consequences from the main office or law enforcement.
  1. Second offense – 30 days suspension from ALL FFA activities and an additional 8 hours of community service to be completed within 30 days. Community service hours must be for non-family and must be documented with signature and form. Furthermore, any community service hours performed WILL NOT be eligible to count towards degree or awards. This punishment is in addition to any consequences from the main office or law enforcement.
  1. Third offense – Impeachment as stated in chapter constitution, vote by the chapter. This punishment is in addition to any consequences from the main office or law enforcement.
  1. Fourth offense – If the chapter permits you to retain office and there is another offense, immediate removal from office. This punishment is in addition to any consequences from the main office or law enforcement.

If the nature of the offense is deemed as especially heinous by the Advisor(s) the student may be moved directly to third offense clause.

Advisors will ultimately have final discretion in determining if an action has violated the Marysville FFA Officer/Assistant Officer Code of Conduct.

Marysville FFA Officer and Assistant Officer Code of Conduct and Expectations

Student Name ______Grade ______

As A Student:

I understand and agree that being a Marysville FFA Officer/Assistant Officer is a privilege that may be withdrawn for violations of the Marysville FFA Officer and Assistant Officer Code of Conduct. I have read the Marysville FFA Officer/Assistant Officer Code of Conduct and thoroughly understand the consequences that I will face if I do not honor my commitment to the Marysville FFA Officer/Assistant Officer Code of Conduct. I also understand this code is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year and lasting the entire time I am an officer/assistant officer in the Marysville FFA.

As A Parent/Guardian/Custodian:

I have read the Marysville FFA Officer/Assistant Officer Code of Conduct and thoroughly understand the responsibilities of my son/daughter/ward as a participant in FFA activities in the Marysville FFA. I also understand this code is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year and lasting the entire time my son/daughter/ward is an officer/assistant officer in the Marysville FFA.


Parent/Guardian/Custodian SignatureParent/Guardian/Custodian Name (Print)Date


Student SignatureStudent Name (Print)Date

Phone Number(s) of Parent/Guardian/Custodian: ______