Julius Caesar Act Five Questions
Please answer the following questions in your notebook. Be sure to write in full sentences and address the question in your answer.
- Why does Octavius tell Antony he feels the conspirators are advancing?
- What strategic point do Antony and Octavius disagree on?
- What has Brutus chosen to do that reveals his lack of military judgment and foreshadows his defeat?
- Name the three people who join Brutus and Cassius as they lead their armies.
- How does Brutus interpret the way Antony and Octavius are standing?
- Cassius and Brutus advance to meet Antony and Octavius. What takes place, basically, between the generals?
- Which character seems to become the most vicious and heated in his speech during the talk?
- Who terms the conspirators “flatterers?”
- Cassius turns to Brutus and complains about what?
- Octavius tells Cassius and Brutus to come to the field if they dare to fight that day. If they do not, what does Octavius say will happen?
- As Antony, Octavius, and their armies leave the field, with whom does Brutus desire to confer?
- With whom does Cassius confer?
- Cassius feels compelled against his will to risk all on one battle, just as who else has been compelled to do in the past?
- Who does Cassius feel has put him in such a position?
- On their way to Sardis, what unusual occurrence took place around Cassius?
- What animals now represent bad omens to Cassius?
- According to Cassius in scene 3, what error has Brutus made?
- According to Cassius, although this is the day of his birth, what also will it be?
- Pindaurus misinterprets Titiunius’s meeting with the soldiers down below. What wrong fact does he relay to Cassius?
- Because of Pindaurus’s error, what does Cassius decide to do? How does he accomplish it?
- Who else was killed with Cassius’s sword?
- Who discovered the body of Cassius?
- What does Titinius do to himself?
- Who does Brutus say is responsible for all that has happened?
- What tragedy occurs early in scene four?
- What mistake do Antony's soldiers make when they first capture Lucilius?
- How does Brutus take his life?
- According to Antony, Brutus was the noblest Roman of them all, because what he did to Caesar, he did for the common good of the people, but the others betrayed Caesar because of what?
- According to Antony, what sentence might sum up the life of Brutus?
- What respect does Octavius intend to show the body of Brutus?