Special Education Service Agency
Videoteleconferencing Cheat Sheet and Checklist
(Draft 9/2006)
Once you determine that you need to schedule a videoconference, you need to check to see if there is a schedule conflict. You will also need to gather information about your remote site.
GCI HelpLine for VTC: 1-888-254-2858
(this number is on speed-dial on the video room phone)
Check the VTC Schedule
Go to: http://www.sesa.org and choose Internal Resources.
Log onto the Internal Resources page, and choose: View the VideoConferencing Calendar on the Web. This will give you information to help with scheduling.
Before you go further, you will need this information about the remote site:
Information needed about the remote site:Names of all participants, listed by site(s), and contact number(s) near the VTC equipment:
Name and contact information of the tech person at the site(s):
Specific location of VTC equipment (village, school and room) and a phone number for that room, for each site you’ll be contacting:
SESA Videoconferencing Room telephone number (direct line to this room)
You can give this number to the conference participants. Be sure that they know that the number is not the SESA main number or your number.
Our external IP address for videoconferencing is:
We connect through GCI, so if the remote site intends to direct dial, that may cause a problem. If the site asks for this information, have their tech person contact Anne.
Determine what equipment you need in order to do your videoconference:
VTC equipment
Speaker phone
LCD projector
DVD player
Digital video camera (to either show a tape or to record the conference)
Elmo (document camera)
Computer connection (you will need your video out computer connector)
Something else?
Will you have a live audience, lots of presenters, or participants who don’t have VTC capability?
If you have more than a few people, you will need to schedule the Boardroom. Check that schedule to see that it’s available.
If you have participants who don’t have VTC, it is possible to connect them using a teleconference at the same time as your videoconference.
Check the Boardroom calendar online to be sure that it’s available:
Go to: http://www.sesa.org and choose Internal Resources.
Log onto the Internal Resources page, and choose: View the Boardroom Calendar on the Web. This will give you information to help with scheduling.
Will you need any other equipment, such as a camera or presentation equipment?
If you want to turn your videoconference into a DVD, you will need the digital video camera. If you have a live audience, you may want an LCD projector.Go to: http://www.sesa.org and choose Internal Resources.
Log onto the Internal Resources page, and choose: Reserve a Camera or Presentation Equipment.
If there isn’t any scheduling conflict and you have all the remote site information and you know what you need in order to do , go back to the Internal Resources page and choose: Schedule a Video or TeleConference with the Online Form
Fill in all the information on the form. When you click submit, the information will be transferred to a new email in your email program. Send the message, and cc-yourself if you don’t keep copies of your sent messages. The email won’t be in a pretty format, but the information will be there.
Preparation Timetable
As early as possible, but at least 3 days before: / · Check to be sure the equipment is available· Schedule with the remote site(s)
· Gather contact information
At least 2 days before,, and earlier if possible: / schedule online for a videoconference
Password: sesa2217
The day before: / · Check with Anne
· Take some time to check the equipment, especially if you’re doing something new or haven’t done it for a while
15 minutes before: / · Turn on both TVs
· Turn on the Polycom (on top of the TV)
· Make sure the remote pod (VideoConcert) is connected
· Make sure the remote microphone lights go red when you press them (red is mute, no light is live)
· Connect your computer
· Set your presets, and write them down if that will help you
· It’s very helpful to have someone else in the room to help while you get connected to all remote sites.