Appendix – Expert surveys

Climatic change scenarios upon which the questionnaires were based. These scenarios were divided according the field of expertise of the reviewer. They included: terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems.

Questionnaire introduction: According to the Israel Climate Change Information Center and despite the differences in predictions of various climate change models, there is general agreement regarding the following future trends:

  • Continuing trend of warming in the next few decades at a rate of 0.50C per decade
  • Decrease in the amount of annual rainfall, up to 15%, in the next few decades.
  • Increase in variability of various rainfall parameters (annual amounts, number of rainy periods and their intensity, length of rainy season and dry spells). These trends are marginally significant.

Expert survey for terrestrial ecosystems

Please answer the following questions regarding possible effects of climate change in your research field and/or in the ecosystems you study.

Please state your research field and/or the principal ecosystems you study:


Existing knowledge and knowledge gaps

1)In relation to the ecosystem(s) you study, how strong, in your opinion will be the effects of the following climate change scenarios on biodiversity?

Rank the strength of the effect of the expected change on a scale of 1-5, where 1=weak effect on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect). Mark ? if you do not know or if you do not have an opinion about a specific effect. If you study more than one ecosystem please relate to each ecosystem separately (ecosystem 1, ecosystem 2 etc.).

Change / Effect strength / Comments
Ecosystem 1 / Ecosystem 2
1. Rise in temperature
2. Decrease in precipitation amount
3. Delay in winter rains and shortening of rainy season
4. Increase in temporal and spatial climatic variability
5. Increase in frequency of floods and heat waves
6. Rise in sea level
7. Combination of all above changes


2)In relation to the ecosystem you study, what, in your opinion will be the most significant effects of climate change on biodiversity?

Rank the strength, on a scale of 1-5, of the effect of the expected changes resulting from climate change, where 1=weak effect ge on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect, ? = don't know). If you study more than one ecosystem please relate to each ecosystem separately (ecosystem 1, ecosystem 2 etc.).

Change / Effect strength / Comments
Ecosystem 1 / Ecosystem 2
1. Reduction in species' foraging territory due to variation in environmental conditions
2. Variation in interspecific interactions and control by dominant species
3. Competition with invasive species with high competitive ability
4. Disturbance to interspecific interactions due to disruption of temporalcompatibility between species (e.g. relationships between flowers and pollinators, and between frugivores and fruit-ripening)
5. Outbreaks of pests, parasites and diseases
6. Increase in frequency and intensity of fires

Others: ______

3)In your opinion, are there geographic regions or specific ecosystems in Israel with particular sensitivity to climate change? Rank the level of sensitivity of the following regions and ecosystems to climate change, where 1=resistant, 5=sensitive, ?=don't know.

Ecosystems / Ecosystem sensitivity / Comments
1. Grasslands and shrublands
2. Mediterranean woodland
3. Coastal plain sands
4. Interior desert sands
5. Planted conifer forest
6. Forest park of Quercus ithaburensis
7. Aquatic habitats
8. Other
9. Other
Regions / Regional sensitivity / Comments
1. Golan heights
2. Mediterranean region
3. Mediterranean transition zone (southern Judean foothills – northern Negev)
4. Central coastal strip
5. Jordan Valley
6. Negev desert highlands
7. Arava region
8. Large valleys in the southern Negev
9. Eilat mountains

4)Are there species/ecosystems/processes that may act as indicators of climate change?


5)In which aspects of climate change effects is scientific knowledge lacking, in your opinion?


Please estimate the level of importance of scientific research in the following fields, where 1=low importance, 5=high importance:

Field / Level of importance / Comments
1. Response of species to climate change and prediction of community structure and composition under different climate change scenarios
2. Assessing species' ability to change their distribution
3. Estimating threats to individual species (e.g. endemic species or species with economic or cultural value)
4. Effects of climate change on plant and animal phenology (timing of life cycle events and activity)
5. Estimating the potential for ex situ conservation under climate change
6. Estimating the potential for in situ conservation under climate change
7. Estimating ecosystem services provided by natural ecosystems in Israel
8. Effects of different climate change scenarios on ecosystem function
9. Estimating thresholds of different climatic variables (temperature, precipitation, evaporation), which maydestabilize different habitats
10. Consequences of climate change for forest fires
11. Effects of climate change on distribution of allergens by plants and animals
12. Effects of climate change on behavior of pathogens and parasites of plants and animals and ways of dealing with them

6)Name some significant publications related to the effects of climate change in your field (e.g. studies related to Mediterranean regions).


Adaptation to climate change

7)In relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services in the ecosystems you study, is there a need, in your opinion, for adaptation to expected climate change?



Please provide a reason


8)Below is a list of suggested means for reducing the expected damage to biodiversity resulting from climate change. Please estimate the effectiveness of these means in the ecosystem you study, where 1=poor effectiveness, 5=very effective, ?=don't know.

Means for reducing damage to biodiversity / Level of effectiveness / Don't know/comments
1. Active conservation and rehabilitation of natural ecosystems
2. Habitat management for conservation of threatened species
3. Creating buffer zones around conservation areas
4. Creating a network of ecological corridors according to expected climate changes that will enable movement of species to more suitable areas
5. ex situ conservation of species, e.g. in seed banks and in botanical or zoological gene banks
6. Transfer of species from one place to another
7. Monitoring invasion by alien species
8. Adaptation of forest management
9. Improved enforcement of laws that limit damage to open landscapes and natural elements (e.g. limiting spraying of agricultural fields, limiting construction and development)
10. Developing national policies and strategy
11. Founding a center for adaptation to climate change

Others: ______

9)What are the main obstacles to climate change adaptation? Please estimate the importance of the following obstacles, where 1=insignificant, 5=significant.

Obstacle / Importance / Comments
1. Lack of public awareness
2. Lack of resources (man power, finance)
3. Lack of cooperation between different bodies
4. Lack of knowledge about the nature of climate change

10)What is the required time frame for an action plan that will enable adaptation of biodiversity conservation to climate change?

  1. Immediately, and up to 5 years
  2. 5-10 years
  3. 10-20 years
  4. More than 20 years

Expert survey for marine ecosystems

Existing knowledge and knowledge gaps

1)How strong, in your opinion will be the effect of the following climate change scenarios on biodiversity in marine ecosystems?

Rank the strength of the effect of the expected change on a scale of 1-5, where 1=weak effect on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect). Mark ? if you do not know or if you do not have an opinion about a specific effect.

Change / Effect strength / Comments
1. Rise in temperature
2. Decrease in precipitation amount
3. Delay in winter rains and shortening of rainy season
4. Increase in temporal and spatial climatic variability
5. Increase in frequency of floods
6. Increase in frequency of heat waves
7. Increase in storm frequency
8. Change in circulation regimes
9. Rise in UV radiation
10. Rise in sea level
11. Increase in CO2 concentration
12. Combination of all above changes


2)In relation to the ecosystem you study, what, in your opinion will be the most significant effects of climate change on biodiversity?

Rank the strength, on a scale of 1-5, of the effect of the expected changes resulting from climate change, where 1=weak effect on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect, ? = don't know).

Change / Effect strength / Comments
1. Reduction in species' foraging territory due to variation in environmental conditions
2. Variation in interspecific interactions and control by dominant species
3. Competition with invasive species with high competitive ability
4. Changes in life-cycle timing (phenology)
5. Disturbance to interspecific interactions due to disruption of temporal compatibility between species (e.g. species migration and resource availability)
6. Outbreaks of pests, parasites and diseases

Others: ______

3)Rank the level of sensitivity of the following zones to climate change, where 1=resistant, 5=sensitive, ?=don't know.

Zone / Sensitivity / Comments
1. Sandy substrate in the tidal zone
2. Sandy substrate up to 30m depth
3. Sandy substrate beyond 30m depth
4. Rocky substrate in the tidal zone
5. Rocky substrate up to 30 depth
6. Rocky substrate beyond 30m depth
7. Coral reef in the Gulf of Eilat

Reasons ______

4)Are there species/ecosystems/processes that may act as indicators of climate change?


5)In which aspects of climate change effects is scientific knowledge lacking, in your opinion?


6)Name some significant publications related to the effects of climate change in your field. Do you know of any relevant studies that have not been published in the professional literature or anywhere else? ______

Adaptation to climate change

7)In relation to biodiversity and ecosystem services in marine ecosystems, is there a need, in your opinion, for adaptation to expected climate change?



Please provide a reason


8)Below is a list of suggested means for reducing the expected damage to biodiversity in the face of climate change. Please estimate the effectiveness of these means in marine ecosystems, where 1=poor effectiveness, 5=very effective, ?=don't know.

Means for reducing damage to biodiversity / Level of effectiveness / Don't know/comments
1. Active conservation and rehabilitation of natural ecosystems
2. Creation of nature reserves for conservation of threatened species
3. Creating buffer zones around conservation areas
4. ex situ conservation of species, e.g. in seed banks and in botanical or zoological gene banks
5. Transfer of species from one place to another
6. Monitoring invasion by alien species
7. Improved enforcement of laws that limit damage to the marine environment (e.g. limiting fishing, limiting construction and development)
8. Developing national policies and strategy
9. Founding a center for adaptation to climate change

Others: ______

9)What are the main obstacles to climate change adaptation? Please estimate the importance of the following obstacles, where 1=insignificant, 5=significant.

Obstacle / Importance / Comments
1. Lack of public awareness
2. Lack of resources (man power, finance)
3. Lack of cooperation between different bodies
4. Lack of knowledge about the nature of climate change

10)What is the required time frame for an action plan that will enable adaptation of biodiversity conservation to climate change?

  1. Immediately, and up to 5 years
  2. 5-10 years
  3. 10-20 years
  4. More than 20 years

Expert survey for freshwater ecosystems

Existing knowledge and knowledge gaps

1)In relation to the ecosystem you study, how strong, in your opinion, will be the effect of the following climate change scenarios on biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems?

Rank the strength of the effect of the expected change on 1-5, where 1=weak effect on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect). Mark ? if you do not know or if you do not have an opinion about a specific effect.

Change / Effect strength / Comments
1. Rise in temperature
2. Delay in winter rains and shortening of rainy season
3. Increase in frequency of floods
4. Reduction in the size of aquatic habitats
5. Salinity
6. Decrease in oxygen concentration
7. Eutrophication
8. Combination of all above changes

Others: ______

2)In relation to the ecosystem you study, what, in your opinion will be the most significant effects of climate change on biodiversity?

Rank the strength, on a scale of 1-5, of the effect of the expected changes resulting from climate change, where 1=weak effect on biodiversity, and 5=significant effect, ? = don't know).

Change / Effect strength / Comments
1. Reduction in species' foraging territory due to variation in environmental conditions
2. Variation in interspecific interactions and control by dominant species (e.g. Rubus (raspberry) and Phragmites (reeds)along river banks)
3. Competition with invasive species with high competitive ability
4. Disturbance to interspecific interactions due to disruption of temporal compatibility between species (e.g. species migration and resource availability)
5. Outbreaks of pests, parasites and diseases

Others: ______

3)In your opinion, are there any specific freshwater ecosystems with particular sensitivity to climate change (e.g. in a particular geographic area or with particular characteristics)?

4)List the most sensitive groups (species, genera, orders etc.), in your opinion, to the expected impacts of climate change, in descending order of sensitivity:




5)List the most suitable indices for monitoring consequences of climate change on ecosystem function of freshwater ecosystems, in descending order of importance:




6)In which aspects of climate change effects is scientific knowledge lacking, in your opinion?


Adaptation to climate change

7)Assuming that climate change is long-term and unidirectional, is intervention justified when biodiversity is in danger?



Please provide a reason


8)Below is a list of suggested means for reducing the expected damage to biodiversity in the face of climate change. Please estimate the effectiveness of these means in marine ecosystems, where 1=poor effectiveness, 5=very effective, ?=don't know.

Means for reducing damage to biodiversity / Level of effectiveness / Don't know/comments
1. A national policy of saving water, in order to reduce pumping from local aquifers and rivers and from Lake Kinneret
2. Desalination and consequent increased allocation of water to nature
3. Diverting runoff water to vernal pools
4. Regulation of river flow to maintain natural river function
5. Planting trees along river banks to increase shade
6. Management policy for overland runoff and capture of floodwaters
7. Creating a network of ecological corridors according to expected climate changes that will enable movement of species to more suitable areas
8. ex situ conservation of species, e.g. in seed banks and in botanical or zoological gene banks
9. Transfer of species from one place to another
10. Monitoring invasion by alien species
11. Improved enforcement of laws that limit damage to the marine environment (e.g. limiting spraying of agricultural fields, limiting construction and development)
12. Developing national policies and strategy
13. Founding a center for adaptation to climate change

Others: ______

9)What are the main obstacles to climate change adaptation? Please estimate the importance of the following obstacles, where 1=insignificant, 5=significant.

Obstacle / Importance / Comments
1. Lack of public awareness
2. Lack of resources (man power, finance)
3. Lack of cooperation between different bodies
4. Lack of knowledge about the nature of climate change

10)What is the required time frame for an action plan that will enable adaptation of biodiversity conservation to climate change?

  1. Immediately, and up to 5 years
  2. 5-10 years
  3. 10-20 years
  4. More than 20 years